"Yes, that's a good idea. I'm confident in fighting. It's my pleasure if I can help."
Instantly they put the high security measure on the whole mansion. Mr. Kondou who became pale shut the front gate and all the doors, and locked them all.
"Tonight we have to keep out any visitors."
He ordered the servants strictly.
Three policemen off the duty, three securetaries and the driver were sent to protect all doors or watch whole mansion.
Mrs. Hashiba, Sanae and Souji were ordered to stay put in their bed rooms.
Many servants got together in a room, whispering each other in frightened manner.
Soutarou and Souichi were going to stay up in the second floor study. They prepared some sandwiches and wine on the table for all night.
All the doors and windows of the study were locked so no one could open them from outside. There were no entrance even for an ant.
Now, Soutarou sat down and said with a bitter smile.
"Maybe it was too much of precaution."
"No, I think no matter how great we are in guard, it may not enough. I have been studying about the incidents of 'Twenty Faces.' He sounds really awful."
Souichi answered nervously with a serious expression.
"Then you mean you think they may be coming into this severe guard?"
"Yes, it sounds timid but I feel so somehow."
「だが、いったいどこから? ……賊が宝石を手に入れるためには、まず、高い塀を乗りこえなければならない。それから、大ぜいの人の目をかすめて、たとえここまで来たとしても、ドアを打ちやぶらなくてはならない。そして、わたしたちふたりとたたかわなければならない。しかも、それでおしまいじゃないのだ。宝石は、ダイヤルの文字のくみあわせを知らなくては、ひらくことのできない金庫の中にはいっているのだよ。いくら二十面相が魔法使いだって、この四重五重の関門を、どうしてくぐりぬけられるものか。ハハハ……。」
"But from where? To steal the diamonds, he has to climb over the high walls. And even if he could come into here through many guards, he has to break this door. And then he has to win against both of us. Still it's not enough. The gems are in the safe. Even if Twenty Faces were a magician he wouldn't be able to come through these hard barriers."
『賊』というのを they とするか he とするか、悩んでいます。一人だと思って話してる感じに思えるんだが。どうなんでしょう。