Smile Station


the Charity Music Concert, Christmas Live

2011-12-13 09:17:26 | ENGLISH
Hello, here is from Yagi of KIF.

I would like to email another invitation to the Charity Music Concert, Christmas Live, at the Kumamoto City International Center in the afternoon on Sat. 24 December.

Charity Music Concert, Christmas Live,
for supporting people in the disaster area by the North East Japan earthquake

Theme - Let's deliver our full vigor and energy to support the people in the disaster area by the North East Japan earthquake

Date Sat. 24 December
Place Kumamoto City International Center 2F Lounge


14:00 Door open
Fun Drawing - you may get some presents!
14:30 - 15:30 the first parts ballade melodies
Live with Guitar (The heart)
15:45 - 16:30 Christmas melodies
by the ensemble of Kumamoto Dai 1 high school

Admission free

Please come and share the fantastic time together!

PS Please donate for above charity purpose.
PS Please bring some caps of pet bottles if you have. They will be sent to
get some vaccinations for support of children worldwide

If you have inquiries or questions, please feel free to contact with us.

Phone 096-359-2121 e-mail


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