


2021-05-27 20:40:01 | 心理学

1. 1. 自我と、神や天使、何らかの優れた存在として表される大いなる人格との間に出会いがある。
2. 2. この出会いの結果、自我に傷や苦しみが生じる。
3. その苦しみにもかかわらず、自我はその試練に耐え、その経験の意味を求めて吟味することに固執する。
4. その忍耐の結果として、神の啓示があり、それによって自我はトランスパーソナルなサイケについての何らかの洞察によって報われる。
エドワード・エジンガー - 大いなる個性との出会い




理想的な観念で意識を満たすことは西洋神智学の特徴であるが、影や闇の世界との対決ではない。光の姿を想像することで悟りを開くのではなく、闇を意識化することで悟りを開くのである。~カール・ユング『哲学の木』CW13「アルケミック・スタディーズ」 P.335 P.335

This danger refers to the wounding effect that the Self has on the Ego on first encounter. At the worst, the meeting of Ego and Self can set off an overt psychosis, even at best the Ego’s first decisive meeting with the Self can bring on a painful humiliation and a demoralizing sense of defeat. As Jung puts it in another place, “The experience of the Self is always a defeat for the Ego.”
This experience of wound or defeat is part of what I have spoken of as the Job Archetype. I use that because the story of Job is a particularly apt example of the pattern. The chief features of this pattern are four, and this is going to be the subject of my talk tonight, to give you examples of this pattern, so get these four features:
1. There is an Encounter between the Ego and the Greater Personality, represented as god, angel or superior being of some kind;
2. There is a wound or a suffering of the Ego as a result of this encounter;
3. In spite of the pain, the Ego perseveres and endures the ordeal, and persists in scrutinizing the experience in search of its meaning; and
4. As a consequence of that perseverance, there is Divine Revelation, by which the Ego is rewarded by some insight into the transpersonal Psyche.
So to repeat the four: There’s an encounter; there’s a wounding; there’s perseverance; and there’s revelation.
I’m going to talk about four examples of this theme. The examples vary. Each example emphasizes one particular aspect, and by taking them all together you get a broader picture of the nature of the phenomenon. But each individual who has this experience has it uniquely. So his experience will not be exactly Job’s, it will not be exactly Paul's, it will not be exactly Arjuna’s, it will not be exactly the Apostle Paul’s, and it will not be exactly Nietzsche’s, but having familiarity with various examples of the species will help you when you encounter it for yourself.
I’m going to talk about 4 tonight, but there are more than that. Quite a list could be culled out of the cultural history of man, but just to give you a brief list here are a few: Jacob and the angel of Yahweh, which I shall talk about; Arjuna’s encounter with Krishna, which I will talk about; Paul’s encounter with Christ; Moses in the Koran’s Al Khidr, which you can find in the 18th Sura of the Koran; Faust’s encounter with Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust; Captain Ahab’s encounter with Moby Dick, in Melville’s work; Nietzche’s encounter with Zarathustra, which I shall talk about; and finally the closest to us of all, Jung’s encounter with Philemon, in his confrontation with the unconscious. I shall confine myself to four: Jacob, Arjuna, Paul, and Nietzsche.
In making this kind of overview, you must forgive the summary way in which I treat each example. It’s really unfair to treat each so briefly, such profound episodes in the cultural history of the human race, but my justification for it is to give you a sense of the Archetype, and I don’t know any better way than to present you briefly with individual examples of the Archetype. That can give you a sense of the underlying general symbolic image that operates within individual variations.
"Encounters with the Greater Personality" Lecture by Edward Edinger.
Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality


The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318

"[The] sun motif appears in many places and times and the meaning is always the same - that a new consciousness has been born. It is the light of illumination which is projected into space. This is a psychological event; the term "hallucination" makes no sense in psychology."
~CG Jung, ETH, p.231.

Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung; The Philosophical Tree; CW 13: Alchemical Studies. P.335







"自己やキリストは誰の中にも先験的に存在するが、原則として最初は無意識の状態である。しかし、この事実が意識されるようになるのは、その後の人生での明確な経験である......それは起こったときにのみ現実であり、あなたが外側の歴史的または形而上学的なキリストからの投影を撤回し、それによって内なるキリストを目覚めさせたときにのみ起こりうるのである。~CGユング, CW:18:par.1638.

