


2009年11月11日 | ドリトル先生アフリカゆきで学ぶ語彙・読解
 著作権の切れた童話「ドリトル先生アフリカゆき」から、シンプルで、大学入試にもTOEICにも英検にも有効な練習問題を作成しています。楽しみながら英語力を伸ばしていただければ幸いです。( )には文脈にあったアルファベットを補充してください。スラッシュで区切られているのが四語整序問題になっています。

JOHN DOLITTLE now became ①( )readfully, awfully busy. He found hundreds and thousands of monkeys sick—gorillas, orangoutangs, chimpanzees, dog-faced baboons, marmosettes, gray monkeys, red ones—all kinds. And many had died.

The first thing he did was to ②( )eparate the sick ones from the well ones. Then he got Chee-Chee and his cousin to build him a little house of grass. The next thing: he made all the monkeys who were still well come and be vaccinated.

And for three days and three nights the ③(coming / monkeys / from / kept) the jungles and the valleys and the hills to the little house of grass, ④wh( )( )( ) the Doctor sat all day and all night, vaccinating and vaccinating.

Then he had another house made—a big one, with a lot of beds in it; and he ⑤( )ut all the sick ones in this house.

But so many were sick, there were not enough well ones to do the ⑥( )ursing. So he sent messages to the other animals, like the lions and the leopards and the antelopes, to come and help with the nursing.

But the Leader of the Lions was a very proud ⑦( )reature. And when he came to the Doctor's big house full of beds he seemed angry and scornful.

"Do you ⑧(to / dare / me / ask ), Sir?" he said, glaring at the Doctor. "Do you dare to ask me—ME, THE KING OF BEASTS, to ⑨( )ait on a lot of dirty monkeys? Why, I wouldn't even eat them between meals!"

Although the lion looked very terrible, the Doctor ⑩(to / not / hard / tried) seem afraid of him.

"I didn't ask you to eat them," he said quietly. "And besides, they're not dirty. They've all had a bath this morning. YOUR coat ⑪(as / looks / it /though) needed brushing—badly. Now listen, and I'll tell you something: the day may come when the lions get sick. And if you don't help the other animals now, the lions ⑫(left / may / themselves / find ) all alone when THEY are in trouble. That often happens to ⑬( )roud people."

"The lions are never IN trouble—they only MAKE trouble," said the Leader, ⑭(his / turning / nose / up). And he stalked away into the jungle, feeling he had been rather smart and clever.

Then the leopards got proud too and said they wouldn't help. And then of course the antelopes—although they were too shy and ⑮( )imid to be rude to the Doctor like the lion—THEY pawed the ground, and smiled foolishly, and said they had never been nurses before.

And now the poor Doctor was ⑯( )orried frantic, wondering where he could get help enough to take care of all these thousands of monkeys in bed.

But the Leader of the Lions, when he got back to his den, saw his wife, the Queen Lioness, come ⑰(out / running / meet / to) him with her hair untidy.

"One of the cubs won't eat," she said. "I don't know WHAT to do with him. He hasn't taken a thing since last night."

And she began to cry and shake with ⑱( )ervousness—for she was a good mother, even though she was a lioness.

So the Leader went into his den and looked at his children—two very cunning little cubs, ⑲(the / lying / floor / on). And one of them seemed quite poorly.

Then the lion told his wife, quite proudly, just what he had said to the Doctor. And she got so angry she nearly ⑳( )rove him out of the den.

※(13)の解答①dreadfully②separate③(monkeys kept coming from )④where⑤put⑥nursing⑦creature⑧(dare to ask me)⑨wait⑩(tried hard not to)⑪(looks as though it)⑫(may find themselves left) ⑬proud⑭(turning his nose up)⑮timid⑯worried⑰(running out to meet)⑱nervousness⑲(lying on the floor)⑳drove
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