


2019-06-12 17:35:28 | 日記
很多中国留学生在写作essay 的时候,都会苦恼一个问题,就是很难去完整表达自己的想法。导致这个问题的原因有两个,一个是语言转化比较困难,还有就是大家缺乏essay编辑能力。语言转化能理解,但这个essay编辑能力又是什么呢?下面就给大家分析一下。





第一步:Planning 写提纲



第二步:Big Picture Editing 大视野编辑







第三步:Sentence Structure Editing 句子结构编辑



主语也许是简单的,例如I, my mom, the dog;又或者是相当复杂的,例如The ideas my sister has about the financial situation in Europe。


动词也一样,有时候它是简单的,比如is, had, runs;有时候是复杂的,比如will have been concerned with。


第四步:Fix common mistakes 解决基本的问题






第五步:Final Reread 最终重读






Paper代写:Business administration

2019-06-12 17:33:14 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Business administration,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业工商管理。企业在进行工商管理时,不仅需要企业采取正确的方式进行分析,还应该让企业运用专业的管理知识完善自己,开拓企业的创新精神,让企业形成一个完整的发展体系。一般工商管理形式是对企业日常运营过程中总结出来的数据进行分析,从分析中可以为企业未来发展确定一个方向,采取一系列措施,让企业朝着更高目标发展。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the rapid development of our economy, more and more enterprises to appear in the society, and become the industry in a short time, but results for a short period of time and can't let companies go longer, and the competitive environment, make many companies could not survive. The appearance of industrial and commercial management is undoubtedly a timely occurrence for many enterprises, whose status in enterprises is getting higher and higher, attracting the public's attention. Industrial and commercial management plays an important role in the operation of enterprises, driving the development of enterprises and leading the production of enterprises. Different, but the market demand for enterprise managers according to the enterprise management status quo of handling the problems of the management process, accomplish particular case is particular to treat, let enterprise in competition in steady heel, sustainable development.

Business administration belongs to management science, which is the basic knowledge of management, economics and civil engineering technology. In business management of enterprise, not only need to enterprises to take the right way to carry on the analysis, should also let enterprise professional management knowledge to grow and develop the innovative spirit of enterprise, make enterprise form a complete system of development. The enterprise has a complete operation and management system, together with financial accounting, resource management and other factors to promote the enterprise's management in an orderly manner. At the same time, one of the management contents is related to the in-depth construction of corporate culture. However, general business management form is summed up in the process of the daily operation of the enterprise data analysis, from the analysis can determine a direction for the enterprise development in the future, take a series of measures, make enterprise to develop towards a higher goal.

Companies can always on the way of normal development depends on good enterprise management system, it ensures that enterprises in the management, ease and know malpractice of enterprise development at the same time, also can be in the right direction to develop new energy. However from the current situation, many companies have no reasonable management system, and eventually led to the enterprises in difficulty, unable to understand the outside world information in time, and enterprise staff on the treatment work extremely loose, can't sell products in the fierce market, hinder the sustained development of the enterprise. At the same time, management thought behind also has certain influence on the development of enterprise, enterprise managers can't keep pace with The Times, the way enterprise management is still in a backward state, this to some extent, limits the enterprise business administration. As some enterprises in the aspect of management personnel, business leaders did not take the time to attract talent, from the start in terms of talent management, only stay on the staff salary and welfare, instead of using the modern management mode actively mobilize the staff's work enthusiasm, also can't for enterprise's development direction, in general, hindered the long-term development of enterprises.

Now, many companies have been adopt the way of "instant" production development, popular, is the problem there will be no inventory, need to speed up production, but this kind of production mode is very suitable for foreign enterprises. Based on our country's basic national conditions, the use of "instant" production mode of enterprise often do not have a bigger achievements, enterprise ignores important, is not fully consider the market demand and production mode, the relationship between the production of products can not meet consumer standard, piled up slowly, create enterprise burden. Appear this kind of phenomenon is the main reason of the production process, the enterprise did not have a correct understanding of the logistics link to just stay in and understanding of the logistics of goods distribution, ignored in the important position in the production process. In fact, logistics is an effective connection point between the inside and the outside of an enterprise, which brings great help to the production of an enterprise. Therefore, it is a key event for an enterprise to find a business model that can meet the market demand.

