'God Intended It for Good'
1947 年、グレン・チェンバースという名の若いニューヨーク人は、エクアドルで神のために働くという生涯の夢を抱いていました。出発当日、空港で母親に手紙を送りたいと思っていましたが、カードを買う時間がありませんでした。ターミナルの床に落ちている紙切れに気づき、それを拾いました。それは「なぜ?」と大きく書かれた広告でした。彼は「なぜ?」という言葉の周りにメモを走り書きし、それをポストに投函しました。その夜、彼の乗った飛行機はコロンビアの標高 14,000 フィートのエル・タブラソ山頂に激突して爆発しました。彼の死の知らせを受けて母親がメモを受け取ったとき、そのページから彼女の心に疑問が燃え上がりました…「なぜ?」なぜ神はこのような苦しみを許すのか?¹
In 1947, a young New Yorker named Glenn Chambers had a lifelong dream to work for God in Ecuador. At the airport on the day of departure, he wanted to send a note to his mother but he didn’t have time to buy a card. He noticed a piece of paper on the terminal floor and picked it up. It turned out to be an advertisement with ‘*Why*?’ spread across it. He scribbled his note around the word ‘Why?’ and put it in the post box. That night his aeroplane exploded as it hit the 14,000-foot Colombian peak El Tablazo. When his mother received the note after the news of his death the question burned up at her from the page… ‘*Why*?’ *Why* does God allow such suffering?¹
This question is the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith. The amount of suffering and its distribution seem to be random and unfair. It outrages and bewilders us. Theologians and philosophers have wrestled for centuries with the mystery of undeserved suffering, and no one has ever come up with a simple and complete solution.
Today and tomorrow’s passages are only part of the answer, but each of them gives us some insight. We see that although suffering is never good in itself, God is able to use it for good in a number of ways. God loves you. Your suffering is also God’s suffering. He suffers alongside you. Yet he does not always simply remove suffering from your life; he sometimes uses the bad things that happen to bring about his good purposes.
詩篇 15:1-5 ESV
[1] 主よ、あなたの天幕に宿るのはだれでしょう。あなたの聖なる山に住むのはだれでしょう。[2] 潔白に歩み、義を行い、心に真実を語る者。[3] 舌で悪口を言わず、隣人に悪を行わず、友をそしらない者。[4] 卑しい者はその目に軽蔑され、主を畏れる者を敬う者。自分の身に害をなす誓いを立てても、それを変えることはない。[5] 利子を取って金を貸さず、罪のない者に対して賄賂を受け取らない者。これらのことを行う者は決して動かされることはない。
Psalm 15:1-5 ESV
[1] O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? [2] He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; [3] who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; [4] in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; [5] who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
God uses suffering to transform you
Have there been times in your life when, because of circumstances, you have felt shaken? Times when you have lost your bearings and felt tempted to give up?
Today’s psalm reminds us that you need ‘never be shaken’ (v.5), even in times of suffering. David describes the kind of life that God intends you to lead. The guidelines he gives are things you can hold on to during the difficult times:
Act right
Seek to walk blamelessly and to do what is right (v.2a).
Tell the truth
‘… speak the truth’ from your heart (v.2b).
Do not gossip
Let ‘no slander’ come from your tongue (v.3).
Do not hurt your neighbour
Do your ‘neighbours no wrong’ (v.3).
Keep your word
Keep your promises ‘even when it hurts’ (v.4b). This means doing whatever you have committed to do even when it does not suit you (a particular challenge for our generation, when a simple text message can cancel an arrangement at any moment).
Be generous
If you lend money don’t charge excessive interest (v.5a).
Be honest
Never take ‘bribes’ (v.5b).
As our character begins to transform in these ways, difficult circumstances and suffering have less of a destabilising impact upon us. As David notes, ‘Those who do these things will never be shaken’ (v.5c) and you will dwell in the sanctuary of the Lord (v.1a).
As times of suffering lead to character formation, so character formation leads to knowledge of secure hope and experience of God’s love (Romans 5:3–5). Hope and love are the greatest stabilising forces that you can know in the face of suffering and uncertainty.
Lord, thank you that you accept me as I am, but you do not want me to remain that way. Help me to live a holy life. Help me to see the trials and difficulties I face as part of my character formation.
