


2010年12月11日 | 代名詞&意味当てクイズ
 What's So Scary About Egypt's Islamists? というイスラム政党Muslim Brotherhoodがエジプトで受けてきた弾圧と抵抗についての記事に以下のようなくだりがありました。

The government justifies the ban on the Brotherhood by arguing that religion has no role in Egyptian politics. Increasingly, however, Egyptians are starting to wonder if the Brotherhood's popularity is less a threat to Egyptian society than *it is to the ruling party's grip on power.


General Fouad Allam, a former chief of Egypt's internal security services who spent decades monitoring the Brotherhood, says it is similar in scope to the international communist movement but "more organized and more engaged." He hints at international funding of the group and raises the specter of an Islamist takeover of *a key U.S. ally."Egypt would regress 100 years if the Brotherhood came to power," he says,

*をつけたitが指しているのはthe Brotherhood's popularity 、a key U.S. allyがとはEgyptです。そう考えれば文脈に合いますし、それ以外には考えられません。もし何か別の可能性があればコメント欄にお願いします。
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