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(751)The United Nations was set up after (*tragedies / *prevent / World War II / future / to).(2016東京電機大)

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*requires / a *law / *married couples / *upheld / that) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (the film / after / *publicity / in / her *performance).(2017青山学院大)

(754)Using the (our town / *scenery / beautiful / in / of) more *creative ways would *encourage people to come and live here.(2017センター)

(755)*Antarctica is (*native / *continent / without / the only / on Earth) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not (less than / *estimated / tip in restaurants / to be / is) 2 percent.(2017白百合女子大)

(757)It would have been more (money / to *spend / *sensible / than / to save) it all on clothes.(2004中央大)

(758)The mountains (*views / *magnificent / of / *boast / North Carolina).

(759)(taken / he was / *aliens / by / he says), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.(2016武庫川女子大)

(760)Two (*pollution / are / of / *prominent *sources / noise) *construction and *transportation.(2012北海道大)

(761)A (*parliament / has *exploded / the Greek / *bomb / outside) in Athens.

(762)(a copyright / *summarizing / *violation / is / books)?

(763)*Emotional and *physical hunger are both signals of emptiness (*eliminate / to / which / with food / you try).(2016センター)

(764)Further *increase in the price of gasoline would (from / *discourage / his car / driving / him).(2017東北医科薬科大)

(765)The need to *ensure and (no business / a *reality / *employee *productivity / *enhance / is) can *ignore.

(766)*Occupations (*dominate / rank / women workers / in which / tend to) lower in terms of *earnings.

(767)It is *necessary that teachers (from / *evaluate / *multiple *aspects / *ability / a student's).(2015獨協大)

(768)I am studying hard (public accountant / a *certified / *qualify / to / as).(2008中央大)

(769)*Indigenous (*vowed / fight / has / *tribe / to) the mining companies (home / their / are / which / *threatening) deep in the Amazon rainforest.

(770)It has long been thought that one of (which / the *characteristics / *separate / from / humans) other animals is the *ability to *reason.(2014北海道大)

(771)Our program always (*priority / on / the highest / the health / places), safety and *security of our students.(2012立教大)

(772)The (in / started / *transition / an *industrial society / to) the 18th century, largely (*advances / by / driven / science / in) and technology.

(773)If the train you are travelling on is *delayed, (to / have / you / *compensation / the *right).

(774)Men and women have different ideas (a *quarrel / how to / after / of / *reconcile).

(775)God (*reward *virtue / will / *punish / *certainly / and) *vice.

(776)*Muscle (of / a *normal / *fatigue / *side effect / is) *exercise.

(777)Japan used to be (its *abundant / of / for / famous / *supplies) clean, *fresh water.

(778)New information about diet (what / *incorrect / is / many people think / shows us that). (2006センター)

(779)Students must be able (information / *relevant / a *lecture / from / to *select) or text.

(780)I believe (a computer / enough / *mature / we're / to use) *appropriately.(2009センター追試)

(781)(the *products / *anticipating / and services / for / the *demand) that your (*factors / *involves / business / many / offers).

(782)Many communities and schools have (kids / have *divorced / support groups / whose parents / for).

(783)*Genetically *modified food (or GM food) is food *produced from plants or animals (has been / *genetic engineering / whose DNA / through / *altered) .

(784)*Prolonged (*extreme / *exposure / can harm / heat or cold / to) the body and even cause death.(2006東北学院大)

(785)The main *income (selling / newspapers / *advertising / of / comes from) space, (from / selling / itself / not / the paper).(2016獨協大)

(786)Some have (can never / under / *lying / be *excused / *argued that) any *circumstances.(1999センター)

(787)(his *hostage / *released / finally *surrendered / the *robber / and).

(788)The role of (*communication / is / the *interpreter / *accurate / to *facilitate) between people who use different languages.

