I knew there would be a total lunar eclipse on November 8th, but I heard the day before that a Uranus eclipse would occur at the same time. If it were only a total lunar eclipse, I would have taken it many times, so I wasn't excited, but if it overlapped with a planetary eclipse, it would only happen once in hundreds of years, so I pulled out my telescope and took a picture.
↑Prepare a telescope in the parking lot. One for viewing, anather is for photo.
Is it the first time in five years that the telescope has been deployed?
When checked, the R.A.(Right Ascension) of Skysensor 2 does not move.
I gave up and used the GP with the 2-axis controller DD-1.
I hesitated between direct focus phot. or collimated phot., but I decided to use collimated phot. because I wanted to increase the magnification in order to capture Uranus and because of brightness.
↓18:49 久々のセッティングに手間取り、最初の1枚は食分が70%近くなった所だった。
↑18:49 It took a long time to set up, so the first shot was about 70% eclipsed. ISO200 UW15mm SS=1/500
↓19:17 皆既月食に入った。
↑19:17 A total lunar eclipse has begun. ISO400 UW15mm SS=1sec
↓20:00 今日の主役の片方、天王星も画角に入る。(左下隅の小さな光点)
↑20:00 One of leading stars, Uranus, also enters the phot.. (Small light in lower left) ISO400 UW15mm SS=1sec
↓20:35 だいぶ近づいた、もうすぐ天王星が月に隠れる。
↑20:35 We've gotten a lot closer, Uranus will soon be hidden by the moon. ISO400 UW6mm SS=2sec
↓20:37 天王星潜入開始。天王星が少し月に隠れた所。
↑20:37 Uranus infiltration begins. Where Uranus is slightly hidden by the moon. ISO400 UW6mm SS=2sec
After this, Uranus completely hides and comes out about 50 minutes later.
Go back to my room and take a break with a hot cup of tea.
After 9 o'clock, I come out again and prepare to catch the appearance.
↑The people in the apartment came back, I had them see the lunar eclipse returned 50%.
I took a test shot for the appearance, but the moon was so bright that it caused halation.
Was it a mistake to collimate? If it's a direct focus, won't this kind of halation occur?
I reluctantly shoot in a bright place with the exposure adjusted.
↓21:27 天王星は右下に出現してるはずだが、明るい所に合わせた露出では写らず。
↑21:27 Uranus should appear in the lower right, but it was not captured when the exposure was adjusted to a bright place. ISO400 UW15mm SS=1/500
It's been a long time since I've had an astronomical event with a telescope.
I had almost no experience shooting planetary eclipses in the past, so unfortunately I wasn't able to capture the Uranus appearance, but I was able to shoot the infiltration reasonably well, so I'm okay with that.
Is collimation difficult for planetary eclipses?
Next time I think it will use direct focus, but the next lunar and planetary eclipses overlap is after 100 years.
By the way, when I look at other people's photos, it seems that the infiltration and appearance are captured with the same exposure.
I'll try it during another planetary eclipse...
共通データ:VixenSuperMirror R125S D:130 f:720 GP赤道儀+HAL110+DD-1
PowerShotS95+CHDK F:2.0 f=6mm コリメート法 合成F=2.0 Noise減算:ON
撮影場所:長野県長野市 撮影日:2022/11/08 適宣トリミング
UW15mm 48倍 35mm換算1344mm相当 又はUW6mm 120倍 35mm換算3360mm相当
ISO:200/400 SS:1/500sec/1sec/2sec
2022.11.8 (2022/11/9 UP)