Kobayashi storoked Pippo's head, then pigeon asnwered by cooing as if it understood him.
Pippo is a pet of this boy detective. He had a steady faith that everything is all right in any danger if he was with this pet.
In addition to that, this pigeon has an important mission other than being his pet. It is very important to get communication means for a detective. For that the police has radio system on their cars but unfortunately private detective doesn't have anything like that.
It's perfect if there was a small radio that can be hidden under clothe but it's unattainable for him so Kobayashi got an idea that using a carrier pigeon.
It was very childlike idea but sometimes child's innocent idea could work very well and surprise grownups.
"I have my radio and airplane in my bag."
Kobayashi sometimes would talk to himself triumphantly. Sure, carrier pigeon is a radio and also an airplane.
Now, he finished his seven tools and hid the bag under his clothe. Next, he started to check the surroundings of the basement using the flash lihgt.