The widespread application of business administration has changed the current market economy system. Because enterprise managers always put enterprise interests first, their values have also changed. But if you want to get in modern society development is not enough to just rely on economic interests, can't satisfy the sustainable development of enterprises, enterprises in the process of development, should assume corresponding social responsibility. Because of the economic system, great changes have taken place in enterprise maintain normal operation can't just rely on the internal management system, should also actively scientific development concept in-depth implement to each employee, reasonable use of resources configuration, eventually will become a green environmental protection enterprise economic development pattern. At the same time, if the enterprise develops well, it should also contribute its own strength to the national public welfare cause, so that the corporate culture can be fully presented to the public.

Building a sound management mechanism is very important for the overall development of the enterprise. The management system is mainly embodied in three aspects, namely, responsibility, power and benefit. It is a yardstick for the company to reward and punish employees and to some extent constrains the behavior norms of employees. In a deeper sense, it can make employees more motivated at work and protect their legitimate rights and interests. However, there are also many setbacks when implementing the enterprise system. For example, some employees' rights are not protected by the company, no matter how well they perform at work. E is extremely, also cannot get seriously, this leads to the staff appear psychological gap, so set up a sound management system is very important for the future business management of enterprises, it can not only pay close attention to enterprise daily behavior at any time dynamic, also helpful to standardize personnel daily behavior. Enterprises should play the role of management system through different approaches, and meanwhile mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, so that they can actively participate in the work, and finally promote the sound development of enterprises.

The development of Internet technology provides a platform for enterprise business management. Because many small businesses set up time is short, can not find a suitable for their own management pattern, this time can learn some senior enterprise management model, through the Internet to find a suitable for the long-term development of the enterprise management mode. In the process of self management will be more and more depend on computer technology, the popularity of computer technology has also led to the development of the enterprise, on the basis of that, in the equal position between users and developers, manufacturers, they can communicate face to face with the aid of network, prevent to produce the user is not satisfied with the products, in this case the fuzzy mode of operation. The application of this mode of operation means that enterprises must take logistics as management means and integrate the concept of "zero inventory" management into the process of enterprise management. This model can reduce the cost of enterprises without causing the shortage of funds, which is conducive to the virtuous circle of enterprise development and the sustainable development path.

As the only criterion to judge the right and wrong of enterprises, corporate values have a far-reaching impact on the long-term development of enterprises. A foreign scholar, after visiting famous enterprises, pointed out that excellent enterprises generally know what they stand for and conscientiously establish and form the company's value principles. In fact, once a business has no wrong values or values, it is hard to succeed in business. The most important thing is that the correct values can not only the manager's heart, but also go deep into the company each employee in the heart, become a reality of things, as the enterprise culture system, help enterprises in the whole company operation is handy, survive in the competitive environment.

Generally speaking, the development of an enterprise cannot be separated from industrial and commercial management. However, in most enterprises, there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently. If enterprises want to survive in such a fierce environment, they must rely on solid infrastructure and humanized management. At the same time, enterprises should constantly innovation, establish and improve the management mechanism, to find the right business management mode, make products to meet the needs of the market, but in order to achieve these goals, the enterprise also need to cultivate outstanding management talent. In addition, enterprises should use the Internet platform to learn international excellent management experience, so that business administration can play the biggest role in the development of enterprises and promote the overall development of Chinese enterprises.


