
from USA (アメリカ)

from China(中国)

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Russia (ロシア)めっちゃいっぱい貼ってくれた

from Poland(ポーランド)

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Belarus(ベラルーシ)この切手超可愛い

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Germany(ドイツ)

from Taiwan(台湾)

from China(中国)

from Lietuva(リトアニア)

from Indonesia(インドネシア)この切手も超キレイ

from Poland(ポーランド)

from Turkey(トルコ)

from Finland(フィンランド)

from Finland(フィンランド)フィンランドの切手ってどうしてこんなに可愛いんだろぉ
There are various countries and there is various culture.
There are famous various things and there are various stamps.
The world is large and the world is interesting.
And it is very pleasant to get to know them!!

from USA (アメリカ)

from China(中国)

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Russia (ロシア)めっちゃいっぱい貼ってくれた

from Poland(ポーランド)

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Belarus(ベラルーシ)この切手超可愛い

from Netherlands(オランダ)

from Germany(ドイツ)

from Taiwan(台湾)

from China(中国)

from Lietuva(リトアニア)

from Indonesia(インドネシア)この切手も超キレイ

from Poland(ポーランド)

from Turkey(トルコ)

from Finland(フィンランド)

from Finland(フィンランド)フィンランドの切手ってどうしてこんなに可愛いんだろぉ

There are various countries and there is various culture.
There are famous various things and there are various stamps.
The world is large and the world is interesting.
And it is very pleasant to get to know them!!