


2023-12-16 15:30:18 | スピリチュアル・精神世界
there is no coming to consciousness without pain. ~Carl Jung, Contributions to Analytical Psychology, P. 193
痛みなくして意識を取り戻すことはない。 ~カール・ユング、分析心理学への貢献、P. 193


2023-12-16 12:09:44 | スピリチュアル・精神世界

間違った行為と正しい行為という概念を超えた領域があります。 そこで会いましょう。 魂がその草の中に横たわっているとき、世界は話すことができないほどいっぱいです。 考え方も、言葉も、「お互い」という言葉すら意味がありません。

平和な心 平和な生活
Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other' doesn't make any sense.
~ Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life
Self-care is also not arguing with people who are committed to misunderstanding you.







質問: 完全な個性化によって対立はなくなるのでしょうか?
DR. JUNG: それは完全に行き詰まってしまうということですね。 逆に、個性化とは、対立を強く意識することを意味します。 あなたが生きている限り、争いから救われることは決してありません。そうでなければ、死ぬ前に死んでしまうでしょう。 矛盾を取り除くことはできません。 削除されているように見える場合、それは想像上のものです。 人が生きている限り、葛藤は必ず存在します。 それは絶対に必要不可欠です。 しかし、それにどう対処するか、それが問題です。あなたがその葛藤に打ちのめされるか、その中に溺れるか、葛藤のどちらかの側に自分を重ねてしまうのか。 個性化とは、単に混乱の中で自分の居場所を見つけることを意味します。 あなたは葛藤の真っ只中に自分を置き続けます。 あなたは紛争の中にいますが、その上にいます。」
〜CG ユング。 個性化プロセスの夢のシンボル。 1936 年、メイン州ベイリー島で開催されたセミナー。35 ページ。

「すべての対立物は神から出たものであるため、人間はこの重荷に屈しなければなりません。そしてそうすることで...人間は神の葛藤で満たされた器となります。」 ~カール・ユング、CW 7

解決できない葛藤に直面したときにのみ、あなたは自己について、そして自己がどう機能するのかを知ることができます。 創造的な解決策が絶対に必要な状況でのみ、自分自身の中にその根源を体験することができます。 だから常に不可能が必要なのです。 ~CG Jung、Visions、p. 1275

〜J. クリシュナムルティ、『生きることについての解説』シリーズ 1、第 49 章。

「自分の存在の中で対立するものが衝突し、どちらも他方に譲らないとき(藪は燃え尽きず、火は止まらない)、あなたは神が臨在していると確信することができます。 私たちはこの経験をひどく嫌い、どんな犠牲を払ってでも避けます。 しかし、もし私たちがそれに耐えることができれば、解決策のない葛藤は神の直接の経験となるのです。」

Arguing can be fun for the unattached who keep smiling.


A discussion is more to rhe point.

Discussions lack the necessary heat


Discussions can be heated too and are more likely to lead the parties to a conclusion rather than a breakdown.

Question: Does complete individuation do away with conflicts?
DR. JUNG: That would mean you would come to a complete standstill. Individuation, on the contrary, means intense consciousness of conflict. You never will be saved from conflict as long as you live, otherwise you would be dead before you die. Conflict cannot be removed. If it seems to be removed, that is imaginary. Conflict must be, if one lives at all. It is absolutely indispensable. But the way you deal with it, that is the question – whether you are overcome by the conflict, whether you get drowned in it, whether you get identified with one or other side of the conflict. Individuation simply means you find your place amidst the turmoil; you keep yourself in the midst of the conflict; you are in the conflict yet above it."
~C.G. Jung. Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process. Seminar held at Bailey Island, Maine, 1936. p 35.

"All opposites are of God, thereby man must bend to this burden; and in so doing ... He becomes a vessel filled with divine conflict." ~Carl Jung, CW 7

Only when you are confronted with an insoluble conflict do you know something about the Self and how the Self operates; only in a situation where you are absolutely in need of a creative solution will you experience the source within yourself; so it always needs the impossible. ~CG Jung, Visions, p. 1275

Conflict is the very structure of the Self.
~J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living, Series 1, Chapter 49.

“Whenever you have a clash of opposites in your being and neither will give way to the other (the bush will not be consumed and the fire will not stop), you can be certain that God is present. We dislike this experience intensely and avoid it at any cost; but if we can endure it, the conflict-without-resolution is a direct experience of God.”
~Robert A. Johnson, Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche.