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2019-06-12 17:32:10 | 日記
在国外留学,同学们是不得不每天都跟英文论文打交道。而英文论文其实是一个统称,其包含的类型有很多,像essay, paper, report等都是其中的类型。当然,同学们写得最多还是essay,那么留学生该如何写好essay呢?下面就给大家总结一下。

·Essay是一般意义上的英文论文,总体上分为introduction, main body和conclusion三个部分。


Lead-in→background/context→reference to relevant studies/literature→critical analysis→thesis statement/main argument→organization/layout of the writing.

introduction过后,就是main body, body部分是由几个paragraphs构成的,那么每个paragraph怎么写呢,一般来说,paragraph writing包含以下四点:

①A linking word(a word or short phrase that signposts to the reader what is now about to be written is linked to what has been written in the previous paragraph;

②An opening statement that informs the reader of what the paragraph will be about(known as a“topic sentence”);

③Between 2-3 controlling ideas(often, these are opinions/points of view);

④It must be demonstrated why each controlling idea has been mentioned(why you think this idea is important).


reworded thesis statement+clincher

ØReworded thesis statement

作用:remainds readers of the main point of the writing

方法:similar to the reworded topic sentence that one works with on the one-paragraph essay.


作用:to give readers a sense of finality

方法:resonate with the motivator in introduction


有个必须要注意的问题:老师把抄袭现象视为违反了academic integrity,一旦被发现,轻则给低分或者要求重写,重则给0分甚至开除学校。所以,一定要学会把references的有用信息进行paraphrasing,不可直接引用过多甚至直接复制粘贴,因为任何的抄袭都逃不过Turnitin的检测。



Paper代写:Retail development in the UK

2019-06-12 17:27:52 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Retail development in the UK讨论了英国的零售业发展。近几年来,英国经济稳定而持续增长,经济的发展带来了家庭收入的增加,这成为零售规模扩大、零售额增长的直接原因。同时由于社会医疗、福利制度的完善,消费观念的不断更新,大量资金转向消费市场。零售业的发展日益成为英国国民经济的重要增长点。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Traditionally, the retail industry in the UK is dominated by small retail stores. After several circulation revolutions in the 19th and 20th centuries, it has basically formed a multi-layer, multi-form and multi-function diversified retail operation mode which is mainly composed of department stores and chain supermarkets and suits the needs of different consumer groups.

Chain operation is one of the most important ways of British retail industry development. TESCO, Marks&Spencer, NEXT, boots, bodyshop, superdrug and other stores in the capital London and any other cities fully demonstrate the characteristics of its chain operation. It can be seen from the above that in the UK, supermarkets, department stores, specialty stores, convenience stores and other different formats all adopt the form of chain operation. According to statistics, the market share of chain operation in the whole retail industry is more than one third.

The chain business model of the UK not only develops in full swing and blossoms everywhere in China, but also presents a trend of globalization. This is mainly because: on the one hand, due to the limitations and saturation of the domestic market of the UK, only the implementation of international business can achieve sustained growth of sales; On the other hand, with the internationalization of production and commodity circulation, the demand of international market is diversified. So far, TESCO has conducted business in 13 countries outside the UK, including Ireland, Hungary, Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland and Turkey, as well as Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand. Until July 2004, TESCO barely left a mark in China, and Chinese consumers rarely heard of it. But today TESCO has 39 hypermarkets in China. TESCO entered the Chinese market mainly through the acquisition of TESCO, a supermarket owned by Taiwan's ting hsin group. With the help of TESCO's original sales network, TESCO quickly completed the strategic layout of the market in northeast China, north China and east China, and is expected to set up shop in Beijing in 2007. TESCO's global expansion strategy not only effectively reduces operating costs and improves economies of scale, making it the leading retailer in the UK, but also quickly occupies European and Asian markets, fully realizing the maximization of market share, enterprise value and cost.

