Smile Station


Lao Fair Trade

2011-11-08 14:45:42 | その他、スマイル情報
Some members from KIF visited Laos in October 2011. That was so quick itinerary to stay only four nights in Vientiane, the capital city. We visited the Lao Handicraft Festival and Houey Hong Vocational Training Centre and some shops. At Houey Hong, we experienced dying with natural plants, indigo.....

it will be wonderful points of Lao fair trade that its objective will be to take over their cultural heritage such as their traditional silk weaving, silkworm rearing, cocooning... all are hand made work.... So sophisticated .... , in addition to the fair trade itself. (Fair Trade is a global market-based social movement that puts higher social and ethical standards on consumer products. )

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Free the Children Japan of Kumamoto photo panel exhibition

2011-11-08 10:48:43 | ENGLISH
Now, the photo exhibition of FTCJ Kumamoto 2011 is held at the Kumamoto City International Center.
The theme is

The tie with love into the pace in smile!




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Human security

2011-11-08 10:34:55 | ENGLISH
To create living status for people to live as human being without fear of disputes, terrorism , environment pollutions, infection, economic crisis and so on. Also enough public service for hygiene, education, health and medication should be secured for all. Further, fundamental infrastructures will be built up.

While, there are happiness and sadness on the earth.... But as human being, the Human security should be secured for all.

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NPO地球と友に歩む会/LIFE の インド ツアー

2011-11-08 10:23:27 | その他、スマイル情報
 国際交流会館の「地球と友に歩む会/LIFE」のBOPビジネス視察インド ツアーの案内が来ていました。

 BOPとは、base of pyramidの略で、社会構造で、下層にあたる人たちのエンパワーメントによるビジネスで、CSRの一つの進化したかたちとも言えるようです。


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