以下はDrug Maker Loses India Patent Battleという記事から作成しました。英語の語順を習得して英語を英語のまま理解するには、やさしい整序問題をたくさんこなすのが近道です。
India's Supreme Court has rejected a (1)(Swiss / patent / by / bid) drug maker Novartis for a cancer drug.
In a landmark ruling Monday, the court (2)(patent / dismissed / to / protection ) an updated version of the drug Glivec.
The ruling is a precedent that prevents international pharmaceutical companies (3)(obtaining / from / patents / fresh ) in India on updated versions of existing drugs.
India's law prevents companies from seeking patents for making (4)(to / modifications / slight / only) an existing drug.
The Supreme Court decided Monday the updated Glivec did not satisfy the "novelty" (5)(by / aspect / Indian / required) patent law.
The ruling is a victory for India's multi-billion-dollar generic drug industry that (6)(cheap / to / provides / medicines) millions around the world.
Novartis has been fighting since 2006 to win a patent for the (7)(Glivec / form / amended / of ).
※解答(1)(patent bid by Swiss) (2)(dismissed patent protection to) (3)(from obtaining fresh patents) (4)(only slight modifications to) (5)(aspect required by Indian) (6)(provides cheap medicines to) (7)(amended form of Glivec).
上記記事中のキーワードになっているpatentを、オンラインで無料で使えるコウビルド英英辞典で調べると、A patent is an official right to be the only person or company allowed to make or sell a new product for a certain period of time.と定義されています。英英式の単語帳を作れれば英語との接触量が大幅に増えるため、英和式で単語帳を作っている学習者に大差をつけることができます。これはあたかも単発銃よりも連発銃の方が有利なようなもので、英英式の方がはるかに効率が良く正確な語感も身につきます。
english x englishをお試しください。英英辞典を使うのが楽になります。
以下はDrug Maker Loses India Patent Battleという記事から作成しました。英語の語順を習得して英語を英語のまま理解するには、やさしい整序問題をたくさんこなすのが近道です。
India's Supreme Court has rejected a (1)(Swiss / patent / by / bid) drug maker Novartis for a cancer drug.
In a landmark ruling Monday, the court (2)(patent / dismissed / to / protection ) an updated version of the drug Glivec.
The ruling is a precedent that prevents international pharmaceutical companies (3)(obtaining / from / patents / fresh ) in India on updated versions of existing drugs.
India's law prevents companies from seeking patents for making (4)(to / modifications / slight / only) an existing drug.
The Supreme Court decided Monday the updated Glivec did not satisfy the "novelty" (5)(by / aspect / Indian / required) patent law.
The ruling is a victory for India's multi-billion-dollar generic drug industry that (6)(cheap / to / provides / medicines) millions around the world.
Novartis has been fighting since 2006 to win a patent for the (7)(Glivec / form / amended / of ).
※解答(1)(patent bid by Swiss) (2)(dismissed patent protection to) (3)(from obtaining fresh patents) (4)(only slight modifications to) (5)(aspect required by Indian) (6)(provides cheap medicines to) (7)(amended form of Glivec).
上記記事中のキーワードになっているpatentを、オンラインで無料で使えるコウビルド英英辞典で調べると、A patent is an official right to be the only person or company allowed to make or sell a new product for a certain period of time.と定義されています。英英式の単語帳を作れれば英語との接触量が大幅に増えるため、英和式で単語帳を作っている学習者に大差をつけることができます。これはあたかも単発銃よりも連発銃の方が有利なようなもので、英英式の方がはるかに効率が良く正確な語感も身につきます。
english x englishをお試しください。英英辞典を使うのが楽になります。