


2009年11月30日 | ドリトル先生アフリカゆきで学ぶ語彙・読解
 著作権の切れた童話「ドリトル先生アフリカゆき」から、シンプルで、大学入試にもTOEICにも英検にも有効な練習問題を作成しています。楽しみながら英語力を伸ばしていただければ幸いです。( )には文脈にあったアルファベットを補充してください。スラッシュで区切られているのが四語整序問題になっています。
So six of the black men led the Doctor and all his pets away and ①(in / shut / up / them) a stone dungeon. The dungeon had only one little window, high up in the wall, with bars in it; and the door was strong and ②thic( ).

Then they all ③( )rew very sad; and Gub-Gub, the pig, began to cry. But Chee-Chee said he ④(spank / would / if / him ) he didn't stop that horrible noise; and he kept quiet.

"Are we all here?" asked the Doctor, after he ⑤(to / used / got / had) the dim light.

"Yes, I think so," said the duck and started to ⑥coun( ) them.

"Where's Polynesia?" asked the crocodile. "She isn't here."

"Are you sure?" said the Doctor. "Look again. Polynesia! Polynesia! Where are you?"

"I suppose she escaped," ⑦( )rumbled the crocodile. "Well, that's just like her!—Sneaked off into the jungle as soon as her friends got into trouble."

"I'm not that kind of a bird," said the parrot, climbing out of the pocket in the tail of the Doctor's coat. "You see, I'm small ⑧(get / enough / through / to) the bars of that window; and I was ⑨( )fraid they would put me in a cage instead. So while the King was busy talking, I hid in the Doctor's pocket—and here I am! That's what you call a 'ruse,'" she said, smoothing down her feathers with her beak.

"Good Gracious!" cried the Doctor. "You're lucky I didn't sit on you."

"Now listen," said Polynesia, "to-night, as soon as it gets dark, I am going to ⑩cree( ) through the bars of that window and fly over to the ⑪pala( )( ). And then—you'll see—I'll soon find a way to make the King let us all out of prison."

"Oh, what can YOU do?" said Gub-Gub, ⑫(nose / turning / his / up ) and beginning to cry again. "You're only a bird!"

"Quite true," said the parrot. "But do not forget that although I am only a bird, I CAN TALK LIKE A MAN—and I know these people."

So that night, when the moon was ⑬( )hining through the palm-trees and all the King's men were asleep, the parrot slipped out through the bars of the prison and ⑭( )lew across to the palace. The pantry window had been broken by a tennis ball the week before; and Polynesia popped in through the hole in the glass.

She heard Prince Bumpo snoring in his bed-room at the back of the palace. Then she tip-toed up the ⑮(till / stairs / came / she ) to the King's bedroom. She opened the door gently and peeped in.

The Queen was away at a dance that night at her cousin's; but the King was in bed ⑯fas( ) asleep.

Polynesia crept in, very softly, and got under the bed.

Then she coughed—just the way Doctor Dolittle used to cough. Polynesia could ⑰mimi( ) any one.

The King opened his eyes and said sleepily: "Is that you, Ermintrude?" (He thought it was the Queen come back from the dance.)

Then the parrot coughed again—loud, like a man. And the King sat up, wide ⑱awa( )( ), and said, "Who's that?"

"I am Doctor Dolittle," said the parrot—just the way the Doctor ⑲(said / would / it / have).

"What are you doing in my bedroom?" cried the King. "How ⑳( )are you get out of prison! Where are you?—I don't see you."

※(9)の解答①(shut them up in)②thick③grew④(would spank him if )⑤(had got used to) ⑥count⑦grumbled⑧(enough to get through)⑨afraid⑩creep⑪palace⑫(turning up his nose)⑬shining ⑭flew⑮(stairs till she came)⑯fast⑰mimic⑱awake⑲(would have said it)⑳dare
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