The improvement of production socialization, the consumption of the whole society scale expands unceasingly, rising consumer demand, is the external environment of enterprise scale, at the same time, the progress of information technology provides a new method for the enterprise management and guarantee, large-scale development strategy can improve their competitive power, realize low cost operation. Starting in the 1990 s, the British retail enterprise expanding scale, because giant retail enterprise development, the scale, the small and medium-sized enterprises were forced to mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, or alliance, this makes life difficult for some small and medium-sized retail stores, in some areas to protect the interests of small and medium-sized retailers and resist large retailers such as TESCO into the local market. But the scale is unstoppable. The number of UK retailers has been falling in recent years.

The layout of retail outlets in the UK focuses on structure and maximization of benefits. Commercial outlets, general stores and professional stores, as well as large, medium and small stores, pay attention to the reasonable ratio and effective composition in the development. TESCO, Marks&Spencer, NEXT, boots and bodyshop, for example, are often distributed in the urban center, exerting the agglomeration effect of retail. For another example, the location of Lidi store is consistent with its positioning, because its service target is mainly middle and low income working class, residents with no fixed income and retired elderly. Therefore, to meet the needs of these people, Lidi stores are often located in downtown residential areas and small towns. Thus, it is very convenient for low-income people, the elderly and housewives to purchase. In addition, Lidi pays special attention to the needs of college students. Every city with a university has many students, and most of the meals of these groups are convenience foods. As a result, Lidi stores are often set up near college dormitories. In the non-central part of the city, small shops of various types dominate. TESCO has opened a small supermarket chain, Metro Store, near the university of Liverpool and the university of wales, to attract a large number of students and make it easier for them to buy food and daily necessities. With the development of urban construction and the expansion of urban area and population, there will inevitably be traffic congestion, land price and other problems. British business layout is penetrating and extending from busy areas to suburbs. TESCO ADAPTS to this trend by setting up large comprehensive supermarkets in the suburbs of some cities and operates them 24 hours a day.

In the UK, the customer-oriented marketing concept has been gradually perfected and implemented, mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

Marks&Spencer aims to provide "target customers with high quality products they can afford". On the one hand, it sets up its own design team, works closely with suppliers to design various products, and strictly implements quality supervision and management. On the other hand, the practice of setting production costs at prices acceptable to customers is popular. In addition, it also adopts the policy of returning goods and refunds without any reason to solve customers' worries about later steps and improve consumers' trust in products of Marks&Spencer. Through unswervingly implementing these marketing strategies, Marks&Spencer has become the symbol of "excellent quality and reasonable price" and retained a large number of loyal customers.

For TESCO, customer relations are always the first priority. Providing customers with better products and services has always been the key to TESCO's business growth. TESCO's goal is to make people's life more convenient through its own efforts, and to attract every repeat customer and win the lifelong trust of customers. As TESCO put it in its brochure: "our core philosophy is to create enough value for our customers to earn their lifelong trust." For this reason, TESCO introduced the "membership card" system and achieved great success. More than 12 million TESCO membership CARDS have been issued. Information about each customer's purchase is recorded in a timely manner. TESCO analyzed these data in detail, conducted a follow-up survey on shopping mode of each card, studied the correlation between the purchase behaviors of different items, and then adopted corresponding marketing behaviors. TESCO, for example, offers discounts on goods that its members buy regularly. At the end of the quarter, every cardholder receives a letter from TESCO containing a voucher - worth 1% of what they have already spent on TESCO shopping. Cardholders will also receive coupons from TESCO offering discounts on certain items, suggesting things they might like. Detailed data have created conditions and possibilities for TESCO to retain customers and conduct customer relationship management. These are all based on TESCO database and perfect customer relationship management system.

In recent years, retailers have implemented the strategy of "private brand" and risen rapidly in the global retail market. So-called "own brand" products "refers to the retail enterprises by collecting, sorting and analyzing the features of consumer demand for certain goods information, put forward the new product features, price, and shape the development of the design requirements, and then choose the appropriate production enterprises to develop production, eventually again by retail enterprise to use their own trademarks for new product registration and sales of the products within the enterprise.

