BLOG 4位だってさ! 2018年10月16日 12時57分44秒 | なんじゃこりゃぁ~~~ とあるサイトのBLOGランクが 4位になってること今発見 英語学習のカテゴリーなのだが 英語については全く書いてないのに 4位だなんてどういうこと? これです ↓ 今後は、真面目に語学も取り上げないと 失礼かもね!
mackerel(サバ)V trout(トラウト) 2018年10月16日 11時02分39秒 | なんじゃこりゃぁ~~~ Which one should you max out on? あなたは、どちら派? サバ? それとも トラウトサーモン? Mackerel サバ ● Mackerel is richer in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. They help to lower blood pressure, improve heart health and sharpen memory. ● It has a much higher vitamin B12 content, which supports the formation of red blood cells. ● It contains high levels of selenium, which regulates the thyroid, assists with cognitive function and boosts immunity. ● It is a good source of magnesium, which maintains bone health, and iron, which helps to transport oxygen around the body. Against ● Consuming too much omega-3 can cause excessive bleeding, particularly if you’re on a blood thinning medication such as warfarin. Trout トラウトサーモン ● Pound for pound, trout has just over half the calories of mackerel and about a third of the saturated fat. ● It is is rich in potassium, which…