


2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (having ill *effects / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / in / *arose / on health) the mid-1990s.


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(151)We have made (for your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that result in / short *period / *floods).
result in : …の結果になる *period : 期間 *flood : 洪水

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / drink *containers / *encourage people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / to *mankind / *function of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*mankind : 人類 *function : 機能 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (to get / a *broader *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / that wants / *essential *quality) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (we *admire / whom / person).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (*previous *experience / for this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / in / is *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (even though / was reached / no clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (*crossing the road / children / watch out for).(1995センター追試)
*cross : 横断する watch out for : …に注意する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (*expect / to be here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (*prepared to / afraid / I am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (started to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / by *appearance / know better than). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (who moves / *describes / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband
when he (*escape / tries to / his busy life) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband
when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (by his *explanation / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No one (was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (*security at the *entrance / from / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*security : セキュリティ *entrance : 入口 *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / in / seemed to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (your *personal *emotions / let / stand in) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / *majority of / *governments) the world
do not (couples of the same sex / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few *inquiries / *received / from) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *inquiry : 問い合わせ *receive : 受ける *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (didn't turn in / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective *praise / students) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *regular *maintenance / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*regular : 定期の *maintenance : 保守点検

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world *resources / *consume / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *resource : 資源 *consume : 消費する

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (right *amount / is important / of sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / we don't expect).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / if there is )?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (*positive / on the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie based on / *recommended / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
based on : …に基づく *recommend : 薦める *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / the *amount of) fat they eat.(1993センター)
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky / can be / *valuables at home) business.
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky) business.

(184)There are many health (that can *arise / problems / if you) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / when *accompanied by / *receive) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / that *lasts / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow / *electricity / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / by fire).
*multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (you were / *pity / unable) to join the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable) to join the party.

(190)The boss (because he makes / *regrets / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (in Japanese food / *extremely / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (in the *population / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (against / to borrow / my *principles) money.
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / Japanese women / *study shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / be eaten / they) by crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / work is needed / its *flavor).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's / to the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / get *nervous / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (put up with / *rude *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
put up with : 我慢する *rude : 無礼な *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / *searching for / food) the risk of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)巣の外で食べ物を探すことに時間をかけないことは他の動物に殺される危険性を減らす。
*spend : 費やす *reduce : 減らす *search : 探す

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