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Sapiens from Japan’s Perspective 01★Hidemichi Tanaka★World history from a Japanese perspective

2020-05-12 12:36:19 | 林原チャンネル

Sapiens from Japan’s Perspective 01★Hidemichi Tanaka★World history from a Japanese perspective


The Western version of world history is all about warfare and destruction so here is world history from a Japanese perspective Are you aware of the world-wide bestseller history book- “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, written by a young Jewish scholar? Feeling the book to be misgiving in essence,, Professor Hidemichi Tanaka politely objects against what the book details. History books written by Western culture is always focused on warfare and destruction. In contrast, the Japanese culture has been making an effort to avoid constant warfare. Instead, Japan has built and protects it’s unique and original tradition and culture. What does the world notice about Japan? This series will focus on world history, cultural history and the history of civilization from the perspective of Japan. ★Sapiens from Japan’s Perspective playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...  
※Japanese original → http://bit.ly/2RondKP ★Questions and comments to Prof. Tanaka:info@hayashibara-ch.jp Translation, subtitling by Shogo Kadoya in NY Program production by Hayashibara Channel(from Japan) https://www.youtube.com/c/hayashibara-ch http://www.hayashibara-lsi.jp/ =====================
★Hidemichi Tanaka Mr. Tanaka was born in Tokyo in 1942. He graduated from the department of French Literature as well as the department of aesthetics and art history at Tokyo University. He studied abroad at the University of Strasbourg in France and obtained his doctorate there. He has Ph.D. and is Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University. Working enthusiastically as an expert on the study of French and Italian art histories, he also is energetically promoting the study of Japanese art, emphasizing its world-class quality and value. At the same time, advocating the importance of the uniqueness of Japanese culture and history, he greatly contributed to the foundation of the Japan National History Society (established in 2010), and now serves as its chairman. His many books include: Nihon Bijutsu Zenshi (The Entire History of Japanese Art) (Kodan-sha), The Establishment of a New Historical View of Japan (Bungei-sha), What is Yamato Gokoro? (Minerva Shobo), The OSS’s Japan Plan that Made Japan Take the Wrong Path after the War (Tenten-sha) and Sharaku Question is not yet Over (Shoden-sha). He also co-authored Nihon-tsu (Japan Experts) (Ikuho-sha), etc. ====================
