


2021-04-11 00:10:18 | 心理学


The Buddha climbs up you climb down.


"ブッダになるためには長い準備が必要です。このことに気づかなければ、私たちは汚れた手で神聖な儀式に参加していることになります。" ~カール・ユング、ETH講演会131939年1月、56ページ。

 4:3 時を経て、カインは土の実りを主のもとに献げ物として持って来た。
 4:4 アベルは羊の群れの中から肥えた初子を持って来た。主はアベルとその献げ物に目を留められたが、
 4:5 カインとその献げ物には目を留められなかった。カインは激しく怒って顔を伏せた。
 4:6 主はカインに言われた。「どうして怒るのか。どうして顔を伏せるのか。
 4:7 もしお前が正しいのなら、顔を上げられるはずではないか。正しくないなら、罪は戸口で待ち伏せており、お前を求める。お前はそれを支配せねばならない。」

 1:15 清い人には、すべてが清いのです。だが、汚れている者、信じない者には、何一つ清いものはなく、その知性も良心も汚れています。



師匠を超えられない弟子はかわいそうだ。~レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ(Leonardo DaVinci




~マンリー・P・ホール 学生への手紙。1935年7月 オカルト(隠された)知識の獲得について。

“There must be a long preparation to be Buddha, if we do not realise this we are taking part in a holy ceremony with dirty hands.” ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 13Jan1939, Page 56.

Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. ~Leonardo DaVinci

One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

The trouble is, as Ch'uang-tze rightly says, that the old masters failed to enlighten the world, since there weren't minds enough that could be enlightened.
There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.
The great and almost insurmountable difficulty consists in the question of the ways and means to induce people to make the indispensable psychological experiences that open their eyes to the underlying truth.
The truth is one and the same everywhere and I must say that Taoism is one of the most perfect formulations of it I ever became acquainted with.
Sincerely yours,
C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 559-560
"Those who dedicate themselves to the processes of discipline and self improvement set down by the old masters, are preparing themselves to enter the house of wisdom by the proper gate. On the other hand, such foolish mortals as believe they can breathe, chant, intone, psychologize or affirm themselves into a state of all knowing are trying to pick locks for which they have not filed the key." ~Manly P. Hall

“In all things involving the acquirement of knowledge, the Ancient Wisdom says, 'First purify your own life.' This means literally what it says. Until selfishness is removed from the soul of a student he can never hope to gain any knowledge that will serve him for any purpose more lofty than as a mental stimulant. The modern psychological cults overlook this entirely, failing to emphasize any virtue essential for the human nature outside of endless desires for things not normally attainable. Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men.”
~Manly P. Hall, 'What The Ancient Wisdom Expects Of Its Disciples'

The first step in the study of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings is not the quest of knowledge.
It is the preparation of self to receive knowledge. This is where most truth seekers make their first mistake. With their eyes turned towards the heavens, they rush ecstatically towards illumination," only to stumble, like Thales, into the ditch of their own unpreparedness. We know thousands of people who want to be wise but very few of these people seem capable of understanding that before wisdom must come the capacity for wisdom. Illumination is only possible in an organism that has fitted itself for illumination; nor does one so fit himself by hoping, wishing or listening. As an athlete must train himself in order to excel in bodily prowess, so the student of philosophy must put his thoughts, emotions and actions under specialized discipline if he is to develop philosophical strength.
~Manly P. Hall Letter to students. July 1935. On the aquisition of Occult (hidden) Knowledge.
