A Night to Honor Latinos
(TOEIC600点、英検2級~準1級レベル)TIMEFORKIDS Oct16
※英検2級~準1級レベルの頻出単熟語 organize, honor, outstanding, mark, heritage, civil rights, advocacy, represent, mission
Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
(TOEIC600点、英検2級~準1級レベル)TIMEFORKIDS Oct9
※英検2級~準1級レベルの頻出単熟語 headquarters, committee, nuclear weapon, deal with, candidate, deserve, confront, capture, award, fortune, set up,
Mohamed Nasheed
(TOEIC900点、英検1級レベル) TIME Sept22
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 projection, champion, at stake, consequence, fork out, hail, trumpet, impose, erosion, pristine, mitigate, devastating, stark
Man in the Middle
(TOEIC900点、英検1級レベル) TIME Oct5
内乱的状況が鎮静化したタイの新首相についての記事です。We have to make sure that what to me are very fundamental pillars of democracy can be put into place without being seen as contravening the idea that democracy is about the rule of majority. We have to strike the right balance.といったくだりからは、首相にとっての民主化が必ずしも民意と一致しない苦境がうかがえます。
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 exile, inaugural, sustainable, incentive, take credit for, fray, coup, simmer, claim, restive, revere, tenure, erode, turbulence, besiege, dissent, infect, scion, amass, project, woo, placate, initiative, fractious, invoke, contentious, induce, presumably, beholden, dissuade,
Obama’s Big Gamble
対話重視のオバマ外交を支持するNEWSWEEK国際版編集長FAREED ZAKARIAによる論説記事です。反オバマ勢力の主張に対する痛烈な反論になっていながらも、主観に流されないあたり舌を巻かざるを得ません。
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 proliferation, appease, discourse, considerable, legitimacy, sanction, embargo, tribunal, concession, brandish, outreach, engagement, demean, gambit
A Night to Honor Latinos
(TOEIC600点、英検2級~準1級レベル)TIMEFORKIDS Oct16
※英検2級~準1級レベルの頻出単熟語 organize, honor, outstanding, mark, heritage, civil rights, advocacy, represent, mission
Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
(TOEIC600点、英検2級~準1級レベル)TIMEFORKIDS Oct9
※英検2級~準1級レベルの頻出単熟語 headquarters, committee, nuclear weapon, deal with, candidate, deserve, confront, capture, award, fortune, set up,
Mohamed Nasheed
(TOEIC900点、英検1級レベル) TIME Sept22
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 projection, champion, at stake, consequence, fork out, hail, trumpet, impose, erosion, pristine, mitigate, devastating, stark
Man in the Middle
(TOEIC900点、英検1級レベル) TIME Oct5
内乱的状況が鎮静化したタイの新首相についての記事です。We have to make sure that what to me are very fundamental pillars of democracy can be put into place without being seen as contravening the idea that democracy is about the rule of majority. We have to strike the right balance.といったくだりからは、首相にとっての民主化が必ずしも民意と一致しない苦境がうかがえます。
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 exile, inaugural, sustainable, incentive, take credit for, fray, coup, simmer, claim, restive, revere, tenure, erode, turbulence, besiege, dissent, infect, scion, amass, project, woo, placate, initiative, fractious, invoke, contentious, induce, presumably, beholden, dissuade,
Obama’s Big Gamble
対話重視のオバマ外交を支持するNEWSWEEK国際版編集長FAREED ZAKARIAによる論説記事です。反オバマ勢力の主張に対する痛烈な反論になっていながらも、主観に流されないあたり舌を巻かざるを得ません。
※英検準1級~1級レベルの頻出単熟語 proliferation, appease, discourse, considerable, legitimacy, sanction, embargo, tribunal, concession, brandish, outreach, engagement, demean, gambit