

Ukraine Invasion: Sky News team under heavy fire as they were ambushed by Russian forces

2022-03-08 06:29:09 | 日記

Ukraine Invasion: Sky News team

under heavy fire as they were

ambushed by Russian forces


The devastation and destruction rained down on Ukraine

by the Russian forces has taken many civilian lives.

President Putin insists that only military targets are being

attacked but many ordinary people, often trying to flee

the violence, have been killed.

How that happens was made terrifyingly clear to one of

our Sky News teams reporting from there this week.

Russian forces were nowhere to be seen as Stuart

Ramsay’s team carefully drove through a town near

Kiyv on Monday afternoon.


But, without warning, they came under heavy and sustained

gunfire from what the Ukrainians believe to be a Russian

reconnaissance squad. Incredibly Stuart, his producers,

Dominique Van Heerden, Martin Vowles and Andrii

Lytvynenko and his camera operator Richie Mockler

escaped with their lives.



Ukraine Invasion: Sky News team under heavy fire as they were ambushed by Russian forces

The devastation and destruction rained down on Ukraine by the Russian ...




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