


2022年04月13日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。全英語音声とキーワードの和訳が字幕表示できるため、字幕を見ながらのシャドウイングで面白いほど重要語彙が覚えられます。

①conference【kɑ'nfərəns】(Ex:A *conference was held to *discuss the *various *benefits of using *insects as an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chikens, and cows.)(353)
②fever【fíːvər】(Ex:My grandmother always said you should *sweat to *reduce the *fever when you have the flu.)(354)
③representative【rèprizéntətiv】(Ex:The *representatives made a plan for the school festival, and the other students carried it out.)(355)
④measure【méʒər】(Ex:To *improve business *performance, the *company decided to *resort to *drastic *measures.)(356)
(A)a *medical condition in which the *temperature of your body is higher than normal
(B)an *official action that is carried out to *achieve a *particular purpose
(C)a large *formal meeting where a lot of people *discuss a *particular subject
(D)a person who has been chosen to act or speak on behalf of a group


(353)A con------ was held to discuss the various benefits of using insects as an alternative source of food to pigs, chikens, and cows.
【a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss a particular subject】

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to reduce the fev------ when you have the flu.
【a medical condition in which the temperature of your body is higher than normal】

(355)The rep------ made a plan for the school festival, and the other students carried it out.【a person who has been chosen to act or speak on behalf of a group】

(356)To improve business performance, the company decided to resort to
drastic mea------ .【an official action that is carried out to achieve a particular purpose】

解答)(353)conference (354)fever (355)representatives (356)measures

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(353)~(368)

(353)a large (      )公式の(     ) where a lot of people
(      )議論する a particular (      )=(         )会議
A *(          ) was held to discuss the (      )さまざまな(        )利点    of using insects as an (          )代替の(       )源 of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)a (      )(     ) in which the (        )温度 of your body is higher than (        )正常の=(      )熱
My grandmother always said you should sweat to (      )下げる the *(      ) when you have the flu.

(355)a (     ) who has been (     ) to act
or speak (   )(     )( )…を代表して a group=(        )代表
The *(          ) made a plan (    ) the school festival, and the other students carried it out.

(356)an (       )公式の(     )行動 that is carried out to (       )達成する a particular purpose=(          )手段
To (      )改善する business performance,
the company decided to (        )訴える to drastic *(         ).

(357) (    ) something or (    ) somewhere at (      )正確に the time that has been (        )手配された=(        )時間に正確な
Trains in Japan are (          )信じられないほど*(        ).

(358) (    ) or (           )失望した because something unpleasant has happened
=(      )落ち込んだ
Bruce was (         )ひどく*(    ) when his girlfriend left him, but he soon (    )(     )立ち直る it.

(359) (        )注目すべき=(         )傑出した
The story was *(            ),
but his acting was (        )(    )…にはほど遠い(          )素晴らしい.

(360) (     ) a large (         )距離 between (        ) 反対のsides
=(     )厚い
*(      ) eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like the (       ) of the world is ( ) your nose.

(361)to be (     )(    ) each other=(       )異なる
Some people are (     ) to consider their own way of life as being the (     )正常な one and to (    )(    )( )見下す life-styles that *(       ) from it.

(362)to (     ) to (       )離れる your job=(     )やめる
Permanent employees (      )とどまる(      ) until they are (     )解雇される or choose to *(     ).

(363)to (   ) to (       )発見する all the facts about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem=(           )調査する
Not (   ) one percent of the (       )種 in today's rainforests have been *(          ) by researchers.

(364)to (     ) someone (     )(        )不安な about someone or something
=(      )心配させる
It never (      )(   ) me that my actions had *(      ) my parents.

(365)to (      ) and (       )調べる something carefully
over a (       )期間 of time=(      )監視する
Watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully *(       ).

(366)to (     ) the (     ) of something (      ) by using examples
=(         )例示する
This picture *(        ) a method
of (            )防御(          )利用される by many animals.

(367)to (       )拒否する( )(     )受け入れる something such as a (        )提案,
a (         )要求, or an offer=(        )拒絶する
Although he had a lot of experience in teaching, John's (        )応募 for the position of full-time professor was *(         ).

