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エレママ ファンタスティック・クリスマス 海遊館でデートしましょ

2010年12月17日 | 日記


海遊館の情報はこちらをクリック【海遊館 イルミネーションファンタジー】世界最大級の水族館 【海遊館 イルミネーションファンタジー】世界最大級の水族館







さぁ、今からマリアと海遊館デートに行きましょっ! Let's go, shall we?

    メイン水槽 ジンベイザメ、マンタなど100種類以上の生き物がこの水槽の中にいるの

  見て見て~ サンタダイバー発見!! お会いしたかったわ~ 手を振るマリアに答えてくれるようにVサイン
      ひらひらマンタ~ 可愛いっ
    無心に泳ぐ海ガメ 長女ノアと息子リントのお気に入り
    日本海溝 深海にはこんな高足ガニが生息しているんですって!


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 女磨きへにほんブログ村にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへにほんブログ村



12月16日(木)のつぶやき Is there a Santa Claus?

2010年12月17日 | 日記
22:59 from web
It was icy.
I felt water was too cold.
23:07 from web
X'mas is just aound the corner.
I wish we had snow.
yes...I'm dreaming of a white X'mas.
23:16 from web
Do you know Virginia's letter to a editor of The Sun ?
She asked him if there was a Santa Claus.
23:19 from web
Frank Church replied her and it appeared in the newspaper in 1897.
His answer was perfect !!
23:30 from web
Yes , Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
He exsists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist,....(Frank Church)
23:32 from web
No Santa Claus ! Thank God he lives, and he lives forever.(Frank Church)
Still I want to believe Santa Claus !!
23:43 from web
Most of important things such as love are invisible.
I want to remember it all the time.
23:43 from web
Oh, my hubby has come back.
Well , that's for now.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月16日 | 日記
01:45 from goo
エレママ 緑内障とお目々パッチリ・目ヂカラの不思議な関係 #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/8bc33ae6127b21d0c2eb1d43dd355347
22:46 from web
It was very cold day.
I was freezing to death.
22:54 from web
I have had cough for two weeks.
During the day time, I'm OK, but in the evening my cough become hard.
22:56 from web
I think I should better to see a doctor again.
23:03 from web
When my condition is not well, I tend to think negatively.
Oh, no....it's not like me !!
23:04 from web
Sound mind, sound body.
23:30 from web
It's important to go to bed early and get enough sleep.
I know I should do it. That conduct to good health.
23:32 from web
As it has become suddenly cold, my body seemed not to catch up with this weather.
I really want to go to Hawaii !
23:34 from web
Honestly , I don't have any good news.
But except my condition, it was not bad.
Ok, it's time to say Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月15日 | 日記
23:05 from web
It was quite warm today.
According to weather forecast, temperature will drop sharply tomorrow.
We have to be careful not to catch a cold !
23:16 from web
My skin has been dry .
Oh,no...that's why I hate winter.
23:21 from web
I force to take water often although, it doesn't work on my skin so much.
23:26 from web
I went to a beauty clinic to get a facial treatment.
After that, I could recover smooth skin !
It was not too late.
What a relief !
23:33 from web
Some of my friends have very beautiful skin.
I often ask them if there are any secret key to keep such fair , smooth skin.
23:34 from web
Their replys are all same.
"Nothing !"
It can't be. (haha)
23:42 from web
I know food, sleep and exercise are important for your skin.
But I dare say definitely professional treatments are effective.
23:44 from web
Yes, I'm not a teenager !(haha)
To be honest my skin starts showing signs of aging.
23:46 from web
I enjoy meeting with such problem.
23:47 from web
Ok, that's for now.
I need a beauty sleep.
Good night.
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 緑内障とお目々パッチリ・目ヂカラの不思議な関係

2010年12月14日 | 日記
ねえ、聞いてくださる? うちのパパったら、パイレーツ・オブ カリビアンのジョニー・デップを見ては、自分だけが分かる、あることを思い出しながら一人で笑っているのよ。







エレママ、パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン バージョン・・・?? あぁ、やっぱりダメダメ。







にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 女磨きへにほんブログ村にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへにほんブログ村



2010年12月14日 | 日記
02:06 from goo
12月11日(土)のつぶやき 甘いお酒にご注意! Sweet coctail makes you drunk easily #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/dQWbKh
21:17 from web
It has been raining all day long.
Really freezing !
21:22 from web
It's getting harder to get out of bed in the morning.
Honestly I wanted to go back to sleep !
Of course , I didn't do such thing although.
21:26 from web
I've got text mail from my hubby.
He is on the way home now.
Ok, darling, I've got it you are coming back soon.
21:28 from web
I'll set the table for him.
He must be starving !
22:39 from web
X'mas is around the corner.
My children has been talking about presents from SANTA.
They try to be a good boy or a girl for presents.
22:43 from web
They serioiusly believe that if they aren't nice to each other SANTA will remove them from X'mas gift list!
22:45 from web
Sometimes they seem funny , but very cute.
I love my children.
by comadam on Twitter

12月12日(日)のつぶやき Kaiyukan aquarium is fantastic place!

