“The 18th Hiroshima International Symposium on Additional Factors in Hiroshima Radiation Effects due to Atomic Bomb”
-Biophysical and Biometrical Challenges to Assessing Health Hazard
Period: from 31 January to 1 February, 2013
Place: Miyajima Coral Hotel
1-9-8 Miyajimaguchi, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima-ken, 739-0411
Phone 0829-56-0555 FAX 0829-56-0154
A workshop after this symposium on 2 (-3) February related to the dosimetry after
Sacramento such as beta-rays from dust and etc. soon after the bombing will be held.
Invited Speakers: Dr. Nailya Chaizhunussova, Dr. Evgeniya Granovskaya,
Dr. Takaya Honda, Dr.Viktor Kryuchkov, Dr. Talgat Muldagaliyev,
Dr. Mark Orlov, Dr. Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Dr. Sergey Shinkarev,
Dr. Valeriy Stepanenko, Dr. Tatyana Svitich, Dr. Kimio Tanaka,
Dr. Kouji Yonemoto, Dr. Zhaxybay Zhumadilov
Organizers:M. Ohtaki and M. Hoshi
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine,
Hiroshima University Phone:082-257-5852/Fax:082-256-7106