ボリショイ劇場 & シドニ-オペラハウス観劇記


Zakharova DVD Raymonda 

2009年05月02日 | Weblog

Dear Svitanna san

You asked me about when DVD of Raymonda by Zakharova will be on sale.

I just noticed that it will be on sale on May19.

Recorded on Feb12 and 14 2009 at New National Theathre

about 150 min recording

Interview of Zakharova is included

Sorry in Japanese but please access to Amazon Japan site as below.

 Amazon Japan



4 コメント

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DVD of Zakaharova and Lopartkina (Writer)
2009-05-04 10:08:54
Dear Svitanna san
DVD of Zakharova and Lopatkina is already on sale in Japan but this DVD is originally recorded in 2007 @ France.
I bought this DVD recently.
It seems this DVD is from TV program originally broadcasted in France because descreption is in French but announce is changed to Russia.
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-05-04 01:18:14
I've never seen "Raymonda"
It will be the first time for me i see this ballet and it's a very good news for me if can see this DVD with Sveta.

It doesn't much matter for the price, i will buy this new DVD lol !!
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-05-04 01:15:13
Do you know the new DVD "Zakharova & Lopatkina" ?
It should be brilliant !
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-05-04 01:12:54
Hello !

Thank you very much for this very good news. I'm so happy.
And i'm waiting to buy tis DVD.
Of course, and i'm sure that i will buy this DVD.

Many many thanks for this link