(789)The *opposition party should (*solve / way / *propose / to / an *alternative) the *financial *crisis we are *facing now.(2011立教大)

(790)People in mild *climates in the (*hemisphere / of / northern / periods / sometimes experience) very hot and *humid weather.(2003センター)

(791)Going to church on Sunday is a (Christians / *religious *ritual / around / *common / for) the world.

(792)(or a movie / it's / still shot / a / whether), camera *angles *influence the look, feel and mood of that story.

(793)*Conducting (like / a *hypothesis / an *experiment / is / without) starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.

(794)It was such an (received / movie / the director / *excellent / that) thunderous *applause from the *audience.(2015共立女子大)

(795)No matter how *security *conscious you are, (*thieves / of / into / breaking / the *prospect) your home is always a *worrying *possibility.

(796)In a *press conference, White House Press Secretary (buying / the *phenomenon / people / *described / of) guns after shooting *attacks as a“*tragic *irony.”

(797)Taxi drivers in Japan have a (very *competent / for / *reputation / *treating / and) their *passengers very well.(2013センター追試)

(798)The most *successful *civilizations in history have taken good care of (*sustainable / food *production / so that / was / the *soil).

(799)Even smart, educated, *emotionally *stable adults believe (that / *rational / are not / they *recognize / *superstitions).

(800)Our coach (and often / is / new plans / *imaginative / comes up with).(2016高知大)


(751)The United Nations was set up after (World War II to *prevent future *tragedies).

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law that *requires *married couples) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (*publicity after her *performance in the film).

(754)Using the (beautiful *scenery of our town in) more *creative ways would *encourage people to come and live here.

(755)*Antarctica is (the only *continent on Earth without *native) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not (tip in restaurants is *estimated to be less than) 2 percent.

(757)It would have been more (*sensible to save money than to *spend) it all on clothes.

(758)The mountains (of North Carolina *boast *magnificent *views).

(759)(He says he was taken by *aliens), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.

(760)Two (*prominent *sources of noise *pollution are) *construction and *transportation.

(761)A (*bomb has *exploded outside the Greek *parliament) in Athens.

(762)(Is *summarizing books a copyright *violation)?

(763)*Emotional and *physical hunger are both signals of emptiness (which you try to *eliminate with food).

(764)Further *increase in the price of gasoline would (*discourage him from driving his car).

(765)The need to *ensure and (*enhance *employee *productivity is a *reality no business) can *ignore.

(766)*Occupations (in which women workers *dominate tend to rank) lower in terms of *earnings.

(767)It is *necessary that teachers (*evaluate a student's *ability from *multiple *aspects).

(768)I am studying hard (to *qualify as a *certified public accountant).

(769)*Indigenous (*tribe has *vowed to fight) the mining companies (which are *threatening their home) deep in the Amazon rainforest.

(770)It has long been thought that one of (the *characteristics which *separate humans from) other animals is the *ability to *reason.

(771)Our program always (places the highest *priority on the health), safety and *security of our students.

(772)The (*transition to an *industrial society started in) the 18th century, largely (driven by *advances in science) and technology.

(773)If the train you are travelling on is *delayed, (you have the *right to *compensation).

(774)Men and women have different ideas (of how to *reconcile after a *quarrel).

(775)God (will *certainly *reward *virtue and *punish) *vice.

(776)*Muscle (*fatigue is a *normal *side effect of) *exercise.

(777)Japan used to be (famous for its *abundant *supplies of) clean, *fresh water.

(778)New information about diet (shows us that what many people think is *incorrect).

(779)Students must be able (to *select *relevant information from a *lecture) or text.

(780)I believe (we're *mature enough to use a computer) *appropriately.

(781)(*Anticipating the *demand for the *products and services) that your (business offers *involves many *factors).

(782)Many communities and schools have (support groups for kids whose parents have *divorced).

(783)*Genetically *modified food (or GM food) is food *produced from plants or animals (whose DNA has been *altered through *genetic engineering).

(784)*Prolonged (*exposure to *extreme heat or cold can harm) the body and even cause death.

