


2013年03月20日 | VOAから作成した英検&大学入試対策問題
 以下はFrancis Calls on Church to Protect the Young, Elderlyという記事から作成しました。英語の語順を習得して英語を英語のまま理解するには、やさしい整序問題をたくさんこなすのが近道です。

The newly installed Pope Francis has called on the (1)(to / faithful / children / protect ) and the elderly, as well as the church and the rest of creation, in his inaugural homily in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.

Pope Francis (2)(message / delivered / in / his) Italian, Tuesday, under a vividly blue sky, speaking to about 150,000 onlookers, that included political leaders from 130 nations and representatives from a variety of religions.

Among the high-level guests is the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians, Bartholomew. He is the first patriarch from the (3)(church / witness / Istanbul-based / to ) a papal inauguration since the two branches of Christianity split, nearly 1,000 years ago.

Earlier Tuesday, Pope Francis took a turn around St. Peter's Square in an open-air vehicle to greet the (4)(in / faithful / there / gathered) his honor. Onlookers (5)(banners / expressing / support / waved) for the new leader of their church. The new pope paused several times to bless small children and, in one case, a disabled man.

Pope Francis then received the ceremonial ring and woolen shawl given to (6)(represent / to / pope / each) the first pope -- St. Peter -- and the commandment that the pope act as a shepherd to a Roman Catholic community that now numbers some 1.2 billion.

※解答(1)(faithful to protect children) (2)(delivered his message in) (3)(Istanbul-based church to witness) (5)(waved banners expressing support) (6)(each pope to represent).
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