(368)to (       )許す a child to (   ) everything that they (    ) =(    )甘やかす
Is it child (      )児童虐待 for parents to *(     ) their children too much?

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(369)~(384)

(369)the opportunity or (      )権利 to (   ) something=(      )アクセス
Three of five people in the world still do not have *(       ) to the Internet.

(370)an (          )例外的に(          )才能があるperson=(       )天才
Can hard work and (        )誠実な(      )努力(      )打ち負かす
inborn *(       )?

(371)a situation in (     ) people or groups ( ) to be more (         )成功した
than other people or groups=(         )競争
(      )激しい*(           ) between companies in the airline industry had led to lower prices and (          )改善された services.

(372)the (    )公正な(          )処遇(    ) people=(      )正義
Throughout history, many individuals have fought for *(        ) and (       )平等.

(373)a (       ) of (       ) to do or have something that is bad for you
=(          )誘惑
You must not (        )屈するto *(           ).

(374)someone who saw a (      )犯罪 or an accident and is able
to (          )説明する it to other people=(          )目撃者
Police are appealing for *(        ) after a large sum of (     ) was stolen.

(375)a (      )後ろめたい(     )(     ) something bad you have done
=(          )良心
He (          )苦しむ with his *(         ) after he (      )犯す the crime.

(376)the usual (        )態度 or (     )気分of a person=(       )気性
I can't (     )(   )(    )我慢する her *(      ) any longer.

(377) (     ) that someone might be (      )関与している( ) a crime or some dishonest activity=(           )疑わしい
The detective thinks the man he (        )面接した today is *(        ).

(378)(          )存在する(   ) only a (        )限られた period of time
=(         )一時的な
More and more companies have tried to (   )雇用する*(         ) workers lately.

(379) (    )(     )堅固な in your (      )支え of someone or something
=(      )忠実な
The (     )きずな between a *(     ) dog and a (     ) owner is unbreakable, even between life and death.

(380) (      ) a (    ) to (    ) something=(       )喉が渇いた
The soldiers became desperately *(        ) in the heat.

(381)to (   ) to deal with a problem in a (         )決然とした way=(      )取り組む
Michael *(      )(       )難しい problems on a daily basis,
but he always finds (      )解決策.

(382)to (    ) the (      )性質 of something=(       )反映する
A great movie usually *(      )
its director's (     )創造的な(      )視点 in the story or in the way it is told.

(383)to ( )(       )類似した(   ) something=(      )似ている
Of all (      )保存された foods, frozen foods most *(      ) fresh foods.

(384)to (     ) someone (      )苦しむ
because they have done something wrong or (       )違法な=(        )罰する
He was *(         ) for selling (     ) video games to (    )未成年者.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(385)~(400)

(385)to (    )真似るsomeone or something=(     )模倣する
Video games may (    ) children *(     )(        )不適切な behavior.

(386)to (     )(        )間違って that a person or thing is someone or something else
=(      )混同する
It is (      )よくある for people to *(       ) fact and opinion.

(387)to (          )公式に(    ) someone (    ) a job or position
=(      )任命する
She became the first woman *(      ) to the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)to say or do something ( ) a (      )反応(   ) something that has been said or done
=(      )反応する
The ability to (        )解釈する the signals given by other people,
and to *(      )(         )効果的に, is clearly important for (      )成功 in life.

(389)the (    )(    ) something has on someone or something=(     )影響
Many studies point to the (         )否定的な*(      ) of social media on mental health.

(390)the (       )信念 in the (         )存在 of a god or gods=(      )宗教
Many *(         )(      )禁止する alcoholic consumption or see it as sinful.

(391)a (          )住宅の(    ) that is (    ) the center of a city
=(      )郊外
Would you (      )好む living in the city, *(      ) or country?

(392)a person (      )(        )切り離されて(     ) the group
=*(         )個人
(      ) or not a task is (      )楽しい(      )( ) the (         ).

(393)written works, especially those (     ) to have (     )価値 as art
=(         )文学
As is often the (   ) with *(         ),
Herman Melville was (        )認められた for his best work long after it was written.

