(81) The attack was intended to ( ) as much damage as possible on citizens and property.
1 puzzle
2 regulate
3 prescribe
4 inflict
(82) His story of overcoming ( ) made him a national hero.
1 publicity
2 adversity
3 signature
4 vocation
(83) The refusal to ( ) with the court orders led to the dismissal of the minister.
1 comply
2 witness
3 testify
4 justify
(84) There may be an ( ) vulnerability to addiction.
1 utilized
2 embodied
3 inherited
4 assaulted
(85) The number of Hispanic Americans ( ) to Islam is surging recently.
1 transforming
2 converting
3 succeeding
4 thriving
(86) The insurgent groups have been fighting for greater ( ).
1 autonomy
2 wisdom
3 urgency
4 breakdown
(87) There were no defeatist attitudes among those pressing for a ( ) solution to the conflict.
1 anonymous
2 chronic
3 demanding
4 viable
(88) Autism is a brain ( ) that causes developmental delays in children.
1 disorder
2 curiosity
3 definition
4 conviction
(89) International language ( ) is not solely the result of military might.
1 criteria
2 equation
3 literacy
4 dominance
(90) Her lawyer called the verdict unjust and ( ) to appeal.
1 inquired
2 confronted
3 vowed
4 assumed
(91) The country's rulers will not abandon their "nuclear ( )."
1 garments
2 aspirations
3 predecessors
4 species
(92) Wild plants have a genetic ( ) that growers use to improve the cultivated crop.
1 geography
2 compromise
3 accommodation
4 diversity
(93) Many gun-rights ( ) worry that gun-free school zones actually attract shooters.
1 advocates
2 privileges
3 pedestrians
4 orbits
(94) She leads a panel to come up with ( ) aimed at reducing the nation's air pollution.
1 prosperity
2 reservoir
3 priority
4 legislation
(95) Many people have signed ( ) to nominate her for the Nobel Peace Prize.
1 schemes
2 petitions
3 transactions
4 viewpoints
(96) The company ceased publication of the magazine whose ( ) reporting skills has raised controversies.
1 profound
2 substantial
3 vivid
4 dubious
(97) In the aftermath of the shooting, local governments began to ( ) allowing more firearms in schools.
1 reassure
2 contemplate
3 terminate
4 yield
(98) He ( ) laws that made insulting the president a criminal offense.
1 enacted
2 swallowed
3 represented
4 prevailed
(99) Animal rights activists applauded the ban of new cosmetics with ( ) tested on animals.
1 facilities
2 households
3 ingredients
4 mammals
(100) Restoring electrical capacity is ( ) to tsunami- devastated factories.
1 obscure
2 manifest
3 legitimate
4 crucial
(81)解答4 inflict : もたらす
(82)解答2 adversity : 逆境
(83)解答1 comply : 遵守する
(84)解答3 inherited : 相続する、遺伝する
(85)解答2 converting : 転宗する
(86)解答1 autonomy: 自治
(87)解答4 viable : 実行可能な
(88)解答1 disorder: 障害
(89)解答4 dominance : 支配
(90)解答3 vowed : 誓う、明言する
(91)解答2 aspirations : 熱望、和訳)その国の支配者たちは彼らの「核の熱望」を放棄しないだろう。
(92)解答4 diversity : 多様性、和訳)野生の植物は遺伝的多様性があって、それを生産者は栽培作物を改良するのに使う。
(93)解答1 advocates : 擁護者、和訳)多くの銃の権利擁護者は心配する/ 銃のないスクールゾーンが銃撃者を引き寄せるのを。
(94)解答4 legislation : 法制度、和訳)彼女はその国の大気汚染を減らすことを目指す法制度を創案するための委員会を率いている。
(95)解答2 petitions : 請願書
(96)解答4 dubious : 疑わしい
(97)解答)2 contemplate : 熟考する、和訳)銃撃のあと、地方政府は学校にさらなる火器を許可することを熟考し始めた。
(98)解答)1 enacted: 制定する、和訳)彼は大統領を侮辱することを刑法違反とする法律を制定した。
(99)解答)3 ingredients : 材料、和訳)動物の権利の活動家たちは、動物実験された材料による新しい化粧品の禁止に喝采した。
(100)解答)4 crucial : 極めて重要な、和訳)電力を回復することは、津波で大打撃を受けた工場にとって極めて重要である。
上記問題(100)正解crucialをオンラインで無料で使えるマクミランで調べると、something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of somethingと基本的重要単語でシンプルに定義されています。
[問題] a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = c---
[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)
(81) The attack was intended to ( ) as much damage as possible on citizens and property.
