


2021-08-11 12:14:11 | 心理学



I don't know who needs to hear this, but automatically believing the exact opposite of what authorities say isn't "thinking for


Irrelevant Authority(無関係な権威)とRelevant Authority(関連性のある権威)の違いに注意してください。

Appeal to Irrelevant Authority Fallacy(無関係な権威に訴える誤り 権威へのアピールは、謙虚さへのアピール [Engel] であり、つまり、他の人の方がより知識があるという気持ちへのアピールです。これは人間にとって快適で自然な傾向ではありますが、このようなアピールは、どの物事が真実でどれが虚偽であるかを教えてくれるものではありません。すべての権威へのアピールは、遺伝的誤謬の一種です。専門家は、絶対的な真実を生み出す性質を持っていません。真実とそうでないものを判断するには、証拠と理性に頼らなければなりません。



"権威としての真実ではなく、真実としての権威を手にした人々は、難しいと感じているに違いない。" ~ジェラルド・マッシー


Lets do a lab experiment.
Two people are the “lab rats”.
Person X lives their life going along completely with everything the (government) authorities tells them to do.
Person Y lives their life going against everything the (government) authorities tells them to do.
What are the results?

Appeal to authority is a common type of fallacy, or an argument based on unsound logic. When writers or speakers use appeal to authority, they are claiming that something must be true because it is believed by someone who said to be an "authority" on the subject.
Please note the difference between Irrelevant Authority and Relevant Authority:

Appeal to Irrelevant Authority Fallacy An appeal to authority is an appeal to one's sense of modesty [Engel], which is to say, an appeal to the feeling that others are more knowledgeable. While this is a comfortable and natural tendency for humans, such appeals cannot tell us which things are true and which are false. All appeals to authority are a type of genetic fallacy. Experts do not have the characteristic of producing absolute truth. To determine truth from untruth we must rely on evidence and reason.

However, appeals to relevant authority can tell us which things are likely to be true. This is the means by which we form beliefs. The overwhelming majority of the things that we believe in, such as atoms and the solar system, are on reliable authority, as are all historical statements, to paraphrase C. S. Lewis:
“It is fallacious to form a belief when the appeal is to an authority who is not an expert on the issue at hand. A similar appeal worth noting is the appeal to vague authority, where an idea is attributed to a vague collective. For example, Professors in Germany showed such and such to be true. Another type of appeal to irrelevant authority is the appeal to ancient wisdom, where something is assumed to be true just because it was believed to be true some time ago. For example, Astrology was practiced by technologically advanced civilizations such as the Ancient Chinese. Therefore, it must be true. One might also appeal to ancient wisdom to support things that are idiosyncratic, or that may change with time. Such appeals need to weigh the evidence that is available to us in the present.”
Appeal to Authority

"They must find it difficult...those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority." ~Gerald Massey
As a rule, however, the individual is so unconscious that he altogether fails to see his own potentialities for decision. Instead he is constantly and anxiously looking around for external rules and regulations which can guide him in his perplexity. Aside from the general human inadequacy, a good deal of the blame for this rests with education, which promulgates the old generalizations and says nothing about secrets of private experience. Thus, every effort is made to teach idealistic beliefs or conduct which people know in their hearts they can never live up to, and such ideals are preached by officials who know that they themselves have never lived up to these high standards and never will. What is more, nobody ever questions the value of this kind of teaching.
