


2021年01月16日 | 英英思考力を問うセンター試験過去問
 共通テスト英語キーワード約400語を英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語を公開しています。
 共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。
次の問い (問1,問2) の英文を読み,下線部の語句の意味をそれぞれの文章から推測し, に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから1つずつ選べ.

問1 Jane: How's Michelle doing? The last time I met her, she looked a little depressed
and said she was worried about her schoolwork.
Mary: I saw her yesterday, and she seemed absolutely exuberant.
Jane: Really? I wonder what happened.
Mary: Well, she'd been worried about her math test, but she did really well after all.
Also, she's found a part-time job that she enjoys a lot.
Jane: That's great. I'm happy to hear that.

In this situation, exuberant means to be very .
① busy and stressed ② happy and energetic
③ hard-working and healthy ④ upset and nervous

問2 Jacob: How are your summer plans going? I heard you're going to travel around
South America with your friend.
Hiromi: Well, I'd made all the travel arrangements, was studying Spanish, and had
even started packing my bag. But suddenly, my friend told me she couldn't go.
So then I got cold feet and canceled the trip.
Jacob: Oh, too bad. It's a shame that you felt too anxious to travel alone.

In this situation, got cold feet means .
① became sick ② became thrilled ③ lost control ④ lost courage

解答)問1② 問2④になります。
exuberant : 元気いっぱいの get cold feet : 怖じ気づいた はほとんどの大学受験生が知らないレベルの単熟語ですので、知識ではなく英英思考力を試すことのできる良問です。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①enjoy【indʒɔ'i】(Ex:I *enjoy fishing every weekend.)(001)
②imagine【imǽdʒin】(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet.)(002)
③learn【lə'ːrn】(Ex:I *learned English from a Canadian teacher. )(003)
④join【dʒɔ'in】(Ex:When did Japan *join the United Nations?)(004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to get pleasure from something
(C)to become a member of something such as a club, company, or other organization
(D)to get knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity

①approach【əpróutʃ】(Ex: There were two *vehicles on the road *approaching the signal.) (005)
②travel【trǽvəl】(Ex: Sound *travels at different speeds, depending on the temperature of the air.)(006)
③deliver【dilívər】(Ex: Photographs will be *delivered within three business days.) (007)
④hit【hít】(Ex:She suddenly *hit me on the head.)(008)
(A)to bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
(B)to move closer to someone or something
(C)to go from one place to another
(D)to take something to the requested place

②imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインターネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
③learn:学ぶ(Ex:私は英語をカナダ人の先生から学んだ )

①approach:近づく(Ex: 道路上には信号に近づく二台の車があった)(2010センター)
②travel:移動する(Ex: 音は、気温によって異なった速度で移動する)(2014関西学院大)
③deliver:配達する(Ex: 写真は三営業日以内に配達されます)(2012センター) (007)

(1)①(B)②(A)③(D)④(C)         (2) ①(B)②(C)③(D)④(A)

①wear【wéər】(Ex: He always *wears black shoes.)(009)
②sleep【slíːp】(Ex: Fred was so excited that he couldn't *sleep.)(010)
③float【flóut】(Ex: Why do boats *float and rocks *sink? )(011)
④catch【kǽtʃ】(Ex: Learning how to *catch a football is an important football skill.)(012)
(A)to stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
(B)to rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
(C) to stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
(D)to have something on your body

①destroy【distrɔ'i】(Ex: *Rainforests are likely to make more money if they are not *destroyed.)(013)
②escape【iskéip】(Ex: When *escaping from fires, smoke and gases should be *avoided.)(014)
③judge【dʒʌ'dʒ】(Ex: You should know better than to *judge by *appearance.)(015)
④notice 【nóutis】(Ex: I opened the door quietly so that the teacher wouldn't *notice me.)(016)
(A)to get away from a dangerous situation
(B)to break something down *completely
(C)to become *aware of something
(D)to *form an *opinion about someone or something

①wear:身につける(Ex: 彼はいつも黒い靴を履いている)
②sleep:眠る (Ex: フレッドはとても興奮して眠れなかった)
③float:浮く(Ex: なぜボートは浮いて岩は沈むのだろうか )
④catch:捕らえる(Ex: いかにフットボールを掴むか学ぶことは重要なフットボールの技術である。)
(C) 特に手で、動いている何かを止めて掴むこと

①destroy:破壊する(Ex: 熱帯雨林は破壊されなければもっと金になりそうだ。)(2009センター)
②escape:逃れる(Ex: 火から逃れるとき、煙とガスは避けるべきだ。)(2016センター追試)
③judge:判断する(Ex: 外見で判断するような馬鹿なことをすべきではない。)(2015昭和大)
④notice:気づく(Ex: 先生が気づかないように、私はドアを静かに開けた。)

(3)①(D)②(B)③(A)④(C)    (4)①(B)②(A)③(D)④(C)


(001)I enj------- fishing every weekend.
【to get pleasure from something】

(002)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(003)I lea------- English from a Canadian teacher.
【to get knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity】

(004)When did Japan joi------- the United Nations?
【to become a member of something such as a club, company, or other organization】

(005)There were two vehicles on the road app------- the signal.
【to move closer to someone or something】

(006)Sound tra------- at different speeds, depending on the temperature of the air.
【to go from one place to another】

(007)Photographs will be del------- within three business days.
【to take something to the requested place】

(008)She suddenly hi------- me on the head.
【to bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard】


(009)He always wea------- black shoes.
【to have something on your body】

(010)Fred was so excited that he couldn't sle-------.
【to rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down】

(011)Why do ships flo------- and rocks sink?
【to stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking】

(012)Learning how to cat------- a football is an important football skill.
【to stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands】

(013)Rainforests are likely to make more money if they are not des-------.
【to break something down completely】

(014)When esc------- from fires, smoke and gases should be avoided.
【to get away from a dangerous situation】

(015)You should know better than to jud------- by appearance.
【to form an opinion about someone or something】

(016)I opened the door quietly so that the teacher wouldn't not------- me.
【to become aware of something】


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記と同じ形式の練習問題を16語×50サイクル練習するため、語彙力、読解力、聴解力を効率的に養成できます。センター試験に比較してリーディングもリスニングも大幅に量が増えた共通テストを迎え撃つ極意は、できるだけ和訳せず英語を英語で理解することです。英英定義に親しむと英語を英語で理解する英語頭ができてくる結果、リーディングで時間が足りない、リスニングのスピードについていけないという悩みを大幅に解消できます。
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