北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


12月8日(水)のつぶやき X'mas is wonderful season!

2010年12月09日 | 日記
22:15 from web
I went to the department store.
I could find nice x'mas present for my friend's baby
22:20 from web
My friend had a baby-girl on March in this year.
THey had not done it for ten-years although they were eager to.
22:27 from web
So I'm really happy for them
I can't wait to see them and their baby.
22:35 from web
I have many friends who are infertile.
I feel sorry for them.
But I dare say the life without kids would be also fabulous.
22:41 from web
Raising up children is really hard even if they are cute.
Actually it wears me out !
22:45 from web
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (haha)
22:49 from web
My friends who don't have children often stay out late at night !
Thier life seemes to be sparkling sometimes.
22:53 from web
Needless to say I'm proud of myself.
I blieve raising up children means investing in the future.
It's wonderful job
22:54 from web
Ok, that's for now.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter

X'mas is most favorite season for everyone, I think.
Despite the cold weather, we feel something warm and tender in our heart.
So wonderful


2010年12月08日 | 日記
23:26 from web
I felt quite cold today.
According to the weatherforecast the temperature will drop very low tomorrow.
23:29 from web
At last it is begginning to feel like winter.
It's natural as X'mas is around the corner.
23:37 from web
I went to beauty clinic and beauty salon today.
I spend almost all day there.
I got laser treatment on my face.
23:40 from web
Because I want to get rid of my blemish !!!!!
I use expensive cosmetics in order to do that.
Honestly it doesn't work on my skin.
23:44 from web
That makes me feel empty.
I don't know how much money I've used for them.
23:52 from web
Talking about blemish, I would say laser treatment is best one.
I want to keep my ideal skin by receiving such treatment.
23:56 from web
I should be greateful for my hubby's understanding.
Thanks, darling !
I spent like mad for my beauty.
23:58 from web
Ok, good night.
I hope to see a sweet dream.
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月07日 | 日記
22:00 from web
It's been warm day.
22:18 from web
I've had bah cough for almost one week.
Day time I'm OK, but evening and night time my cough never stop.
I want peaceful night !!!!!
22:21 from web
I'm an asthmatic patient now.
I hate it !
22:27 from web
I can't enjoy such a wonderful X'mas season in this condition.
I want to get rid of my cough as soon as possible !
22:35 from web
Nothing is as precioius as health.
Only after we get ill , we know it.
I thought I was healthy from head to toe !
But I'm not !
22:44 from web
I've meant to keep regular hours.
So I thoght I sent healthy life.
But I admit I don't sleep much enough. Definitely lack of sleep !
22:49 from web
Tonight I'm going to bed little bit earlier !
Sound sleep is essential for good health.
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年12月06日 | 日記
22:02 from goo
エレママ オフ会はミシュラン”つちや” でグルメ・ランチ! #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/egST4e
23:21 from web
It was sunny.
But I didn't go out.
Can you believe that I stayed at hom all day long !
Actually I was busy even if I didn't go out .
23:26 from web
My children and I decorate a x'mas tree with many ornaments.
As it's a big tree, it looks very gourgeous with them.
My children were <cont>
23:30 from web
...very excited.
But most excited person is probably me.(haha)
Don't you think , X'mas is a happy time even for adults?
23:38 from web
My old friend who is Taiwanese send me a X'mas gift from Taiwan.
I was glad. We've done it each other for lonng time.
Very good friend.
23:43 from web
I don't know the words to express my feeling.
I often feel "English is difficult !", as I'm not sure the dedicate nuance of English words.
23:50 from web
Generally in Japan we don't need to use English.
Nobody speaks it except non-Japanese people.
Improving English skill is not easy here !!!!
23:59 from web
I might have made a mistake....
I'm haunted by such kind of idea when I send an E-mail.
I want to crash through that language wall !
23:59 from web
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ オフ会はミシュラン”つちや” でグルメ・ランチ!

2010年12月05日 | グルメ
エレママのオフ会はあの噂のお店”つちや”で。お店の情報はこちらをクリックしてね地図|大阪 天ぷら 江坂 和食【旬彩天つちや】接待 日本料理 地図|大阪 天ぷら 江坂 和食【旬彩天つちや】接待 日本料理








   前菜 お品のよい味付けです。

 天つゆ以外に、三種類のお塩でいただくことができます。精製した塩(一番しょっぱい)、昆布だしの入ったお塩、ヒマラヤ岩塩 ピンクの塩(マイルドな塩味)


 いか と大葉




お食事 ご飯、お味噌汁、お漬け物、ちりめんじゃこのふりかけ、酢の物

 酢の物 ほどよい酸味でお口の中がさっぱり


 デザート 最後の緑茶でスッと気持ちが落ち着くの。う~ん、さすが!たくみな計算ね。


 お店の外観 小さいながらも風情のある前庭がステキです。皆さまも是非、お出かけになてみてください。

 旬彩天 つちや つちや - 江坂/天ぷら [食べログ] 旬彩天 つちや つちや - 江坂/天ぷら [食べログ]



12月3日(金)のつぶやき Look at that yellow leaves !

