


2013年04月04日 | VOAから作成した英検&大学入試対策問題
 以下はMichael Jackson Death Trial Begins Jury Selectionという記事から作成しました。英語の語順を習得して英語を英語のまま理解するには、やさしい整序問題をたくさんこなすのが近道です。

Jury selection has begun in the long-awaited legal suit filed by music icon Michael Jackson's mother against concert promoters she says are responsible (1)(son's / for / death / her ).

Katharine Jackson is suing concert promoters AEG Live for the wrongful death of her son. She claims in the suit that AEG Live (2)(hiring / negligent / was / in ) Dr. Conrad Murray to look after Michael Jackson ahead of a planned London comeback concert series in 2009.

AEG argues that Jackson had a (3)(of / history / abuse / drug ) long before he was treated by Murray.

The so-called King of Pop died in June 2009 in Los Angeles. A court found Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 for giving Jackson an overdose of the drug propofol (4)(sleep / to / him / help).

Michael Jackson was a leader in the music industry, (5)(for / unique / known / his ) singing, producing and choreography. His album Thriller, released in 1982, remains the best-selling (6)(time / all / of / album).

※(1)(for her son's death) (2)(was negligent in hiring) (3)(history of drug abuse) (4)(to help him sleep)(5)(known for his unique)(6)(album of all time).

 上記記事に登場するjuryというキーワードをオンラインで無料で使えるケンブリッジ英英辞典で調べると、a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty or not guilty, or if a claim has been provedと定義されています。trial, court, guilty, claim, proveといった重要単語も一緒に目を通すことになりますから

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