自分自身がキリストであることが、キリストへの真の追従である。~カール・ユング、Liber Novus、脚注233、254ページ。

このようにして私が真にキリストに倣うならば、私は誰にも倣わず、自分の道を歩むことになり、また私はもはや自分をキリスト教徒とは呼ばないだろう。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』293ページ。

人間が英雄を通して救済されるのではなく、自分自身がキリストになるということは、この神秘に属している。聖人たちの先行例は、このことを象徴的に教えてくれるのである。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』253ページ。


誰もがキリストの道を免れることはできない、なぜならこの道は来るべきものにつながるからだ。君たちは皆、キリストになるべきだ。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』235ページ。

私も自分の存在を他に求めているのだから、私はキリストにならなければならない。キリストにされた私は、それを苦しまなければならない。こうして、贖罪の血が流れる。~カール・ユング、Liber Novus、254ページ。







Paracelsus says that man has a mind in order that he may understand the truths which are made known in the Gospel, and only for this purpose. But on the other hand man has also a "lumen naturae" (a natural light), a source of knowledge hidden in nature, from which he can draw enlightenment. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture V. Page 162.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Pages 265-266


“The Self or Christ is present in everybody a priori, but as a rule in an unconscious condition to begin with. But it is a definite experience of later life, when this fact becomes conscious...It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.” ~CG Jung, CW:18:par.1638.

To be Christ oneself is the true following of Christ. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Footnote 233, Page 254.

If I thus truly imitate Christ, I do not imitate anyone, I emulate no one, but go my own way, and I will also no longer call myself a Christian. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 293.

It belongs to this mystery that man is not redeemed through the hero, but becomes a Christ himself. The antecedent example of the saints symbolically teaches us this. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 253.

One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

No one can be spared the way of Christ, since this way leads to what is to come. You should all become Christs. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 235.

Because I also want my being other, I must become a Christ. I am made into Christ, I must suffer it. Thus the redeeming blood flows. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 254.

We should not bear Christ as he is unbearable, but we should be Christs, for then our yoke is sweet and our burden easy. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 283.

Is there anyone among you who believes he can be spared the way? Can he swindle his way past the pain of Christ? I say: "Such a one deceives himself to his own detriment. He beds down on thorns and fire. No one can be spared the way of Christ, since this way leads to what is to come. You should all become Christs. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 235.

As Goethe said, “As long as you do not know how to die and come to life again, you are but a sorry traveler on this dark earth.” ~Alan Watts

"You treat psychology cavalierly and do not notice how very much you misunderstand it. My aim was therefore to give you a fairer conception of my psychology. This is evidently not possible, as I must admit to my regret. It is really not easy to talk with theologians : they don't listen to the other person (who is wrong from the start) but only to themselves (and call this the Word of God) . Perhaps this comes from their having to preach down from the pulpit, with nobody allowed to answer back. This attitude, which I met practically everywhere, has shooed me out of the Church like so many others."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Pastor Dorothee Hoch, April 1953

'I began to see that the story of Christ could be understood as a process that takes place within each and every one of us – an inner journey. Read in this way, we can see that Christ is constantly being immaculately conceived and born, is confounding the elders, teaching, being betrayed, being crucified, dying, resurrecting, and is making an ascension. All of these are occurring in every moment; they are mystical facts that exist outside of time. When I began to understand this, Christianity became possible for me again.” ~Robert A. Johnson


"幸福とは仮面を剥がされた悲しみである」-カリル・ジブラン(Kahlil Gibran)。

- リチャード・オブ・セント・ヴィクター(アウグスティヌス修道士)(1175年没



"Happiness is sadness unmasked" - Kahlil Gibran
Jung got this quote from Nietzsche most likely, who got it from the pre-platonic era of greek philosophy.