2023-12-16 09:01:32 | スピリチュアル・精神世界

"The alchemical operations were real, only this reality was not physical but psychological."
Carl Jung
www.ampuotes.com Artist: Fredrick Muller
www.ampuotes.com アーティスト: フレドリック・ミュラー

私は常にその中間にあるもの、遠隔地と現在の瞬間を結び付けるものを探していました。そして驚いたことに、それが錬金術であることに気づきました。 それは私たちの現代的な物事の認識方法の基礎であり、したがってそれはあたかも意識の敷居のすぐ下にあるかのようです。元型の発展、つまり元型の動きを上から見たときにどのように見えるかというこの素晴らしい図を見ると、おそらく今日から過去を振り返ると、現在の瞬間が過去からどのように進化してきたかがわかります。 昨日がどうだったかを知っているとき、私たちの無意識を構築したり、予測したりすることさえできます。

「私の人生を導くこのことを手助けできるような気がします。実際にやっているわけではありませんが、何らかの方法で助けることはできます。そしてそれはおそらくユングが私の中に呼び起こしたものです。あなたの良いアイデアは生まれません。」 自分の意志で、それは自分にやってくる、覚悟を決めて、それだけだと思う、ある程度の興味を持たないといけない、それは自分自身に困難があるときでもある、興味を持たなければいけない、得なければならない 答えはどこかから来ますが、自分で作り出すことはできませんし、計算することもできません。少なくとも重要なことのほとんどはどこかから来て、残りはある種のテクニックやルーチンなどによって後から解決できます。 しかし、ルーチン通りにすべてを行うことはできません。

ユングが錬金術について話しているのを聞いたとき、それは私にとって啓示のようなものでした。なぜなら、錬金術はこれらすべての科学的研究の基礎にある宗教的な考えだからです。 あなたが化学を始めるエネルギーは、本当の合理的なものではなく、どこかから来るものであり、それは感情的なものです。」
- タデウス・ライヒシュタイン博士、ノーベル賞受賞者、化学。
映画「Matter Of Heart」より タイムスタンプ 1 時間 18 分 10 秒
I was always looking for something in between, you know, something that links the remote pass with the present moment and I found to my amazement, it is alchemy. It is the basis of our Modern Way of perceiving things and therefore it is as if it were right under the threshold of consciousness. This wonderful picture of how the development of archetypes, that means the movement of archetypes look when you look upon them from above, maybe from today you look back into the past and you see how the present moment has evolved out of the past and we can construct or even predict the unconscious of our days when we know what it has been yesterday.
-Carl Jung, Matter Of Heart

"I have the feeling I am able to help this thing which guides my life. I am not doing it, but I can help it in some way. And that's something that which probably Jung has invoked in me. Your good ideas are not produced by your own will, it comes to you. You must make yourself ready, I think that's all, and you must have a certain amount of interest. And that's also when you have a difficulty in yourself, you must be interested, you must get the answers from somewhere, you can't produce it yourself, you can't calculate it. At least most of the important thing comes from somewhere, the rest you can then afterwards work out by a kind of technique or routine and so on, but you can't do everything by routine.

When I heard Jung talking about alchemy it was like a revelation for me because they are religious ideas which are on the foundation of all these scientific works. The energy that you start to do chemistry with comes from somewhere which is not a real rational thing, it's an emotional thing."
- Dr. Taddeus Reichstein, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry.
From the movie "Matter Of Heart" timestamp 1h 18m 10s

ユング心理学と錬金術: 個性化の錬金術のイメージを探す
by エドワード・エディンジャー(著)
「結合」とは、錬金術の最終段階であり、相反するものが最終的に調和することである。 「個性化」のプロセスと密接に関連する意識の創造は、ユングの最後の主要著作権である『結合の神秘』の主題にもなっている。概念の両方を、豊富な図版を使った二つの講義でわかりやすく解説する。

エドワード・エディンジャー (著)/ユング心理学と錬金術: 個性化の錬金術的イメージを探る

ミダス王と彼が触れたものすべてを黄金に変える。メデューサは (石に変える。)

2023-12-16 07:42:16 | スピリチュアル・精神世界
ミダスとメデューサ: 非常に短い出来事

If Midas were to shake hands with Medusa at the same moment she looked him in the eyes, the mythological combination of their powers would likely result in a rather unfortunate and bizarre scenario.
Midas, according to the myth, had the ability to turn anything he touched into gold. Meanwhile, Medusa possessed the power to turn anyone who looked into her eyes into stone.
In this hypothetical situation, if Medusa were to look into Midas' eyes while they were shaking hands, it could be interpreted that both of their powers would be activated simultaneously. This could lead to a perplexing outcome where Midas might turn to gold while Medusa might turn to stone, or some other unexpected result.

