無料youtubeー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語を公開しています。
共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。英語を英語で理解する、いわば英英思考力を問う問題はセンター試験英語でも出題されています。
A 次の問い (問1,問2) の英文を読み,下線部の語句の意味をそれぞれの文章から
推測し, に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから1つ
問1 Louise: Hi. This is Louise calling. I've just finished the report that's due tomorrow
morning for Professor Green.…
Peter: That report's due tomorrow morning? Oh, no! I'm in trouble! It's already
11:30 p.m. and I haven't even started writing it. I'll have to work all night. If
I can turn it in by 9 a.m., it'll be by the skin of my teeth.
In this dialogue, by the skin of my teeth means .
① barely in time ② hard to chew ③ morally right ④ quite late
問2 Yesterday was Dr. Menkan's birthday. His wife bought him an expensive red and
green striped necktie because he likes those colors. She gave it to him on the morning
of his birthday. Then she found out that her daughter had bought exactly the same
necktie to give him that evening. So Mrs. Menkan took her husband aside and asked him
not to let on that he had already received the same tie that morning.
In this passage, let on means .
① believe ② indicate ③ pretend ④ remember
※正解は問1① 問2②となります。
by the skin of my teeth : 辛うじて let on : 漏らす はほとんどの大学受験生が知らないレベルの単熟語ですので、知識ではなく英英思考力を試すことのできる良問です。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。
①recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex:I still haven't *recovered from the cold I caught last week.)(2005センター)(097)
②burn【bə'ːrn】(Ex:When fossil fuels are *burned, they release carbon dioxide.)(098)
③expect【ikspékt】(Ex:Never did I *expect to see him in such a place. )(099)
④preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex:What can be used to *preserve food?)(100)
(A)to think that something will happen
(B)to get better after an illness or an injury
(C)to keep something in good condition
(D)to damage something with fire
①gather【gǽðər】(Ex:*Gathering seafood by hand is very simple.)(101)
②avoid【əvɔ'id】(Ex:Which fruits should be *avoided for weight loss?)(102)
③hide【háid】(Ex:Where can I *hide my secret diary in my room?)(103)
④decide【disáid】(Ex:She *decided to quit her job.)(104)
(A)to keep away from someone or something
(B)to make a choice about something
(C)to bring many things together
(D)to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found
①remove【rimúːv】(Ex:Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to remove water from your ears.)(105)
②hate【héit】(Ex:If your child *hates doing homework, you're not alone.)(106)
③illustrate【íləstrèit】(Ex:This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals.)(107)(2009センター)
④lead【líːd】(Ex:The guide led us to the museum.)(108)
(A)to dislike someone or something very much
(B)to make something easy to understand by giving examples
(C)to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them
(D)to take something away from a place
①prevent【privént】(Ex:Fire doors help *prevent fires from spreading through a building. )(109)
②invent【invént】(Ex:Who *invented the telephone? )(110)
③bark【bɑ'ːrk】(Ex:*Barking dogs seldom bite.)(111)
④achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex:Nothing can be *achieved without effort.)(112)
(A)to create something that has never been made before
(B)to stop something from happening
(C)to succeed in doing something
(D)to make a short loud sound
(097)I still haven't rec------- from the cold I caught last week.
【to get better after an illness or an injury】
(098)When fossil fuels are bur-------, they release carbon dioxide.
【to damage something with fire】
(099)Never did I exp------- to see him in such a place.
【to think that something will happen】
(100)What can be used to pre------- food?
【to keep something in good condition】
(101)Gat------- seafood by hand is very simple.
【to bring many things together】
(102)Which fruits should be avo------- for weight loss?
【to keep away from someone or something】
(103)Where can I hid------- my secret diary in my room?
【to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found】
(104)She dec------- to quit her job.
【to make a choice about something】
(097)recovered (098)burned (099)expect (100) preserve
(101)Gathering (102)avoided (103)hide (104)decided
(105)Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to rem------- water from your ears.
【to take something away from a place】
(106)If your child hat------- doing homework, you're not alone.
【to dislike someone or something very much】
(107)This picture ill------- a method of protection utilized by many animals.
【to make something easy to understand by giving examples】
(108)The guide le------- us to the museum.
【to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them】
(109)Fire doors help pre------- fires from spreading through a building.
【to stop something from happening】
(110)Who inv------- the telephone?
【to create something that has never been made before】
(111)Bar------- dogs seldom bite.
【to make a short loud sound】
(112)Nothing can be ach------- without effort.