2010年12月04日 | 日記

It was rainig early in the morning.
But it cleared up and got warm day time.
I went to see a doctor today.
He is my doctor.
22:33 from web
He's contributed to my beauty !
So I bought him a champagne as a token of my gratitude.
Although it is a little bit early for X'mas gift.
22:37 from web
I choose Rose champagne of Lois Roderer.
I didn't know his taste. So I felt uneasy.
But fortunately he told me that it was his liking !!
22:44 from web
According to him, he drinks only "Lois Roderer" and "Detanje."
Wow !! Bingo !
My choice was right.
22:46 from web
What a coinsidence
I like it , too.
22:53 from web
Selecting gift is very difficult , when you don't know his or her taste.
I think I used full of my imagination.
And it become success !
22:55 from web
So I'm happy.
Oh, my hubby has come back.
That's for now.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter

Wow...! Look at that yellow leaves! It's so beautiful, shining under under the sun.
The name of this tree is "ginko."
According to the language of flowers, ginko has meanings such as
"Long life","Requiescat"and "gainly calm."
I didn't know that it has such a tasteful meanings!


In fact ginko live to a great age.
Can you imagine they live more than 1000years.
Moreover they are said to grow very fast.
So Japanese people see ginko as a symbol of prosperity and powerful development.
Mmm...now I'm beginning to feel ginko is a kind of glorious tree!


12月2日(木)のつぶやき How nature is great

2010年12月03日 | 日記
18:47 from web
It was balmy.
I like such a mild weather.
Everybody seemed to be happy.
19:00 from web
My children like walking , crunching through the fallen leaves.
I looked back on my childhood, I did just as same as they do.
19:04 from web
My mom used to tell me how sweet I had walked in the fallen leaves with such a happy smile.
Now I feel same things towards my children.
19:08 from web
On such time , I feel I'm a "mother-being."
It may be a trivial, small thing, but definitely it makes me happy.
19:11 from web
Happiness is not a destination; it is a method of life.
I agree with this words.
23:12 from goo
I have persistent cough.
It really annoyed me.
I think I should better to go to bed now.
Ok,good night !
by comadam on Twitter

Don't you feel how wonderful colour the autumn leaves have, do you?
We can't make anything in the nature. How great the nature is !!
I cannot help believing it's bacause of God; someome beyond human being.
I'm simply happy I'm here, greateful for the life bestowed us by God.

12月1日(水)のつぶやき Accept everything about youself

2010年12月02日 | 日記
Hello !
It's fine.
But I think I'm not fine.
I can't shake off my cold.
14:41 from web
I have neither high fever nor sore throat.
Now I'm coughing constantly.
I have a lot of trouble breathing at night.
14:42 from web
Maybe I should see a doctor !
21:11 from web
I went to the clinic .
Doctor told me that my cough was because of an asthma.
yes , I have a weekness in my respiratory organs.
21:17 from web
I think I should better to refrain from drinking for a while !
21:27 from web
At last it's December....
Time flies. I'll decorate X'mas tree tomorrow.
I'm going to ask my housekeeper to help me.
21:31 from web
I feel I could take a rest .
I would say it was nice day.
How about you ?
21:31 from web
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter

The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns;
the pessimist stares at the thorns,
oblivious to the rose.

Which type are you belonged to?
It might be difficult sometimes, but I try to accept everything as they are.
I believe doing it about yourself is very important.
Including the thorns, the rose is beautiful.
Including your weekpoints, you are attractive.
I feel so. 


11月30日(火)のつぶやき Talking about my sweet car

2010年12月01日 | 日記
12:06 from goo
11月29日(月)のつぶやき I like autumn sky #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/eb8IGE
23:46 from web
It was really hard day.
My sweet Jaguar's engine overheated.
I feel down when I had noticed it.
Obviously I heard strange noise from engine.
23:49 from web
I found the water was leaking from there.
Oh,no !!
Fortunately I had no plan to do today.
So I could meet with that trouble.
23:54 from web
First I added radiator fluid.
After that I drove to the car dealer.
The mechanic repaired my car.
23:56 from web
It took about 3hours.
But everything become perfect!
What a relief !!!!!!
23:58 from web
Some people say Japanese cars have best quality.
Sorry, I love Jaguar very much !
23:59 from web
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter

Honestly my car is so sweet.
I love driving in my car.
Jaguar is always with me!!!!!
I admit it has often breakdown compare to Japanese car.
But never mind !
Taking a spin in it, you can see sparks fly ! (because of my way of driving??)
Sounds fabulous, doesn't it??