On 7/1, Brazile and Columbia announced about GESARA.
This information is from an alliance of the Trump Refomist US Army.
On 7/1, Brazile and Columbia announced about GESARA.
Last year, we were informed about NESARA/GESARA.
In law, NESARA/GESARA is above the constitutional law.
After the Emangency Brodcast System,the goverment must announce
next election for the Diet lawmaker in 72 hours.
The new lawmakers will make laws of universal basic income.
Last year, we were informed that the Emergency Bordcast System will begin
after Wall Street Crash.
The Emangency Brodcast System is Declassification by the Trump Refomist US Army
with allies, 204 countries.
In America, it will be 14 days, 8 hours, and 3 times per day.
After the NESARA/Gesara, quantum computer will do election management.
The Quantum Financial System is working on.
US govermet bonds are waste papers.
The countdown of stock market crash has begun.
This information is from the Trump Refomist US Army.
On 7/1, the Quabtum financial system worked in the world.
US goverment bonds are excluded in the quantum financial system.
Since then、 the US bonds are no value. They are waste pappers.
Over 100 countries keep the US goverment bonds now.
The countdown of stock market crash has begun.
Last year, we were informed that the Emergency Bordcast System will begin
after Wall Street Crash.
The Emangency Brodcast System is Declassification by the Trump Refomist US Army
with allies.
In America, it will be 14 days, 8 hours, and 3 times per day.
This information is from the Trump Refomist US Army.
After Emergency Broadcast system,
500,000 people will be arrested by international arrest warrants.
We are informed from a Trump reformer that
Putin had known the coup by CIA, MI6, Obama, Biden, and NATO.
CIA and Pentagon screwed up. They are panic now.
On 6/25, Navy special forces charged a crude oil tanker in San francisco Bay.
They rescued 807 children who are victims of Human trafficking, torture, and slave.
The federal supreme court ruled
the 2020 presidential election is invalid because of cheating.
The federal supreme court will publicize the vedict.
We are under the martial law on the earth.
The Emergency Broadcast System will disclose classified informationin in July.
Trump will announce NESARA Declsration.
1 On 5/29, Governor of Michigan was arrested for Treason
because of Vaccination recommendation and Human experimentation.
2 Trump Reformist US Army placed army in 50 states.
Priority placement is 27 states.
3 After the NESARA/Gesara, quantum computer will do election management.
【CPAC JAPAN 2023開催決定!!】
Mr Aeba has connection with the Trump team and
a guest speaker of CPAC in America every year.
CPAC 2021 in America, Aeba intorduced a Japanese man
who made an election systrem with a quantum cpmputer、
no fraudulent elections.
He went to join the CPAC in America with Japanese peopple
who donated over $10,000 for Trump revolution projercts.
They met Trump there.
After the NESARA/Gesara, we can vote with TEL or e-mail, I heard.