1 puzzle
2 regulate
3 prescribe
4 inflict
(82) His story of overcoming ( ) made him a national hero.
1 publicity
2 adversity
3 signature
4 vocation
(83) The refusal to ( ) with the court orders led to the dismissal of the minister.
1 comply
2 witness
3 testify
4 justify
(84) There may be an ( ) vulnerability to addiction.
1 utilized
2 embodied
3 inherited
4 assaulted
(85) The number of Hispanic Americans ( ) to Islam is surging recently.
1 transforming
2 converting
3 succeeding
4 thriving
(86) The insurgent groups have been fighting for greater ( ).
1 autonomy
2 wisdom
3 urgency
4 breakdown
(87) There were no defeatist attitudes among those pressing for a ( ) solution to the conflict.
1 anonymous
2 chronic
3 demanding
4 viable
(88) Autism is a brain ( ) that causes developmental delays in children.
1 disorder
2 curiosity
3 definition
4 conviction
(89) International language ( ) is not solely the result of military might.
1 criteria
2 equation
3 literacy
4 dominance
(90) Her lawyer called the verdict unjust and ( ) to appeal.
1 inquired
2 confronted
3 vowed
4 assumed
(91) The country's rulers will not abandon their "nuclear ( )."
1 garments
2 aspirations
3 predecessors
4 species
(92) Wild plants have a genetic ( ) that growers use to improve the cultivated crop.
1 geography
2 compromise
3 accommodation
4 diversity
(93) Many gun-rights ( ) worry that gun-free school zones actually attract shooters.
1 advocates
2 privileges
3 pedestrians
4 orbits
(94) She leads a panel to come up with ( ) aimed at reducing the nation's air pollution.
1 prosperity
2 reservoir
3 priority
4 legislation
(95) Many people have signed ( ) to nominate her for the Nobel Peace Prize.
1 schemes
2 petitions
3 transactions
4 viewpoints
(96) The company ceased publication of the magazine whose ( ) reporting skills has raised controversies.
1 profound
2 substantial
3 vivid
4 dubious
(97) In the aftermath of the shooting, local governments began to ( ) allowing more firearms in schools.
1 reassure
2 contemplate
3 terminate
4 yield
(98) He ( ) laws that made insulting the president a criminal offense.
1 enacted
2 swallowed
3 represented
4 prevailed
(99) Animal rights activists applauded the ban of new cosmetics with ( ) tested on animals.
1 facilities
2 households
3 ingredients
4 mammals
(100) Restoring electrical capacity is ( ) to tsunami- devastated factories.
1 obscure
2 manifest
3 legitimate
4 crucial
(81)解答4 inflict : もたらす
(82)解答2 adversity : 逆境
(83)解答1 comply : 遵守する
(84)解答3 inherited : 相続する、遺伝する
(85)解答2 converting : 転宗する
(86)解答1 autonomy: 自治
(87)解答4 viable : 実行可能な
(88)解答1 disorder: 障害
(89)解答4 dominance : 支配
(90)解答3 vowed : 誓う、明言する
(91)解答2 aspirations : 熱望、和訳)その国の支配者たちは彼らの「核の熱望」を放棄しないだろう。
(92)解答4 diversity : 多様性、和訳)野生の植物は遺伝的多様性があって、それを生産者は栽培作物を改良するのに使う。
(93)解答1 advocates : 擁護者、和訳)多くの銃の権利擁護者は心配する/ 銃のないスクールゾーンが銃撃者を引き寄せるのを。
(94)解答4 legislation : 法制度、和訳)彼女はその国の大気汚染を減らすことを目指す法制度を創案するための委員会を率いている。
(95)解答2 petitions : 請願書
(96)解答4 dubious : 疑わしい
(97)解答)2 contemplate : 熟考する、和訳)銃撃のあと、地方政府は学校にさらなる火器を許可することを熟考し始めた。
(98)解答)1 enacted: 制定する、和訳)彼は大統領を侮辱することを刑法違反とする法律を制定した。
(99)解答)3 ingredients : 材料、和訳)動物の権利の活動家たちは、動物実験された材料による新しい化粧品の禁止に喝采した。
(100)解答)4 crucial : 極めて重要な、和訳)電力を回復することは、津波で大打撃を受けた工場にとって極めて重要である。
上記問題(100)正解crucialをオンラインで無料で使えるマクミランで調べると、something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of somethingと基本的重要単語でシンプルに定義されています。
[問題] a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = c---
[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)