
高橋冨士信 fj鷹@gmail.com

24.12.11 日本被団協ノーベル平和賞授賞記念講演 Japan Times記事 だいちとDSN-2,-3両N2YO軌道 24/12/08の IGSO/QZS衛星軌道群アニメGIF

2024年12月11日 | アジアンQZSS(日)/IGSO(中印)軌道
24.12.11 歴史的な日本被団協ノーベル平和賞授賞記念講演がノルウェーの首都オスロ会場で行われました.


Japan Timesの以下のURLのWEBサイト記事の先頭部分を記録しておきます.

Oslo – Japan's atomic bomb survivors' group Nihon Hidankyo accepted its Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday, urging countries to abolish the weapons resurging as a threat 80 years after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
One of the three co-chairs of Nihon Hidankyo who accepted the prize, 92-year-old Nagasaki survivor Terumi Tanaka, demanded "action from governments to achieve" a nuclear-free world.
The prize was presented at a formal ceremony in Oslo's City Hall at a time when countries like Russia — which has the world's largest nuclear arsenal — increasingly brandish the atomic threat.
"I am infinitely saddened and angered that the 'nuclear taboo' threatens to be broken," Tanaka told the assembled dignitaries and guests, some clad in traditional Norwegian bunads or Japanese kimonos.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made nuclear threats in a bid to deter the West and prevail in the war in Ukraine, and signed a decree in mid-November lowering the threshold for using atomic weapons.
In a strike on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro a few days later, the Russian army demonstratively fired a new hypersonic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, although in this instance it fired a regular payload instead.
Nihon Hidankyo works tirelessly to rid the planet of the weapons of mass destruction, relying on testimonies from survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, known as hibakusha.
The U.S. bombings of the two Japanese cities on August 6 and 9, 1945 killed 214,000 people, leading to Japan's surrender and the end of World War II.

だいちとDSN-2,-3(NORAD 41940 61733 きらめき2,3)のN2YO軌道の画像コピーの記録です.アンカーはきらめき2号機DSN-2にしています.日本の宇宙分野での存在意義をしっかり高めておく必要があります.

N2YOサービスの画面コピーを利用した24/12/08の IGSO/QZS衛星軌道群の地表への射影の約23時間分のIGSO/QZS群衛星軌道アニメGIFを記録します.トランプ・マスク時代の到来により,高軌道の東アジアQZS/IGSO衛星の意義は今後貴重になってくると思わます.

(1) IGSO/QZSS射影軌道の約23時間分の10分毎のアニメGIF