


2022年03月01日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。
 2009年センター試験英語に翻訳者の叔母に贈られた英英辞典をI found it extremely difficult to use.と感じる大学生が登場しました。大学生も大学受験生も英英辞典を使いこなせない状況は今も変わらず、英英定義に親しむと周囲に大きく差をつけられます。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(33)~(48)

(33)(physical)身体的な damage or injury (caused)起こされる(by) a person or an event=(harm)
We must (keep)(in)(mind) 心にとどめる that smoking does us more (harm) than good.

(34)the (          )公式の line that (           )分ける two countries or (         )地域
=(      )国境
The Rio Grande is the river that (      )形作る a natural *(       ) between the United States and Mexico.

(35)the (     )行為(  )(     )買う something=(     )購入
Products can be (        )交換される(   )(   )最大 two months after *(            ).

(36)the (     )事実 or (       )物体 which (         ) 起こす you to believe that something
(     ) 存在する or is true=(          )証拠
There is *(       ) that TV leads people to (     )受け入れる more (           )暴力 in everyday life.

(37)(         )役に立つ or (        )ふさわしい for a particular purpose =(         )便利な
Traveling by private jet can be *(          )
(        ) ~ならば you can (         )…する余裕がある to (    ) 所有する one.

(38)having a (      )義務(    ) (   )(    )対処する or (     )(      ) 面倒を見る someone or something
=(         )責任がある
He is *(          ) for (         )準備する the report.

(39)easy (   )(          )気づく or understand=(         )明らかな
From the (       )見かけ on his face, it was *(            )that he did not get much sleep last night.

(40)(         )作られた by (    )(        )人間 to (         )模倣する something natural
=(          )人工の
The restaurant was (          )装飾された with *(      ) flowers.

(41)to (        ) your ideas (   ) other people to (          )考慮する =(         )提案する
I *(         ) to Mary that she come with me to (      )集める(      )空のcans on the street.

(42)to (     ) someone (      ) something they do not want to do=(      )強いる
Because he (     )(     )(     )かかる the flu, he was *(         ) to stay at home for a week.

(43)to do something special or enjoyable to (      ) that an (         ) 機会 or event is important
=(          )祝う
A tree is a (        ) gift to *(          ) an important day
(    )(     ) …のような your wedding (            )記念日.

(44)to (     )(          ) someone or something in a particular way=(        )みなす
People, (       )(     ) …によって their culture, may *(        ) being on time differently.

(45)to (    ) something more (      )魅力的な by (    ) things on it =(            )装飾する
The museum which I visited was beautifully *(          ) with antique (           ).

(46)to (     ) 許す someone to (    ) something that (       )属する to you for a (      )期間 of time
=(    )貸す
I don't think my father is (      ) to *(      ) us the car, but I'll (    )調べる if I can (    ) him (    ) it.

(47)to (    ) something (     ) is broken or (    ) working (          )適切に
(    )(  ) good (         )状態=(         )修理する
Elevator mechanics are (           )責任がある for *(           )elevators
when they are (      )(      )(     )故障した.

(48)to (         ) that something (        )存在する=(         )示す
Many electrical (          )製品 have a small light to *(     ) that the power is (      ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(49)~(64)

(49)a person who is travelling in a (         )車両, plane, boat etc, and who is not driving it or working on it
=(        )乗客
When young *(          ) see a woman flying their plane, they come to (     )受け入れる (        )女性の pilots as a natural (           )現象.

(50)the (      )行為 of (              )注意深く thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something=(            )注意
When you (     )(     ) shoes, (   ) *(              ) not only to their length but also to their depth and width.

(51)the (   )権利 to do something that is (    ) by someone in (       )権限
=(           )許可
We (    )(      )確認する that the gate was locked
so that no one could come into the (      ) 工場 without *(     ).

(52)something that you (     ) or (     )(     ) a (    )正式な way =(           )声明
The (         )以下 is the (        )全部の text of the U.S.-North Korea Joint *(         )(         )発表された by the White House.

(53)the (      ) 行為(   )(       )支払う for something=(         )支払い
There are several (       )税金 *(         ) options, whether you can pay in full (     )(       )すぐに or you need more time to come up with the money.

(54)an (            )活動 that a person or group does to (          )楽しませる an (         )観衆
=(            )演技
I'm looking forward to your dance *(             ) tomorrow night.

(55)a (         )描写 of (       ) is (            ) 予想される to happen in the future=(        )予報
During a (         ) *(             ) on television, you can see images of cloud patterns over Japan from the satellite.

(56)the (     )方法 you act or feel (   )(           )(    )…に応じて something =(          )反応
For Kant, an 18th century philosopher, laughter was a *(     ) to a sudden, (     )予想されない change.

(57) (       ) someone or something in order to (        ) 生き残る or (         )成功する=(         )依存した
Japan's (          )工業化 has been heavily *(       ) on foreign (       ) of energy and raw materials.

(58)(         ) 共有している some (        )特徴 but are (    )(              )全く the same
=(          )類似する
The microscope was (           )開発された using *(        )(           )原理 to the telescope.

(59)(    )合っている(     ) ぴったりと to your body=(        )きつい
Research (     )示唆する that *(        ) clothing can (      )起こす all sorts of health problems.

(60)happening at times that are (     )等しく(     )分けられた =(     )定期的な
(   )(          )(   ) …に加えて taking the *(          ) tests, we have to (     )(   ) 提出する a long essay.

(61)to tell someone about a (           )可能性のある(         ) 危険 or trouble, so that they can (      )避ける it or (     )防ぐ it=(           )警告する
The teacher (       ) Tim go after *(        ) him not to read comics in class.

(62)to (    )(    ) goods or services to be (         )供給される to you =(        )注文する
The package arrived late and, to (    )(     )(     )さらに悪いことに, it wasn't (     ) we had *(      ).

(63)to (     ) money (   )(    )(    ) …の見返りに work that you do =(     )稼ぐ
Workers (      ) college (       )学位 *(       )(             )大幅に more than those without.

(64)to do something (      )繰り返して to (      )向上させる your (     )技能=(     )練習する
The more we *(      ) for the concert, the better our (         ) will be.

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