

The Emergency Broadcast System will disclose classified information in July.

2023-06-27 21:45:05 | 宇宙時代

We are under the martial law on the earth.

The Emergency Broadcast System will disclose classified information in July.

Trump will announce NESARA Declsration.



During the Emergency Broadcast System, banks will close.

We can not use ATM for 14 days. 



1  On 5/29, Governor of Michigan was arrested for Treason

    because of Vaccination recommendation and Human experimentation.

2  Trump Reformist US Army placed army in 50 states.

    Priority placement is 27 states.


The US Marines has been the interim goverment since September 2020.

The Marines is working on military operatins with allies, 204 countries.

President Biden is camosage for military operations.


3 After the NESARA/Gesara, quantum computer will do election management.



Last year, we were informed that the Emergency Bordcast System will begin

after Wall Street Crash.

The Emangency Brodcast System is Declassification by the marines with allies.

In America, it will be 14 days, 8 hours, and 3 times per day.




CPAC JAPAN 2023開催決定!!】




Mr Aeba has connection with the Trump team and

a guest speaker of CPAC in America every year.

CPAC 2021 in America, Aeba intorduced a Japanese man

who made an election systrem with a quantum cpmputer、

no fraudulent elections.


He went to join the CPAC in America with Japanese peopple

who donated over $10,000 for Trump revolution projercts.

They met Trump there.


After the NESARA/Gesara, we can vote with TEL or e-mail, I heard.




Robert Kennedy Jr. explained why President Kennedy was murdered.

Because he rejected making Vietnam War.




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2023-06-25 21:11:15 | 分子栄養学







「ウロリチン」について語ります。 ザクロなどに含まれるウロリチンは、






片倉喜範 東京大学農学部卒、農学博士。

九州大学大学院農学研究院教授。 専門は食品機能学で、




#オートファジー #サーチュイン #細胞活性化 #ウロリチン #ザクロ





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【宇宙開発ライブ】“異常信号”で打ち上がらず 「我々もものすごく悔しい」 / NASA長官、アルテミス計画含む日本との協力強化に強い期待感 など―

2023-06-24 21:33:08 | 宇宙時代


「我々もものすごく悔しい」 /


日本との協力強化に強い期待感 など―


・ NASA長官、アルテミス計画含む日本との協力強化に強い期待感


・「H2Aロケット46号機」打ち上げ成功 事実上の偵察衛星…

   大規模災害の状況確認などにも活用へ 40機連続で成功


・次世代大型ロケット H3初号機 来年2月に打ち上げへ

・日本の宇宙ベンチャーispace 米から無人着陸機打ち上げ 民間初の月面着陸を目指し

・「OMOTENASHI」月面着陸を断念 地上との通信回復せず JAXA発表



・無人大型ロケット 月への軌道に…打ち上げ成功 アルテミス計画

・NASAが月に向け無人大型ロケット打ち上げ 「アルテミス計画」第1弾


・北海道で「宇宙サミット」開催 民間企業が利用できる「宇宙港」も “宇宙ビジネス”なぜ?

・若田光一宇宙飛行士、ISSから会見 滞在の抱負を語る 5度目の宇宙飛行

・なぜ…? 中小企業の夢を乗せた小型ロケット「イプシロン6号機」打ち上げ失敗

・若田さんらISS到着 歓迎セレモニー「故郷に帰ってきたようなもの」

・若田光一さん5回目の宇宙へ 打ち上げ成功 


・SF映画さながら…小惑星に無人探査機を衝突させ軌道そらす実験 NASA

・「はやぶさ2」が持ち帰った小惑星の石から液体の水 “46億年前”のもので有機物含む炭酸水

・“超小型人工衛星”搭載のカメラ 誰でも“宇宙”から地球を撮影?

・米携帯大手“米全土でつながる”サービス開始へ スペースXの衛星使い

・史上最大の宇宙望遠鏡が撮影 画像を初公開 最も遠い宇宙空間を鮮明に捉えた赤外線画像 米

・新・気象衛星「ひまわり10号」に最新「赤外サウンダ」搭載へ 予測精度向上の切り札に

・国産ロケット打ち上げ2回目で「成功」人工衛星を軌道に初投入 韓国

・生命の源「アミノ酸」は宇宙から? はやぶさ2の“大発見”

・初の民間宇宙飛行士チーム ISSから地球に帰還

・新主力ロケット「H3」初号機 “異常信号”で打ち上がらず 




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We are under the martial law on the earth. The Emergency Broadcast System will begin soon.

2023-06-23 13:45:17 | 宇宙時代

We are under the martial law on the earth.

The Emergency Broadcast System will begin soon.



1  On 5/29, Governor of Michigan was arrested for Treason

    because of Vaccination recommendation and Human experimentation.

2  Trump Reformist US Army placed army in 50 states.

    Priority placement is 27 states.


The US Marines has been the interim goverment since September 2020.

The Marines is working on military operatins with allies, 204 countries.

President Biden is camosage for military operations.

3 After the Gesara, quantum computer will do election management.



Last year, we were informed that the Emergency Bordcast System will begin

after Wall Street Crash.

The Emangency Brodcast System is Declassification by the marines with allies.

In America, it will be 14days, 8hours, and 3times per day.




CPAC JAPAN 2023開催決定!!】




Mr Aeba has connection with the Trump team and

a guest speaker of CPAC in America every year.

CPAC 2021 in America, Aeba intorduced a Japanese man

who made an election systrem with a quantum cpmputer、

no fraudulent elections.


He went to join the CPAC in America with Japanese peopple

who donated over $10,000 for Trump revolution projercts.

They met Trump there.


After the Gesara, we can vote with TEL or e-mail, I heard.




Robert Kennedy Jr. explained why President Kennedy was murdered.

He rejected making Vietnam War.




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We are under the martial law on the earth. The Emergency Broadcast System will begin soon.

2023-06-22 21:42:01 | 日記

We are under the martial law on the earth.

The Emergency Broadcast System will begin soon.



1  On 5/29, Governor of Michigan was arrested for Treason

    because of Vaccination recommendation and Human experimentation.

2  Trump Reformist US Army placed army in 50 states.

    Priority placement is 27 states.


The US Marines has been the interim goverment since September 2020.

The Marines is workong on military operatins with allies, 204 countries.

President Biden is camosage for military operations.


3 After the Gesara, quantum computer will do election management.



Last year, we were informed that the Emergency Bordcast System will begin

after Wall Street Crash.

The Emangency Brodcast System is Declassification by the marines with allies.

In America, it will be 14days, 8hours, and 3times per day.




CPAC JAPAN 2023開催決定!!】




Mr Aeba has connection with the Trump team and

a guest speaker of CPAC in America every year.

CPAC 2021 in America, Aeba intorduced a Japanese man

who made an election systrem with a quantum cpmputer、

no fraudulent elections.


He went to join the CPAC in America with Japanese peopple

who donated over $10,000 for Trump revolution projercts.

They met Trump there.


After the Gesara, we can vote with TEL or e-mail, I heard.




Robert Kennedy Jr. explained why President Kennedy was murdered.

He rejected making Vietnam War.




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