(785)The main *income (of newspapers comes from selling *advertising) space, (not from selling the paper itself).

(786)Some have (*argued that *lying can never be *excused) under any *circumstances.

(787)(The *robber finally *surrendered and *released his *hostage).

(788)The role of (the *interpreter is to *facilitate *accurate *communication) between people who use different languages.

(789)The *opposition party should (*propose an *alternative way to *solve) the *financial *crisis we are *facing now.

(790People in mild *climates in the (northern *hemisphere sometimes experience periods of) very hot and *humid weather.

(791)Going to church on Sunday is a (*common *religious *ritual for Christians around) the world.

(792)(Whether it's a still shot or a movie), camera *angles *influence the look, feel and mood of that story.

(793)*Conducting (an *experiment without a *hypothesis is like) starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.

(794)It was such an (*excellent movie that the director received) thunderous *applause from the *audience.

(795)No matter how *security *conscious you are, (the *prospect of *thieves breaking into)your home is always a *worrying *possibility.

(796)In a *press conference, White House Press Secretary (*described the *phenomenon of people buying) guns after shooting *attacks as a“*tragic *irony.”

(797)Taxi drivers in Japan have a (*reputation for very *competent and *treating) their *passengers very well.

(798)The most *successful *civilizations in history have taken good care of (the *soil so that food *production was *sustainable).

(799)Even smart, educated, *emotionally *stable adults believe (*superstitions that they *recognize are not *rational).

(800)Our coach (is *imaginative and often comes up with new plans).


(751)The United Nations was set up after (future *tragedies / World War II / to *prevent).(2016東京電機大)
set up : 設立する *tragedy : 悲劇 *prevent : 防ぐ

The United Nations was set up after (World War II to *prevent future *tragedies).

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law / *married couples / that *requires) to have the same last name.
*court : 裁判所 *uphold : 支持する *law : 法律 *married : 結婚した *require : 要求する

Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law that *requires *married couples) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (in / *publicity / after her *performance) the film.(2017青山学院大)
*publicity : 知名度 *performance : 演技

She received a lot of (*publicity after her *performance in) the film.

(754)Using the beautiful (of our town / *scenery / in) more *creative ways would (to come / *encourage / people) and live here.(2017センター)より創造的な方法で私たちの町の美しい景色を利用することは、人々はここに来て住むことを促進するだろう。
*scenery : 景色 *creative : 創造的な *encourage : 促進する

Using the beautiful (*scenery of our town in) more creative ways would (encourage people to come) and live here.

(755)*Antarctica is the only (*native / *continent on Earth / without) human *inhabitants.
*Antarctica : 南極 *native : 先住の *continent : 大陸 *inhabitant : 住民

*Antarctica is the only (*continent on Earth without *native) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not tip (in restaurants / to be / is *estimated) less than 2 percent.(2017白百合女子大)レストランでチップを置かないアメリカ人の割合は2パーセント未満と推定されている。
*proportion : 割合 *estimate : 推定する

The *proportion of Americans who do not tip (in restaurants is *estimated to be) less than 2 percent.

(757)It would have been more (to save money / *sensible / than) to *spend it all on clothes.(2004中央大)
*sensible : 賢明な

It would have been more (*sensible to save money than) to *spend it all on clothes.

(758)The mountains (*magnificent *views / *boast / of North Carolina).
*magnificent : 壮麗な *view : 景色 *boast : 誇る

The mountains (of North Carolina *boast *magnificent *views).

(759)(he was / taken by *aliens / he says), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.(2016武庫川女子大)
*alien : 宇宙人 *ridiculous : ばかげた

(He says he was taken by *aliens), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.

(760)Two (are / *prominent *sources / of noise *pollution) *construction and *transportation.(2012北海道大)
*prominent : 主な *source : 源 *pollution : 公害 *construction : 建設 *transportation : 輸送

Two (*prominent *sources of noise *pollution are) *construction and *transportation.

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