ミダスとメデューサ: 非常に短い出来事
If Midas were to shake hands with Medusa at the same moment she looked him in the eyes, the mythological combination of their powers would likely result in a rather unfortunate and bizarre scenario.
Midas, according to the myth, had the ability to turn anything he touched into gold. Meanwhile, Medusa possessed the power to turn anyone who looked into her eyes into stone.
In this hypothetical situation, if Medusa were to look into Midas' eyes while they were shaking hands, it could be interpreted that both of their powers would be activated simultaneously. This could lead to a perplexing outcome where Midas might turn to gold while Medusa might turn to stone, or some other unexpected result.
Deadlock. デッドロック。
Stalemate. 手詰まり。
Perpetual Pas de Deux 永久パ・ド・ドゥ(踊り)
Mutually Assured Solidification 相互に確実な固化
Very cool sculpture とてもクールな彫刻
Persona en Granitus ペルソナ 花崗岩ではない。
In Greek mythology, the story of King Midas and his power to turn everything he touched into gold is a well-known tale. The myth of King Midas and the Golden Touch is attributed to the ancient Greek poet Ovid and is featured in his work called "Metamorphoses."
According to the myth, Midas was the king of Phrygia, a region in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). Midas was known for his wealth and opulence, but he was also known for his love of gold. One day, Midas helped a drunken satyr named Silenus, who was a follower of the god Dionysus. In gratitude, Dionysus granted Midas a wish and offered to fulfill any desire he had.
Midas, being obsessed with wealth, wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus cautioned Midas about the potential consequences of such a wish, but Midas insisted. Reluctantly, Dionysus granted the wish, and Midas obtained the power of the "Golden Touch."
Initially, Midas was thrilled with his newfound ability as he could turn any object into solid gold with a mere touch. However, he soon discovered the downside of his wish. Midas realized that not only did his power turn inanimate objects into gold, but it also affected living things, including plants and animals.
The turning point in the story came when Midas accidentally turned his beloved daughter into a golden statue when he embraced her. Overwhelmed with grief and regret, Midas realized the folly of his wish and begged Dionysus to remove the power. Dionysus instructed Midas to bathe in the River Pactolus to cleanse himself of the golden touch.
Midas followed Dionysus' instructions, and upon bathing in the river, the power was lifted from him. The river's waters were said to carry traces of gold, which is why the Pactolus River was known for its gold deposits in mythology.
The story of King Midas and the Golden Touch serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the unintended consequences of one's desires.