マタイ17:14-20, 22-27 ESV
[14] 彼らが群衆のところに来ると、ある人がイエスに近づき、み前にひざまずいて、[15] 言った、「主よ、私の息子をあわれんでください。発作を起こしてひどく苦しんでいます。何度も火の中に落ち、何度も水の中に落ちているのです。[16] そこで、私はあなたの弟子たちのところに連れて行きましたが、治してあげることができませんでした。」[17] すると、イエスは答えられた、「ああ、信仰のない、曲がった時代よ。いつまで、わたしはあなたがたと一緒にいなければならないのですか。いつまで、あなたがたに我慢しなければならないのですか。彼をここに連れてきなさい。」[18] イエスが悪霊を叱責されると、悪霊は彼から出て行き、その子はたちまち癒された。[19] すると、弟子たちがひそかにイエスのもとに来て言った、「なぜ、私たちは悪霊を追い出せなかったのですか。」[20] イエスは言われた、「あなたがたの信仰が薄いからです。 よく聞きなさい。からし種一粒ほどの信仰があれば、この山にむかって、「ここからあそこに移れ」と言えば、移るであろう。そして、何事もできないことはないであろう。」
[22] 人々がガリラヤに集まっていたとき、イエスは彼らに言われた、「人の子は人々の手に引き渡され、[23] 殺されるであろう。しかし、三日目によみがえるであろう。」 彼らは非常に心を痛めた。 [24] 彼らがカペナウムに着くと、二ドラクマの徴税人たちがペテロのところにきて言った、「あなたがたの先生は、税金を納めないのか。」 [25] 彼は言った、「納めています。」 ペテロが家に入ると、イエスはまず彼に話しかけて言われた、「シモン、あなたはどう思うか。地上の王たちはだれから税金や徴税を取るのか。自分の子からか、それとも、ほかの人からか。」 [26] 彼が「ほかの人から」と言うと、イエスは言われた、「では、子らは自由である。 [27] しかし、彼らを怒らせないように、海に行って釣り針を投げ、最初に釣れた魚を取りなさい。その口を開けると、シェケルが見つかるでしょう。それを取って、私とあなたのために彼らに与えなさい。」
Matthew 17:14-20, 22-27 ESV
[14] And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to him and, kneeling before him, [15] said, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he has seizures and he suffers terribly. For often he falls into the fire, and often into the water. [16] And I brought him to your disciples, and they could not heal him.” [17] And Jesus answered, “O faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him here to me.” [18] And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the boy was healed instantly. [19] Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” [20] He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
[22] As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men, [23] and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.” And they were greatly distressed. [24] When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the tax?” [25] He said, “Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” [26] And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. [27] However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.”
マタイによる福音書 18:1-9 ESV
[1] そのとき、弟子たちがイエスのもとに来て言った、「天国でいちばん偉いのはだれですか。」 [2] イエスは幼子を呼び寄せ、弟子たちの真ん中に立たせて [3] 言われた、「よく聞きなさい。悔い改めて幼子のようになるのでなければ、あなたがたは決して天国に入れません。 [4] この幼子のように自分を低くする者が、天国でいちばん偉いのです。 [5] わたしの名のためにこのような幼子の一人を受け入れる者は、わたしを受け入れるのである。 [6] しかし、わたしを信じるこれらの幼子の一人でも罪を犯させる者は、大きな石臼を首にかけられて海の深みに沈められる方が、その人の益になります。 [7] 罪を犯させる誘惑を受ける世は、わざわいです。誘惑は必ず来ます。しかし、誘惑を与える者はわざわいです。 [8] もしあなたの手や足が罪を犯させるなら、それを切り取って捨てなさい。両手両足がそろって永遠の火に投げ込まれるよりは、片目や足の不自由な状態で命に入るほうがあなたにとってよいのです。 [9] もしあなたの目が罪を犯させるなら、えぐり出して捨てなさい。両目そろって火の地獄に投げ込まれるよりは、片目で命に入るほうがあなたにとってよいのです。
Matthew 18:1-9 ESV
[1] At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” [2] And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them [3] and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. [4] Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. [5] “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, [6] but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. [7] “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! [8] And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. [9] And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.
God used suffering to save you
Jesus came to deal with suffering (17:22–23); ultimately to remove all suffering, through the cross and resurrection.
At the heart of the universe is the suffering of God on the cross: ‘“The Son of Man is about to be betrayed to some people who want nothing to do with God. They will murder him – and three days later he will be raised alive.” The disciples felt terrible’ (vv.22–23, MSG). They did not understand that what human beings (and all the demonic powers) intended for evil, God intended for good – the saving of many lives.
He was able to take the greatest evil ever committed (the killing of the Son of God) and use it for the greatest good (the salvation of humankind).
The healing of the boy with epilepsy (v.18) is a foretaste of a time when there will be no more sickness or suffering. The death and resurrection of Jesus means that no one need ‘be thrown into the fire of hell’ (18:9).
How should you respond?
Have faith
In this passage we see the terrible suffering (17:15, MSG) of a child with sickness and the resulting suffering of a parent. In this particular case, the disciples’ inability to heal came from their lack of faith (although this is not always the case – some people have prayed for healing with enormous faith but without obvious results). Jesus says that if you have even a tiny bit of faith you can move mountains. ‘Nothing will be impossible for you’ (v.20).