2010年12月13日 | 日記
23:30 from web
It was quite cold and partly cloudy.
We went to OSAKA AQUARIUM Kaiyukan in JAPAN.
It located minato-ku Osaka, facing OSAKA bay.
23:31 from web
The bayside was awfully cold !!
Piercing cold.
23:44 from web
I think this aquarium is world class !
The star attraction is the Pacific Ocean tank<cont>
23:49 from web
...that is 9meters deep with 5,400 tons of water volume shouws its huge presence.
You can see nearly a hundread species such as<cont>
23:50 from web
....Whale shark, Manta ray, Spinetail mobula, Japanese jack mackerel and so on.
23:56 from web
Oh, I must mention about Santa divers !
Only X'mas season, the diver which wears Santa costume appers in this tank.
We met him today !
23:59 from web
Exciting !
We could enjoy X'mas atomosphere in such place.

23:59 from web
We had a good day.
Good night.
by comadam on Twitter

12月11日(土)のつぶやき 甘いお酒にご注意! Sweet coctail makes you drunk easily

2010年12月12日 | 日記

Hello,this is Maria Sakurai.
What kind of coctails do you like??
I love Martini from bottom of my heart
And I would say stylish and cool guy is my cup of tea....
My husband is just opposite my ideal type of man, although.(haha)
On the other hand, my husband's favorite is sweet one like Chi-Chi.
Extraordiary couple,aren't we?
Our taste are different from ordinary Japanese couple's taste very much.
By the way,even if Chi-Chi is sweet taste coctail, it's quite strong.
So you must be careful
Do you think sweet strong coctail is just like a woman next to you, darling? (haha)
Did you notice I'm a woman like a demon who disguise an Angel??
I'm joking...darling.(haha)


本日のつぶやき Today's my tweet

23:32 from web
It was cloudy and little shower.
Every time after I wash my car,it never fail to rain !
23:35 from web
I try to keep my clean.
But I can't do it ....(sigh)
23:38 from web
My hubby came back 3:00pm from his hospital.
He had a night duty last night.
He seemed to be exhausted.
23:41 from web
Actually he has had many year-end party in these days.
In fact it means drinking party !
23:46 from web
I tell him "Overworking or overdrinking takes some years off your life."
23:50 from web
Drinking party plus night duty are definitely harsh to him, I feel.
As a result he has back aches all over day.
23:54 from web
His body is shot !
I wan to tell him that he is not so young, so takes good care of himself.
23:56 from web
Tomorrow is Sunday.
I like the night before holiday.
Do you have any plan to go ?
23:58 from web
We are planning to visit an aquarium !
I can't wait.
Have a lovely Sunday!
23:58 from web
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月11日 | 日記
22:43 from web
It was fair and quite warm .
I had lunch with my son's friends' mothers.
15mothers came.
All of them were very attractive.
22:50 from web
We had crabs for lunch.
Restaurant's name is "kani-Douraku."
"Kani" means crab," douraku" means indulging in eating in Japanese.
23:02 from web
Yes, "Kani-Douraku" is a chain specialty restaurant of crabs.
As there is a huge crab ornament on the top of the roof,<cont>
23:06 from web
...you can find it out easily in the city in Japan.
My children like to see the crab's legs are moving !
23:10 from web
All dishes are used crabs there.
Especially crabs are in season now , so it was yammy !
23:23 from web
My daughter and housekeeper had been waiting for me to coma back.
My daughter likes her as she is very kind. I like her , too.
23:26 from web
By the way , now I feel sleepy. (haha)
Mmm, good sleepiness.
Maybe I should better go to bed.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月10日 | 日記
21:45 from web
It was very cold outside.
I put on warm clothes.
I was careful not to show my body fat !
21:49 from web
You know , there's excellent undergarments which are thin and warm !
In fact ,it's very useful !!
21:52 from web
As I hate the cold, such kind of undergarments help me a lot !
22:04 from web
Do you know what do we call it in Japanese?
We say "BABA-shirt."
It means a shirt (undergarment) for elderly woman.
22:07 from web
Sounds like not sexy at all.(haha)
In these days "BABA-shirt" has got popular among young women, and it has become really fashionable!
22:15 from web
Actually today's my BABA-shirt is purple and flower printed one.
Nobody notice it's undergarment, if I don't mention it !
22:30 from web
My hubby has not come home yet.
Because he has a year-end party.
Hope not overdrink !
22:34 from web
I'm not sure he is coming home before midnight or after midnight.
But I don't care abot it. Am I generous wife?
22:39 from web
Ok, I want to take a bath.
I love long soaking in hot water.
It is said that doing it has soothing effect!
22:42 from web
Well, bye for now !
Sweet dreams.
23:13 from goo
12月8日(水)のつぶやき X'mas is wonderful season! #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/fr6WUP
by comadam on Twitter