Danny (Phantom Dan) was a key part of the Jersey Shore sound that broke out of Asbury Park with Springsteen in the mid-70's.
Federici had played in a number of bands with Bruce going back to the late 60's.
Dan's was a laid back style, keeping to his corner of the stage, yet weaving his organ sound around and through so many Springsteen classics.
His accordian work on songs like "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" epitomized the early Springsteen sound.
Other good examples of his work can be found on songs like "Kitty's Back" and "Independence Day" and especially the coda for "Racing in the Street"
Given the volatile nature of rock bands and the rock and roll lifestyle, it's notable that Federici is the first member of the 35 year old E Street Band to pass from the scene.
Us oldtime Springsteen fans will miss him.
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