Through close cooperation with manufacturers, Marks&Spencer has created its own brand, including clothing, food and wine, shoes, cosmetics, books, etc. Saint Michael's brand has been recognized as the model of British own brand products. Spencer has been described as the world's largest "manufacturer without a factory". Since manufacturers do not have to invest special funds to develop or promote their brands, they can lower the price of their products, while Marks&Spencer can lower the price of their products because of the low purchase price, thus greatly increasing the sales volume. Industry insiders estimate that own-brand goods typically cost more than 15% less than manufacturers' brands, while margins can be as high as 30%.

Inspired by the successful practice of Marks&Spencer, in recent years, more and more British supermarkets have started to let manufacturers produce products with their own brands on their behalf, and it has gradually become a trend. At present, according to statistics, own-brand products have reached about 45% of the total sales of British supermarkets, and supermarkets are also ahead of their competitors in market segmentation of own-brand products. For example, TESCO's "value for money" food, including high-end "best" product series, "green food", "healthy diet" series and ordinary "own brand" series, etc., these products are not only good in quality but also cheap, and are deeply loved by the majority of consumers.

The Internet plays an important role in the daily life of British people. Most people buy tickets and book hotels online, which is very convenient and fast. Now more people are starting to shopping online. In November 2005 alone, British consumers spent £2 billion on the Internet, an increase of more than 50 per cent on the same month last year, according to the interactive media retail group. For retail enterprises, the use of modern information technology for management and network marketing, which is a new management mode and means in the Internet era of enterprise information. Various retail formats in the UK adopt a large number of modern information technology and scientific management system, so as to fully automate the whole process of purchasing, selling, adjusting and storing goods, and ensure a high degree of cooperation and precise cooperation between suppliers and retailers, retailers and consumers, so as to meet the different needs of different consumers conveniently and quickly.


Essay代写:Secondary teacher education in the United States

2019-06-12 17:25:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Secondary teacher education in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的中学教师教育。当前,美国实行全国教师教育认定制度,只有通过相关资格认证的教育机构才能进行教师教育培训。美国国家教师教育认定委员会是全国教师教育最权威的学术认可机构,为美国联邦教育部和高等教育认可委员会所共同承认。教师教育的目标有一个演变过程,即从对中学教师培养的单一的学科知识传授,到要求中学教师具有一定的教育理论知识、教学技能。近年来,美国提出了“五者型”教师培养目标,即教师应成为学者、教学者、交往者、决策者和示范者。

At present, teacher education in the United States is mainly the responsibility of college or department of education, but more and more people began to question the effectiveness of training new teachers, so since the 1980s, there has been a movement of non-traditional college training programs. In 1990-1991, for example, 31 to 48 states adopted more than 40 alternative teacher certificate acquisition programs. Some of these programs are the responsibility of the public school district alone, some are the responsibility of the district with the state department of education, some are the responsibility of the public school with the university, others involve the public school, the university, and the state teacher certification board. The movement led to the creation of the national alternative new teacher development center and several other similar institutions.

Currently, the United States implements the national teacher education accreditation system, and only educational institutions that have passed the relevant certification can conduct teacher education and training. The national teacher education accreditation council is the most authoritative academic accreditation institution for teacher education in the country, which is recognized by the federal department of education and the higher education accreditation council. The establishment of NCATE marks the formation of the American teacher education accreditation system, and at the same time has had a profound impact on American teacher education. All teacher education institutions recognized by the national teacher education accreditation committee may recognize the courses and credits learned by students in each school, and the teacher certificates of their graduates may be used or exchanged in many states throughout the country. In addition, this recognition has certain authority in the country. If it is recognized by the committee, its academic status can be established.

The education management system in the United States is decentralized, and all educational administrative affairs at the state level are handled by the educational administrative department of the state. Therefore, teacher education institutions in each state, as well as all teacher training plans within the institutions, must be recognized and reviewed by the state education administration, and the state-level accreditation system is different from the national accreditation system. Recognition at the state level is the assessment of a training program within a teacher education institution. It is mandatory and essential. In addition, the United States has six regional professional organizations responsible for the accreditation of local teacher education institutions, which is as mandatory as state accreditation.