Deadlock. デッドロック。

Stalemate. 手詰まり。

Perpetual Pas de Deux  永久パ・ド・ドゥ(踊り)

Mutually Assured Solidification  相互に確実な固化

Very cool sculpture  とてもクールな彫刻

Persona en Granitus  ペルソナ 花崗岩ではない。








In Greek mythology, the story of King Midas and his power to turn everything he touched into gold is a well-known tale. The myth of King Midas and the Golden Touch is attributed to the ancient Greek poet Ovid and is featured in his work called "Metamorphoses."

According to the myth, Midas was the king of Phrygia, a region in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). Midas was known for his wealth and opulence, but he was also known for his love of gold. One day, Midas helped a drunken satyr named Silenus, who was a follower of the god Dionysus. In gratitude, Dionysus granted Midas a wish and offered to fulfill any desire he had.

Midas, being obsessed with wealth, wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus cautioned Midas about the potential consequences of such a wish, but Midas insisted. Reluctantly, Dionysus granted the wish, and Midas obtained the power of the "Golden Touch."

Initially, Midas was thrilled with his newfound ability as he could turn any object into solid gold with a mere touch. However, he soon discovered the downside of his wish. Midas realized that not only did his power turn inanimate objects into gold, but it also affected living things, including plants and animals.

The turning point in the story came when Midas accidentally turned his beloved daughter into a golden statue when he embraced her. Overwhelmed with grief and regret, Midas realized the folly of his wish and begged Dionysus to remove the power. Dionysus instructed Midas to bathe in the River Pactolus to cleanse himself of the golden touch.

Midas followed Dionysus' instructions, and upon bathing in the river, the power was lifted from him. The river's waters were said to carry traces of gold, which is why the Pactolus River was known for its gold deposits in mythology.

The story of King Midas and the Golden Touch serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the unintended consequences of one's desires.

私は、私が説明できないすべてのものを詐欺と見なすというファッショナブルな愚かさを犯しません。- Carl Jung

2023-12-16 06:57:19 | スピリチュアル・精神世界

私は、私が説明できないすべてのものを詐欺と見なすというファッショナブルな愚かさを犯しません。- Carl Jung
“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud.” - Carl Jung


この紛争においては、道徳的基準をゴミの山に投げ捨てたり、既知のパターンに倣って新たなタブレットを設置したりすることは、まったく役に立ちません。 なぜなら、過去と同様、将来も、私たちが世界をひっくり返すかどうかに関係なく、私たちが行ったり、考えたり、意図した間違ったことは、私たちの魂に復讐をもたらすからです。

〜カール・ユング; CW 11、心理学と宗教、179 ~ 180 ページ。  
But since, in this world, an evil is joined to every good, the avrlfiLfiov irveviia will twist the indwelling of the Paraclete into a self-deification of man, thereby causing an inflation of self-importance of which we had a foretaste in the case of Nietzsche.
The more unconscious we are of the religious problem in the future, the greater the danger of our putting the divine germ within us to some ridiculous or demoniacal use, puffing ourselves up with it instead of remaining conscious that we are no more than the Stable in which the Lord is born.

Even on the highest peak we shall never be "beyond good and evil," and the more we experience of their in- extricable entanglement the more uncertain and confused will our moral judgment be.
In this conflict, it will not help us in the least to throw the moral criterion on the rubbish heap and to set up new tablets after known patterns; for, as in the past, so in the future the wrong we have done, thought, or intended will wreak its vengeance on our souls, no matter whether we turn the world upside down or not.

Our knowledge of good and evil has dwindled with our mounting knowledge and experience, and will dwindle still more in the future, without our being able to escape the demands of ethics.
In this utmost uncertainty we need the illumination of a holy and whole-making spirit—a spirit that can be anything rather than our reason.”
~Carl Jung; CW 11, Psychology and Religion, Pages 179 – 180.