What it means, is to know and understand the meaning of hardship without recognizing it as suffering.
To know that a baptism of fire is a gift. Mostly the understanding and wonder of it all comes retrospectively, but in the refining process of extended experience, one welcomes the ecstasy and view from the treetops.
"The first thing is that you should know the invisibility of your mind, before you can become capable of the knowledge of the invisible God."
- Richard of St.Victor, Augustine Monk (d.1175)

John Cardinelli


"だから、もし私が言葉の網にかかったら、私は最大のものと最小のものの餌食になる。私は海に翻弄され、永遠に場所を変える無秩序な波に翻弄される。彼らの本質は動きであり、動きが彼らの秩序である。波に抗して努力する者は、恣意にさらされる。人の仕事は安定しているが、混沌の上を泳いでいる。人の努力は、海から来た者には狂気のように見える。しかし、人は彼を狂人とみなす。海から来た者は病んでいる 人の視線に耐えられないのだ 彼には皆、眠りを誘う毒に酔って愚かになっているように見えるからだ。彼らはあなたを助けようとしていますが、助けを受け入れることについては、確かに、あなたは彼らの仲間に入り込んで、混沌を見たことがない人のように完全になってしまうよりは、そのようなことは避けたいと思っていますが、口先だけです。


“So if I fall prey to the web of words, I fall prey to the greatest and the smallest. I am at the mercy of the sea, of the inchoate waves that are forever changing place. Their essence is movement and movement is their order. He who strives against waves is exposed to the arbitrary. The work of men is steady but it swims upon chaos. The striving of men seems like lunacy to him who comes from the sea. But men consider him mad. He who comes from the sea is sick He can hardly bear the gaze of men. For to him they all seem to be drunk and foolish from sleep-inducing poisons. They want to come to your rescue, and as for accepting help, for sure you would like less of that, rather than swindling your way into their company and being completely like one who has never seen the chaos but only talks about it.
But for him who has seen the chaos, there is no more hiding, because he knows that the bottom sways and knows what this swaying means. He has seen the order and the disorder of the endless, he knows the unlawful laws. He knows the sea and can never forget it. The chaos is terrible: days full of lead, nights full of horror.
But just as Christ knew that he was the way, the truth, and the life, in that the new torment and the renewed salvation came into the world through him, I know that chaos must come over men, and that the hands of those who unknowingly and unsuspectingly break through the thin walls that separate us from the sea are busy. For this is our way, our truth, and our life. Just as the disciples of Christ recognized that God had become flesh and lived among them as a man, we now recognize that the anointed of this time is a God who does not appear in the flesh; he is no man and yet is a son of man, but in spirit and not in flesh; hence he can be born only through the spirit of men as the conceiving womb of the God. What is done to this God you do to the lowest in yourself under the law of love according to which nothing is cast out. For how else should your lowest be saved from depravity? Who should accept the lowest in you, if you do not? But he who does it not from love but from pride, selfishness, and greed, is damned. None of the damnation is cast out either.
If you accept the lowest in you, suffering is unavoidable, since you do the base thing and build up what lay in ruin. There are many graves and corpses in us, an evil stench of decomposition. Just as Christ through the torment· of sanctification subjugated the flesh, so the God of this time through the torment of sanctification will subjugate the spirit. Just as Christ tormented the flesh through the spirit, the God of this time will torment the spirit through the flesh. For our spirit has become an impertinent whore, a slave to words created by men and no longer the divine word itself.
The lowest in you is the source of mercy: We take this sickness upon ourselves, the inability to find peace, the baseness, and the contemptibility so that the God can be healed and radiantly ascend, purged of the decomposition of death and the mud of the underworld. The despicable prisoner will ascend to his salvation shining and wholly healed.
Is there a suffering that would be too great to want to undergo for our God? You only see the one, and do not notice the other. But when there is one, so there is also another and that is the lowest in you. But the lowest in you is also the eye of the evil that stares at you and looks at you coldly and sucks your light down into the dark abyss. Bless the hand that keeps you up there, the smallest humanity; the lowest living thing. Quite a few would prefer death. Since Christ imposed bloody sacrifice on humanity; the renewed God will also not spare bloodshed.”
~Carl Jung, Red Book, Pages 299-300


All strong souls first go to hell before they do the healing of the world they came here for. If we are lucky, we return to help those still trapped below.