The United States is a decentralized country, and the specific situation of each state is not quite the same. Here, only the undergraduate level teacher training of some states is taken as the reference object. The main cultivation patterns are as follows.

Students in the first two years regardless of the major, must complete the general arts and science courses, which is also a normal major students of basic knowledge. If teachers are chosen as their future career, there are various forms of specific teacher education courses. Students in the first two years after enrollment may not determine the major, according to the school requirements, in accordance with the provisions of the school to provide a wide range of courses from the various types of liberal arts courses, in the second year of completion according to the elective process of their interests in the major and minor major. The establishment of major and minor majors can enable students to acquire professional knowledge and skills of more than one subject, receive extensive and solid professional training of liberal arts and science knowledge, and thus become high-quality talents; The major and minor programs can also improve students' adaptability to the job market and increase employment opportunities.

The first four years are mainly used to complete the bachelor's degree, and the second year to complete all the education courses and obtain the master's degree in education and teacher's certificate. Take the middle school teacher training program of the school of education of Stanford university as an example. The school adopts a five-year model of co-training by the school of education and the undergraduate department. Students will graduate with a bachelor's degree in a certain major, a master's degree in educational arts, and a California junior high school multi-science teaching certificate. The school of education at Stanford university selects normal university applicants based strictly on comprehensive criteria, such as academic performance, the ability to teach subjects, commitment to education, and the concept of social justice and public service. Those who want to enter the normal education program usually apply formally in the first semester of their junior year, but they can also apply in their senior year.

He completed his bachelor's degree in the first four years, and completed all his education courses in the second two years.

Although the four-year undergraduate level high school teacher training model still plays an important role in American teacher education, the 4+1 or 4+2 model is gradually replacing the four-year model. Currently, more than 300 institutions of higher learning in the United States have a 4+1 or 4+2 degree system, or dual degree system.

The goal of teacher education has an evolution process, that is, from the single subject knowledge imparting to middle school teachers, to the requirement that middle school teachers have certain educational theory knowledge and teaching skills. After World War II, the goal of teacher education experienced profound changes again and showed a comprehensive trend, while the goal of contemporary teacher education has gone beyond the scope of subject knowledge, educational theory and teaching ability, and extended to all aspects of being a teacher. In recent years, the United States has put forward the goal of "five-oriented" teacher cultivation, that is, teachers should become scholars, teachers, communicators, decision makers and demonstrators.

With the progress and development of The Times, the requirements of the society on the quality of teachers are also correspondingly improved, and there are higher requirements on the educational background of teachers. "The state prepares teachers for the 21st century" clearly points out that all teachers in the future should go through the educational training at the post-graduate level. At present, American states are holding teachers to increasingly high standards. Therefore, the focus of pre-service training of middle school teachers gradually transfers from the undergraduate stage to the master's or even doctoral stage.

In fact, the development of American teacher education is a process of university-oriented American teacher education. Its formation path is: from normal school to normal college to university education college; From university education lecture system to education department to university education college; Universities directly establish colleges of education; The faculty of arts and sciences establishes an education department.

There are various training modes for middle school teachers in the United States, including four-year undergraduate program, 4+1 and 4+2. Which education model is the best? Due to the differences in different regions, education levels and educational fields, the best mode to choose varies. However, with the increasing requirements on teacher education, the training mode of middle school teachers tends to adopt 4+1 or 4+2 mode more and more.

Through the establishment of professional development schools, universities or colleges of arts and sciences to form cooperative relations with local primary and secondary schools, the unification of pre-service and in-service training process and the dual subjectivity of universities and primary and secondary schools are realized. Professional development schools provide a multi-dimensional interaction between universities, primary and secondary schools, university education experts, primary and secondary teachers, interns and primary and secondary students, thus achieving multi-win.

