

🔴 Ukraine War - Drone Shows Intense Close Combat Between Ukrainian & Russian Troops In Kherson

2022-03-07 10:05:59 | 宇宙時代

🔴 Ukraine War - Drone Shows

Intense Close Combat Between

Ukrainian & Russian Troops

In Kherson


Drone footage recorded by a resident of Kherson shows a

really unique and rare glimpse on close combat between

elements of two professional armies.

The video was filmed on February 24th during clashes at the

Antonovsky Bridge in the battle for Kherson. Without context

the scenes show a section of Mechanized Armored Vehicles

including 2 BRDM-2's and a number of about 12-16 mounted

Infantry coning from the north to inspect the remains of

a disabled artillery convoy in the south.


What they do not know is that about 3 Squads of enemy

Infantry so a total of 20-30+ soldiers is already waiting for

them west of the road to initiate an ambush from close range.

Now some context to the footage. This was recorded in

Kherson on 24th of February. During that time Russian

forcesadvanced from the south over the bridge

while the Ukrainians defended the north.


The two BRDMs were in fact Ukrainian while the attackers

on the berm were Russian soldiers. After matching the area

with real time map images we were able to locate the exact

location of this battle.

We also matched the military eqipment seen in this video

with "comfirmed" losses on both side during the war.

During our research we found out that till now no Russian

operated BRDM loss was listed there but under

Ukrainian losses there were BRDM-2s and 5 of these were

lost in Kherson.

So we found out that this in fact had to be Ukrainian

BRDM-2's. Now we tried to identify the dissable convoy.

On the first look it appeared like the convoy must have been

Russian given the fact that its location matched the course

of the frontline during that time with Russian forces

advancing over the bridge.


However a few observations let us think twice about this.

The vehicles have no markings. Nearly all of Russian

vehicles are marked with letters. While we do not think

that they really mark every vehicle

(SF operations for example) this regular convoy should

have been marked. That was not the case.

However it could have been that the markings just were not

visible from the angle of the drone cam so we digged a bit

deeper. Again we looked up confirmed

vehicle losses on both sides.


Russia only had a couple of D-30 howitzers listed but none of

the pictures to confirm the losses were taken in Kherson.

So we took a look at Ukrainian side and in fact there were

a couple of howitzer listed. Under them were two Ukrainian

12mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzers. After looking at the pictures

from them we were really stunned to see that the pics in fact

showed the same artillery in the same locations as in this video.

Also on the pictures you could clearly see no markings on

any of the vehicle. That led to the conclusion that the convoy

was in fact a Ukrainian convoy. This helped us to come to

following conclusion: A section of two Ukrainian BRDM-2's

with two squads of 12-16 additional infantry was sent to the

south from the north to inspect the remains of a destroyed

Ukrainian artillery convoy.

It is possible that they were sent in to scout for enemy

presence and to look for survivors. What they did not knew

when they were halfway at their AO was that about

3 Russianb squads with 20-30+ soldiers set up positions

west of them on and behind a berm.

When the Russians saw them coming close they started

to engage them with small arms fire and grenades since

it seemed they lacket anti-tank weapons. It could be that

they already used them up on the convoy before.

The Ukrainian soldiers on the BRDMs dismounted and hit

the ditch right next to to them.


A few also took coverbehind the poles on the road but

got engaged by grenades.

All in all the front BRDM and its men were hit harder

by the ambush.

They spread out much further than the men from the

second BRDM and it appeared they needed much longer

time to evacuate. The second BRDM started a retreat

while the first one remained at the scene

when the video ends.It very likely that these

two BRDMs were later destroyed

on that road as the pictures of lost Ukrainian BRDM show.

There are no other reports about confirmed losses during

that battle when it comes to men.


No Russian or Ukrainian numbers from this particular

clash were released.

The link to the site tracking the losses:

Video by Ivan Klimchenko:

Music: Hitman - Kevin MacLeod under Creative-

Commons-License "Attribution 4.0".



🔴 Ukraine War - Drone Shows Intense Close Combat Between Ukrainian & Russian Troops In Kherson

Drone footage recorded by a resident of Kherson shows a really unique ...