Don’t cause unnecessary offence
Jesus explains that though he is exempt from paying the tax for the temple (God’s house) because he is God’s own Son, he makes a miraculous payment for both himself and Peter, ‘So that we may not offend them’ (v.27). Although Jesus was willing to cause offence if necessary, he did not want to cause unnecessary offence.
Humble yourself
Greatness in the kingdom of heaven is not about achievement; it is about humbling yourself like a child (18:4).
Be radical
Jesus calls us to be ruthless in cutting sin out of our lives (vv.7–9).
Lord, thank you that at the heart of the universe is the event where you turned evil into good. I put my trust in you. I depend on you.
Genesis 49:1–50:26
創世記 49:1 新共同訳
[1] ヤコブは息子たちを呼び寄せて言った。 「集まりなさい。わたしは後の日にお前たちに起こることを語っておきたい。
God uses suffering for his good purposes
Whatever evil other people – or even the devil – plan against you, God is able to use for his own good purposes: for your own good and the benefit of others who will be blessed through your life and ministry.
As Jacob came to the end of his life, he blessed his sons. He blessed Judah with victory, prosperity and leadership. Judah was to become the most powerful southern tribe of Israel and, in the person of David, provided the king of the whole nation.
ここにイエスの予兆が見られます。「王笏はユダから離れず、支配者の杖はその足の間から離れない」(49:10)。後に、「ヤコブから星が出て、イスラエルから王笏が上がる」(民数記 24:17)と読むことになります。ヤコブはライオンのイメージを使っています(創世記 49:9)。イエスは「ユダ族のライオン、ダビデの根源」(黙示録 5:5)と表現されています。
We see here a foreshadowing of Jesus: ‘The sceptre will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet’ (49:10). Later on, we will read that ‘A star will come out of Jacob; a sceptre will rise out of Israel’ (Numbers 24:17). Jacob uses the image of the lion (Genesis 49:9). Jesus is described as the ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David’ (Revelation 5:5).
ヤコブは続けてヨセフを祝福しました。「実り豊かなぶどうの木」(創世記 49:22)ヨセフは困難や攻撃を経験しましたが、神はそれをすべて善のために利用されました。ヨセフが成功したのは、神の手が彼の上にあり、悪を祝福に変えたからです(50:20)。
Jacob went on to bless Joseph, ‘a fruitful vine’ (Genesis 49:22). He had been through difficulties and attacks, but God used it all for good. Joseph was successful because God’s hand was upon him and turned the evil into blessing (50:20).
When Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers were worried that Joseph would take revenge for all the wrongs they had done to him (v.15). But Joseph said to them, ‘“Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them’ (vv.19–21).
R.T. ケンドールはこう書いています。「ジョセフにとって、その場での無罪判決は、その瞬間には何かの役に立ったかもしれないが、神の王国にとっては何の役にも立たなかっただろう。私たちが何らかの形で虐待を受けたとき、私たちの苦しみは神の王国全体にとって深く大きな意味を持つことを認識しなければならない。苦しみが続くのには、目に見えない理由がある。尊厳を持って虐待を受けるなら、神があなたの人生に何をなさるかは誰にも分からない。」
R.T. Kendall writes, ‘For Joseph, vindication on the spot might have done something for him in that moment; but it wouldn’t have done anything for the kingdom of God. When we are mistreated in any way, we must realise that our suffering has profound and vast implications for the greater kingdom of God. There are unseen reasons for continued suffering. Who knows what God will do with your life if you take mistreatment with dignity?’
See God’s hand in everything that happens to you – good and bad. See it all with the eyes of faith. Understand it all as part of God’s plan to bring good out of evil (just as he did through Jesus’ death on the cross).
新約聖書の約束は、神があなたに起こるすべてのことを善のために使うということです。あなたが試練、誘惑、苦闘、困難に直面したとき、新約聖書は「神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神はすべてのことを働かせて益として下さる」(ローマ人への手紙 8:28)と保証しています。
The promise of the New Testament is that God will use everything that happens to you for good. As you face trials, temptation, struggles and difficulty, the New Testament assures you that ‘in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose’ (Romans 8:28).
Lord, help me to forgive totally those who have harmed me in any way. Help me to see your hand in everything that happens to me – whether good or bad. Thank you that in all things you are working for the good of those who love you.
マタイ伝 17:20 には、「… からし種ほどの信仰があれば、この山に『ここからあそこに移れ』と命じることができる」とあります
Pippa Adds
In Matthew 17:20, it says, ‘… if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ”Move from here to there…”’
A mustard seed doesn’t sound very much. It must be possible. There are still some big mountains on my prayer list that don’t seem to have moved. This is an encouragement to keep praying, even for the big things.