


2009年03月11日 | TIME,NEWSWEEKのおすすめ記事
Get This Party Started(TOEIC900点英検1級レベル)TIME, Apr. 17, 2006
2006年のTIME誌に掲載された民主党小沢代表への注文です。政治献金疑惑で事態は当時よりも後退しました。西側ジャーナリストが望むDemocracy requires partisan debate and conflict. Voters choose between clear alternatives.という状況は当分到来しそうにありません。
☆必修単熟語 relevant, critical mass, coherent, stake, casualty, purport, espouse, vogue, commensurate, trait, viabl, juggernaut, demolish, loom, resonate, embrace
★diversityの派生語を含む表現 With an April by-election looming, voters still don't know where the party stands on important issues-nor do many of its members. That's because efforts to forge internal consensus among *diverse factions have left the DPJ manifesto vague and diluted.

Waking Up the North(TOEIC900点英検1級レベル)
TIME, Apr. 23, 2006
☆必修単熟語 churn out, bustling, fret, biased, meddle, projection(名詞で「予想」という意味), pan out, tap, bullish, offset, woe, expertise, pervasive, decree, hamstring
★diversityの派生語を含む表現 North or south, there appears to be plenty of business to go around. While the world debates whether China or India will become the economic leader of the developing world, Vietnam is seen as an opportunity for companies to *diversify their manufacturing base.

Good Morning, Vietnam(TOEIC900点英検1級レベル)
TIME, Apr. 25, 2005
☆必修単熟語 benign, brisk, eke out, backwater, spawn, keep an enemy at bay
★diversityの派生語を含む表現 We had arranged visas to the U.S. for them from Rio, but they needed help getting on an evacuation flight. On April 29, I boarded an Air Vietnam 707 in Bangkok bound for Saigon. But Tan Son Nhut airport had fallen overnight, and after circling over the Mekong Delta, the flight was *diverted to Hong Kong.
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