Prefer vs. Like(PreferとLike)
Dali You know, American tartar sauce and Japanese tartar sauce are different. American t...
Fry vs. Deep-fry(「フライ」と「ディープフライ」)
Me Ahem! You know what? Contrary to what Japanese people normally think, I know that the...
“Devilish” Idioms(「悪魔」のイディオム)
Me Hey Dali. Here, I have a list of some English idioms containing the word “devil.” Wou...
English Onomatopoeia(英語のオノマトペ)
Dali is writing the word “oof” on a chopstick wrapper and shows it to me…(ダリちゃんは箸袋にoofという文...
Illogical Argument(筋の通らない言い分)
Dali Today, I want to talk about argument. But first I want to make clear the meaning of...
Do You Like Jogging?(ジョッギングは好きですか?)
Me Hey, Dali! I have a question.私 ねえ、ダリちゃん。質問があるんだけど。 Dali What?ダ...
Pig idioms(豚にまつわるイディオム)
Dali One pig idiom that is funny and I like very much is “to put lipstick on a pig.” If ...
Cat Idioms(猫に関するイディオム)
Dali (Holding a list of cat idioms…) Today, let’s talk about cat idioms.ダリちゃん (猫に関するイディオ...
Dog Idioms(犬に関するイディオム)
Me We both like dogs. Here, I have a sheet that lists some dog idioms in English. Would...
British English(イギリス英語)
Me Hey, Dali. What do you think about British English? I am asking because we Japanese h...