【to succeed in doing something】
(105)remove (106)hates (107)illustrates (108)led
(109)prevented (110) invented (111)Barking (112)achieved
共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。英語を英語で理解する、いわば英英思考力を問う問題はセンター試験英語でも出題されています。
A 次の問い (問1,問2) の英文を読み,下線部の語句の意味をそれぞれの文章から
推測し, に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから1つ
問1 Louise: Hi. This is Louise calling. I've just finished the report that's due tomorrow
morning for Professor Green.…
Peter: That report's due tomorrow morning? Oh, no! I'm in trouble! It's already
11:30 p.m. and I haven't even started writing it. I'll have to work all night. If
I can turn it in by 9 a.m., it'll be by the skin of my teeth.
In this dialogue, by the skin of my teeth means .
① barely in time ② hard to chew ③ morally right ④ quite late
問2 Yesterday was Dr. Menkan's birthday. His wife bought him an expensive red and
green striped necktie because he likes those colors. She gave it to him on the morning
of his birthday. Then she found out that her daughter had bought exactly the same
necktie to give him that evening. So Mrs. Menkan took her husband aside and asked him
not to let on that he had already received the same tie that morning.
In this passage, let on means .
① believe ② indicate ③ pretend ④ remember
※正解は問1① 問2②となります。
by the skin of my teeth : 辛うじて let on : 漏らす はほとんどの大学受験生が知らないレベルの単熟語ですので、知識ではなく英英思考力を試すことのできる良問です。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。
①recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex:I still haven't *recovered from the cold I caught last week.)(2005センター)(097)
②burn【bə'ːrn】(Ex:When fossil fuels are *burned, they release carbon dioxide.)(098)
③expect【ikspékt】(Ex:Never did I *expect to see him in such a place. )(099)
④preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex:What can be used to *preserve food?)(100)
(A)to think that something will happen
(B)to get better after an illness or an injury
(C)to keep something in good condition
(D)to damage something with fire
①gather【gǽðər】(Ex:*Gathering seafood by hand is very simple.)(101)
②avoid【əvɔ'id】(Ex:Which fruits should be *avoided for weight loss?)(102)
③hide【háid】(Ex:Where can I *hide my secret diary in my room?)(103)
④decide【disáid】(Ex:She *decided to quit her job.)(104)
(A)to keep away from someone or something
(B)to make a choice about something
(C)to bring many things together
(D)to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found
①remove【rimúːv】(Ex:Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to remove water from your ears.)(105)
②hate【héit】(Ex:If your child *hates doing homework, you're not alone.)(106)
③illustrate【íləstrèit】(Ex:This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals.)(107)(2009センター)
④lead【líːd】(Ex:The guide led us to the museum.)(108)
(A)to dislike someone or something very much
(B)to make something easy to understand by giving examples
(C)to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them
(D)to take something away from a place
①prevent【privént】(Ex:Fire doors help *prevent fires from spreading through a building. )(109)
②invent【invént】(Ex:Who *invented the telephone? )(110)
③bark【bɑ'ːrk】(Ex:*Barking dogs seldom bite.)(111)
④achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex:Nothing can be *achieved without effort.)(112)
(A)to create something that has never been made before
(B)to stop something from happening
(C)to succeed in doing something
(D)to make a short loud sound
(097)I still haven't rec------- from the cold I caught last week.
【to get better after an illness or an injury】
(098)When fossil fuels are bur-------, they release carbon dioxide.
【to damage something with fire】
(099)Never did I exp------- to see him in such a place.
【to think that something will happen】
(100)What can be used to pre------- food?
【to keep something in good condition】
(101)Gat------- seafood by hand is very simple.
【to bring many things together】
(102)Which fruits should be avo------- for weight loss?
【to keep away from someone or something】
(103)Where can I hid------- my secret diary in my room?
【to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found】
(104)She dec------- to quit her job.
【to make a choice about something】
(097)recovered (098)burned (099)expect (100) preserve
(101)Gathering (102)avoided (103)hide (104)decided
(105)Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to rem------- water from your ears.
【to take something away from a place】
(106)If your child hat------- doing homework, you're not alone.
【to dislike someone or something very much】
(107)This picture ill------- a method of protection utilized by many animals.
【to make something easy to understand by giving examples】
(108)The guide le------- us to the museum.
【to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them】
(109)Fire doors help pre------- fires from spreading through a building.
【to stop something from happening】
(110)Who inv------- the telephone?
【to create something that has never been made before】
(111)Bar------- dogs seldom bite.
【to make a short loud sound】
(112)Nothing can be ach------- without effort.
【to succeed in doing something】
(105)remove (106)hates (107)illustrates (108)led
(109)prevented (110) invented (111)Barking (112)achieved