


2009年11月10日 | ドリトル先生アフリカゆきで学ぶ語彙・読解
 著作権の切れた童話「ドリトル先生アフリカゆき」から、シンプルで、大学入試にもTOEICにも英検にも有効な練習問題を作成しています。楽しみながら英語力を伸ばしていただければ幸いです。( )には文脈にあったアルファベットを補充してください。スラッシュで区切られているのが四語整序問題になっています。

"You never DID have a grain of sense!" she ①( )creamed. "All the animals from here to the Indian Ocean are talking about this wonderful man, and ②(cure / how / can / he) any kind of sickness, and how kind he is—the only man in the whole world who can talk the language of the animals! And now, NOW—when we have a sick baby on our hands, you must go and ③offen( ) him! You great booby! Nobody but a ④(ever / fool / rude / is) to a GOOD doctor. You—," and she started pulling her husband's hair.

"Go back to that white man at once," she yelled, "and tell him you're sorry. And ⑤( )ake all the other empty-headed lions with you—and those stupid leopards and antelopes. Then do everything the Doctor tells you. Work hard! And perhaps he will be ⑥(come / to / enough / kind ) and see the cub later. Now be off!— HURRY, I tell you! You're not fit to be a father!"

And she went into the den next door, where another mother-lion lived, and ⑦(all / told / about / her) it.

So the Leader of the Lions went back to the Doctor and said, "I happened to be passing this way and thought I'd look in. Got any help yet?"

"No," said the Doctor. "I haven't. And I'm dreadfully worried."

"Help's pretty hard to get these days," said the lion. "Animals don't seem to want to work any more. You can't ⑧blam( ) them—in a way.... Well, seeing you're in difficulties, I don't ⑨min( ) doing what I can—just to oblige you—⑩(I / so / as / long) don't have to wash the creatures. And I have told all the other hunting animals to come and do their ⑪shar( ). The leopards should be here any minute now.... Oh, and by the way, we've got a sick cub at home. I don't think there's much the matter with him myself. But the wife is ⑫( )nxious. If you are around that way this evening, you might take a look at him, will you?"

Then the Doctor was very happy; ⑬(lions / for / the / all) and the leopards and the antelopes and the giraffes and the zebras—all the animals of the forests and the mountains and the plains—came to help ⑭(in / him / work / his ). There were so many of them that he had to send some away, and only kept the cleverest.

And now very soon the monkeys began to get better. At the end of a week the big house full of beds was half ⑮( )mpty. And at the end of the second week the last monkey had got well.

Then the Doctor's work was done; and he was so tired he went to bed and slept for three days without even ⑯( )urning over.

CHEE-CHEE stood outside the Doctor's door, ⑰( )eeping everybody away till he woke up. Then John Dolittle told the monkeys that he must now go back to Puddleby.

They were very surprised at this; for they had thought that he was going to stay with them forever. And that night all the monkeys got together in the jungle ⑱(over / to / it / talk).

And the Chief Chimpanzee rose up and said,

"Why is it the good man is going away? Is he not happy here with us?"

But none of them could answer him.

Then the Grand Gorilla got up and said,

"I think we all should go to him and ⑲(him / ask / stay / to ). Perhaps if we make him a new house and a bigger bed, and promise him plenty of monkey-servants to work for him and to make life ⑳( )leasant for him—perhaps then he will not wish to go."

※(14)の解答①screamed②(how he can cure)③offend④(fool is ever rude)⑤take⑥(kind enough to come)⑦(told her all about)⑧blame ⑨mind⑩(so long as I)⑪share⑫anxious⑬(for all the lions) ⑭(him in his work)⑮empty⑯turning⑰keeping⑱(to talk it over)⑲(ask him to stay)⑳pleasant
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