The essay below (Change “Don’ts into “Dos.”) was published on my web page in July 2004. I would like to put it here in this blog site of mine as my web page was closed in March.
Change “Don'ts” into “Dos.”
How to Solve Environmental Problems
by NAGAI Tsugio
Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious nowadays. Various kinds of pollutions are now threatening the existence of humankind.
NOx contained in exhaust gas from motorcars pollutes the air. Acid rain caused by sulphur dioxide emissions from factories damages forests and lakes. Synthetic detergent we use in washing dishes pollutes water, that is, rivers, lakes, and seas. Chlorofluorocarbon given off from spray cans, used refrigerators and air conditioners destroys the protective ozone layer. Agricultural chemicals can cause cancer and work as EDC (endocrine disrupting chemicals). Carbon dioxide (CO2) from factories and motorcars causes global warming. Plastic bags cause the sea to die because they go down to the seabed and cover it to choke ocean-floor organisms and also sea fish and animals die from eating those bags.
There are many pollutants around us, and so, many people say: Don't use motorcars or gasoline emitting NOx. Don't burn oil containing sulphur. Don't use synthetic detergent. Don't use spray cans with chlorofluorocarbon. Don't use agricultural chemicals. Don't emit carbon dioxide. Don't use any more plastic bags.
There are too many “don'ts” around us, but “don'ts” are much more difficult than “dos.” “Do this or that,” is much easier than “Don't do this or that.” So in order to solve environmental problems we should say, “Do something,” instead of “Don't do something.”
But how should we say “Do” instead of “Don't”? The answer is simple.
If we invent synthetic detergent which improves water pollution, we will be able to make water less polluted as we use the synthetic detergent more. If we invent the kind of aerosol that repairs the ozone layer, the more spray cans with the aerosol we use, the smaller the ozone hole will become. If we invent such fuel as improves air pollution by eliminating NOx and CO2 in the air, the more of that fuel we use, the more air pollution will be improved.
If we invent the above things, we can say, “Do this or do that,” instead of “ Don't do this or don't do that.” I do know the inventions are very difficult, but I believe the way of thinking of ‘do’ instead of ‘don’t’ will help scientists to make necessary inventions. Use this synthetic detergent, drive your car with this fuel more often---"dos" are much easier to carry out than "don'ts." Therefore, we should invent the necessary things for saying dos and change our world into one where dos prevail.
July 2004 Tsugio Nagai
PS: I must correct two points. One is EDC (endocrine disrupting chemicals). Most of the endocrine disrupting chemicals are now found to be almost harmless to human beings. The other is CO2 , which I now think is not the main cause of so-called global warming. Since1880 the average global temperature has increased about 1 °C, which increase is much smaller than pro-global-warming scientists expected.
I am afraid that the accelerating destruction of tropical and temperate rainforests on the earth is one of the main causes of climate change. Trees absorb ground water and emit water vapor into the air. The vapor goes up to become clouds, which fall down as rain to cool down the surface of the earth, becoming ground water. This cycle is a very important cooling system of the earth, which system several countries are destroying on a very large scale by deforestation.
Another cause is “emitting heat into the air.” Today innumerable air conditioners and motorcars in large cities in the world emit a vast amount of heat into the air, and this vast amount of heat emission makes the summers of large cities like Tokyo considerably hotter than those of 40 years ago. However, this is the heat island phenomenon, which is different from so-called “global warming.”
Many people in the world mistake the heat island phenomenon for global warming, which mistaking pro-global-warming scientists take advantage of so as to induce people to believe that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer.
Not a few scientists say that we will get into another little ice age before 2030 owing to the decrease of sunspots. I agree with them. The phenomenon of the present climate change is, I believe, a raging torrent just before the waterfall by the name of “little ice age.” (Added on June 17th 2021)
上に述べたようなものを発明すれば、「これをするな、あれをするな」と言う代りに、「これをせよ、あれをせよ」と言うことが可能となる。もちろん、このような発明は非常に困難であることはよく分かっているが、「~するな」ではなく「~せよ」という思考法は科学者たちが必要な発明をすることに必ず貢献すると考える。この合成洗剤を使うようにせよ、この燃料で車を用いて、もっと運転せよ---「~せよ」は「~するな」よりもはるかに簡単である。それゆえ、私たちは「~せよ」というために必要なものを発明し、世の中を変えて、「~せよ」が優先される世の中にした方がよい。 (2004年7月記)
※[2021年6月27日追記] 都市設計と排熱税 大都市における“ヒートアイランド現象”を止めるためには、「排熱税」のようなものを導入すればよい(“消費税”のような愚かな税は廃止すべき)、というのが私の考えである。ゴミを大量に周囲にまき散らして近隣住民に迷惑をかければ警察に逮捕されるが、現在、大量に大気中に“熱”をまき散らしても逮捕されることはない。平気でエアコンや車などから熱をまき散らしている。この状況を改善することと、東京や大阪などは東京湾や大阪湾からの海風をうまく居住地帯に取り入れて都市を冷やす都市設計が必要であろう。うまく、風が夜間に吹き込めば、クーラーをガンガンまわして排熱を加速する必要もなくなる。道路も雨がしみ込むようにすれば夕立も降るようになり、自然の冷却サイクルが働くようになるのではないだろうか(風をうまく回して街を冷やすためにはビルの高さ制限と道路の整備も必要かもしれない)。
私の上記の考え方、「するな」より「せよ」という形で必要物を発明開発するという考え方は私自身が以前からいだいてものであり1992年頃から周囲の人々や生徒たちに時々言っていたことであるが、私のHPに載せたのは2004年のことであった。 (2009年2月14日追記、2012年12月26日に一部修正)