①Some 98,000 American soldiers are fighting the Taliban, a radical group who want to take over the government in Afghanistan.
他動詞の直後に目的語が来るSVO構造の第3文型です。the Talibanの直後のコンマは「同格のコンマ」と言われるものです。
②And another 50,000 are currently in Iraq helping the nation's leaders try to maintain peace and security after a long war there.
③Most recently, the government of Haiti asked President Obama to send 1,000 troops to that island nation to help out after a huge earthquake struck in January 2010.
目的語President Obama と補語to send 1,000 troopsが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。
④Teaching kids about the people who are changing our world is something TFK aims to do every week.
⑤Together, we will watch world events unfold during the year ahead.
目的語world eventsと補語unfoldが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。補語unfoldはここで原型不定詞になっています。
出典は、タイムフォアキッズの読者が選んだThe Person of the Year Is. . .
①Some 98,000 American soldiers are fighting the Taliban, a radical group who want to take over the government in Afghanistan.
他動詞の直後に目的語が来るSVO構造の第3文型です。the Talibanの直後のコンマは「同格のコンマ」と言われるものです。
②And another 50,000 are currently in Iraq helping the nation's leaders try to maintain peace and security after a long war there.
③Most recently, the government of Haiti asked President Obama to send 1,000 troops to that island nation to help out after a huge earthquake struck in January 2010.
目的語President Obama と補語to send 1,000 troopsが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。
④Teaching kids about the people who are changing our world is something TFK aims to do every week.
⑤Together, we will watch world events unfold during the year ahead.
目的語world eventsと補語unfoldが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。補語unfoldはここで原型不定詞になっています。
出典は、タイムフォアキッズの読者が選んだThe Person of the Year Is. . .