


2021-04-03 11:46:59 | 心理学


Even the seemingly mildly prudent differentiation between what tends to be right and what tends to be wrong is not enough to be fair. There are many wrong oriented right and right oriented wrong things.

"真の教義と偽の教義を見分けることができない人は、どんな形の秘教的な教えにも適さない" ~マンリー・P・ホール

"仏になるには長い準備が必要である。このことを理解していなければ、汚れた手で神聖な儀式に参加していることになる。" ~カール・ユング ETHレクチャー 13Jan1939, Page 56.


"なぜなら、この分野全体が形而上学的な罠に満ちていて、そこから落ちて、占い師や神智学者、黒魔術師になってしまう可能性があるからだ。" ~カール・ユング『ビジョンズセミナー』72ページ
"...人は自分で検証していない知的知識を学ぶと、自分が知っていると思っていることを実際には知らないことになる。これを「複合的無知」(jahl murakkab)といいます。言い換えれば、彼らはそれを知らず、その無知は、彼らがそれを知らないことを知らないという事実によって、さらに複合的なものとなる。"



~マンリー・P・ホール 学生への手紙。1935年7月 オカルト(隠された)知識の獲得について。

"入門者は、決意を持って「カミソリの刃の道」を旅しなければならない。この困難な道の両側には恐ろしい深淵があります。自我の解消への困難な道には、複雑な通路があり、その根源はまさに本当の道にあります。明らかに、「カミソリの刃の道」からは、どこにも通らない複数の道が分岐しています。あるものは、私たちを奈落の底と絶望に導く。私たちを宇宙のあちらやこちらの領域の威厳に変えてくれる道もあります。しかし、それらは私たちを永遠の普遍的な宇宙の父の懐に戻すことはできません。最も神聖で不可解な外観を持つ魅力的な道がありますが、残念ながら、それらは私たちを地獄の世界の沈没した進化の中に導くだけです。私」を解消する作業では、最内なるキリストに完全に身を捧げる必要があります。時には、解決困難な問題が現れます。突然、道が不可解な迷宮に迷い込み、どこに続いているのかわからなくなります。このような場合、内なるキリストと秘密におられる父への絶対的な従順だけが、賢明に私たちを導くことができます。Razor's Edgeの道は、内側も外側も危険に満ちています」。

"もし誰かが私の間違いを証明し、どんな考えや行動でも私の間違いを示してくれるなら、私は喜んで改めるだろう。私が求めるのは真実であり、それは誰にも害を与えない。害を与えるのは、自分の自己欺瞞と無知に固執することである。" ~マルクス・アウレリウス『瞑想録』。

"A person incapable of discriminating between a true and false doctrine is unfitted for any form of esoteric instruction". ~Manly P. Hall.

“There must be a long preparation to be Buddha, if we do not realise this we are taking part in a holy ceremony with dirty hands.” ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 13Jan1939, Page 56.

“One of the great dangers of transformational work is that the ego attempts to sidestep deep psychological work by leaping into the transcendent too soon. This is because the ego always fancies itself much more ‘advanced’ than it actually is.”
~Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson

"If one studies the occult with the wrong attitude one can get infected, for this whole field is full of metaphysical traps through which one can fall, disappear as into an oubliette, and became the astrologer, the theosophist, or the black magician." ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 72
“…when people learn intellectual knowledge that they have not verified for themselves, they do not in fact know what they think they know. This is called “compound ignorance” (jahl murakkab). In other words, they do not know it, and their ignorance is compounded by the fact that they do not know that they do not know it.”
~William Chittick

"Those who dedicate themselves to the processes of discipline and self improvement set down by the old masters, are preparing themselves to enter the house of wisdom by the proper gate. On the other hand, such foolish mortals as believe they can breathe, chant, intone, psychologize or affirm themselves into a state of all knowing are trying to pick locks for which they have not filed the key." ~Manly P. Hall

“In all things involving the acquirement of knowledge, the Ancient Wisdom says, 'First purify your own life.' This means literally what it says. Until selfishness is removed from the soul of a student he can never hope to gain any knowledge that will serve him for any purpose more lofty than as a mental stimulant. The modern psychological cults overlook this entirely, failing to emphasize any virtue essential for the human nature outside of endless desires for things not normally attainable. Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men.”
~Manly P. Hall, 'What The Ancient Wisdom Expects Of Its Disciples'

The first step in the study of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings is not the quest of knowledge.
It is the preparation of self to receive knowledge. This is where most truth seekers make their first mistake. With their eyes turned towards the heavens, they rush ecstatically towards illumination," only to stumble, like Thales, into the ditch of their own unpreparedness. We know thousands of people who want to be wise but very few of these people seem capable of understanding that before wisdom must come the capacity for wisdom. Illumination is only possible in an organism that has fitted itself for illumination; nor does one so fit himself by hoping, wishing or listening. As an athlete must train himself in order to excel in bodily prowess, so the student of philosophy must put his thoughts, emotions and actions under specialized discipline if he is to develop philosophical strength.
~Manly P. Hall Letter to students. July 1935. On the aquisition of Occult (hidden) Knowledge.

"The initiate must travel, with determination, along the Path of the Razor’s Edge. There are terrifying abysses on either side of this difficult road. On the difficult path to the dissolution of the ego, there are complex passages which have their roots precisely in the real path. Obviously, from the Path of the Razor’s Edge multiple paths diverge which lead nowhere. Some of them take us to the abyss and despair. There are paths which can transform us into the majesties of this or that zone of the universe. However, they can never return us to the bosom of the Eternal Universal Cosmic Father. There are fascinating paths of a most holy, ineffable appearance; unfortunately, they can only lead us into the submerged devolution of the infernal worlds. In the work of the dissolution of the “I,” we need to devote ourselves completely to the Innermost Christ. At times problems appear which are difficult to resolve. Suddenly the path is lost in inexplicable labyrinths and we do not know where it continues. Only absolute obedience to the Innermost Christ and the Father who is in secret can, in such instances, wisely guide us. The Path of the Razor’s Edge is full of danger, both inside and out."
~Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion

From Plato's Republic: "Until the person is able to abstract and define the idea of the Good, and unless he can run the gauntlet of all objections and is ready to disprove them, not with appeals to opinion, but to absolute truth, never faltering at any step of the argument-unless he can do all this, you would say that he knows neither the idea of the Good nor any other good; he apprehends only shadows, if anything at all, which is given by opinion, not science."
“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