(394)the (      )( ) being very (      )心配な that something is going to happen
=(         )不安
A job (         )面接 can make even the most (         )自信のある person (        )震える with *(        ).

(395)the (         )行為 of (         )扱う one person or group of people
(         )不当に because of their sex, race, (           )宗教,
or other personal (         )特徴=(          )差別
There is a large (            )運動 against *(           )
on the basis of (   )人種 in that country.

(396)the (       )活動 of buying, selling, or (           )交換する goods between people or countries=(      )貿易
International *(      )(       )可能にする countries to buy what we want from other countries.

(397) (     )(   )( ) something very much=(     )熱望して
After getting out of college, graduates are *(     ) to join an organization
(    ) they will be able to (       )活用する their skills.

(398)not (         )すぐに(    )気づくことができる
or (       )明白な=(     )微妙な
Despite (      )類似性, there are *(     ) differences between a cult and a religion.

(399) (      )正常な and not (     ) or special in any (    )
=(      )普通の
The recent rise in the price of land has meant that *(      ) people
can no longer (      )…する余裕がある to buy houses of their own.

(400) (     ) that big social and political (    ) are
(        )必要な=(      )急進的な
*(      ) Islam is not only a religion but also a (      )政治的な movement.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(401)~(416)

(401)to be (    )役に立つ to you or (         )改善する your life
=(       )利益をもたらす
(       )身体的な activity in your childhood, such as playing sports and exercising, can
greatly *(      ) your health when you are older.

(402)to (   ) to ( ) something difficult=(      )試みる
Any adult who has *(      ) to learn a foreign language knows how difficult and (          )わかりにくい it can be.

(403)to officially (     ) or ( ) something
(   )(      )(   )…を代表して a person or group of people=(        )代表する
Labor unions (      )存在する for a wide (    ) of professions,
*(         ) everyone from construction workers to doctors.

(404)to (     ) something=(        )習得する
Older people usually (  ) it more difficult to *(    ) the new skills    (       )必要とされる by technological changes.

(405)to (     ) someone or something=(      )捕らえる
The (       ) was nearly *(       ) by the police
but (      )どうにか…する to escape.

(406)to (    ) someone a lot of (        )喜び=(      )喜ばせる
I'm so *(       ) to (    )(    )連絡がある one of my high school classmates.

(407)to (      ) someone to (   ) something=(    )促す
He *(    ) students to (      )大事にする the (      )過程 of thinking, and not just getting the “right”answer.

(408)to (     ) something in order to (      )調べる that it is (   )(     )正しく
=(      )監督する
Architects should not (       )引き受ける responsibility to *(      ) the construction works.

(409)a (       )方法(  )(   )something=(     )手段
Computers were a *(     ) for the girls, but an (   )目的 for the boys.

(410)the (      )尊敬 and (      )称賛 that someone or something has because of their success or importance in society=(      )名声
Is the *(        ) of (     )主催する the Olympics ( )( )(        )低下して?

(411)the (    )過程 that plants and animals (       )発達する
and (       )(      )徐々に over a long (      )期間 of time
=(          )進化
Darwin's (      )理論 of *(        ) by natural (        )選択
is (     )基づく much on (   ) he discovered in the Galapagos Islands.

(412)the process of (      ) water, air, or land, etc. (      )
=(         )汚染
The best way to avoid air *(        ) is to (   )(   )(   ) car traffic.

(413)a (   )( ) paper which shows that you have (     ) for (    )商品 or services
=(      )領収書
After you pay a (     )請求書, you are given a *(      ) to show that you have paid.

(414)a (     )兆候 in your (    ) or (    ) which (     ) that you have a particular illness=(        )症状
The stress *(          ) many of the programmers had was (        )うつ.

(415)the (     )状態( ) being (     )貧しい=(      )貧困
It is (      )主に the (      )急速な(       )増加 of population
which causes the *(      ) in that country.

(416)a (    ) or (     )(       ) of something that has (     )
=(        )記録
The novel is not so much a (      )詳細な explanation of a historic event as it is a personal *(         ) of what happened.

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