

BBC ナイジェリアの攻撃によって油田が閉鎖

2008-06-19 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:52 GMT, Thursday, 19 June 2008 12:52 UK

Nigerian attack closes oilfield


Militants have led a violent campaign in the Niger Delta

1: Oil company Royal Dutch Shell says it has temporarily stopped production at its main offshore oilfield in Nigeria, following a militant attack.

2: The raid took place overnight on the Bonga oil platform about 120km (75 miles) off the coast of the Niger Delta, the company said.

3: It is the first attack on the oilfield, which normally produces about 200,000 barrels a day.

4: Attacks in the inshore Niger Delta have helped drive up the world oil prices.

5: Nigeria's valuable offshore oilfields had always been considered difficult for most militants to attack, the BBC's Alex Last reports from Lagos.

6: But for the first time in the early hours, gunmen in boats reached the Bonga installation, Shell's flagship project.

7: A Nigerian navy spokesman confirmed reports that militants had kidnapped a US captain from a separate vessel on their way back from the attack.

8: The gunmen failed to get inside the platform, but attacked a key vessel used for production storage and offloading, a Shell spokesman said.

9: Several people were reported to have been injured.
Militants from the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend) claimed the attack, the Associated Press news agency reported.

10: Mend says it is campaigning for a greater share of the region's oil wealth to be kept by local people, but the government says they are criminals motivated by the ransoms they receive from oil companies.

11:*The shutdown has cut a tenth of Nigeria's total output in one go.

12:*This comes on top of a reduction of at least 20% in recent years following inland attacks.

13:*Our correspondent says Bonga was new, expensive and working well despite the difficulties and repeated attacks affecting the company's inshore operations in the Delta.

14: The militants in the Delta are getting more sophisticated and better equipped and armed, he says.

15: Now they have proven that in terms of distance at least, all of Nigeria's facilities are within their reach.




BBC 燃料に抗議する人々がブリュッセルに集まる

2008-06-18 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:31 GMT, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 13:31 UK

Fuel protesters target Brussels

1: Hundreds of truck, tractor and taxi drivers are converging on the centre of Brussels on the eve of a crucial European summit.

2: The farmers and transport workers are protesting at the crippling effect of soaring fuel prices.

3: Global oil prices have quadrupled in the past seven years, nearing $140 (90 euros) a barrel in Monday's trading.

4: Police say there are expecting up to 1,000 vehicles to clog the city centre roads ahead of the eurozone meeting.

5: On Wednesday morning convoys of trucks and tractors made their way into the city, horns blaring.

6: "It's been very, very difficult," one truck driver, Paul Delestiene from the UPTR union told the Associated Press.

7: "Diesel has risen by some 40%. This has an enormous effect on salaries and it's very difficult to buy vehicles, or to keep staff," he added.

8: Barricades have been erected around the EU headquarters and an estimated 800 police are on standby.

9: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said he suspects Ireland's rejection of the Lisbon Treaty is an expression of anger over high fuel and food prices.

10: He has proposed introducing a cap on petrol taxes and using the additional revenue generated by high oil prices to fund aid for the struggling fisheries and transport sectors.

11: But the EU says that there is little it can do to combat high fuel costs directly, preferring to target its efforts on longer-term measures to promote alternative fuel sources.

12: Nevertheless, the summit is expected to address high oil and food prices as well as map a way forward for the Lisbon Treaty.

13: French fishermen have been protesting for weeks, with Belgian and Italian colleagues also involved.

14: UK, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch lorry drivers have also held similar protests.





BBC 日本で三人の死刑囚が処刑される

2008-06-17 | Weblog
Page last updated at 04:25 GMT, Tuesday, 17 June 2008 05:25 UK

Three prisoners hanged in Japan

Executions are being carried out responsibly, Mr Hatoyama says

1: Three death row prisoners have been executed in Japan, the authorities there have announced.

2: All three had been convicted of murder, a Justice Ministry statement said. One was a man found guilty of killing four young girls in the late 1980s.

3: The executions bring to 10 the number of people hanged this year in Japan.

4: It is one of the few industrialised countries to retain the death penalty and it appears to be stepping up the pace of executions.

5: A unofficial moratorium was in place for 15 months until 2006, because then Justice Minister Seiken Sugiura said the death penalty ran contrary to his Buddhist beliefs.

6: But the current post-holder, Kunio Hatoyama, backs the death penalty - and says the public support it too.

7: "We are carrying out executions by selecting the people whom we can execute with a feeling of confidence and responsibility," he told a news conference.

8: One of the three men executed was Tsutomu Miyazaki, 45, who was convicted of killing and mutilating four young girls two decades ago.

9: The case made headlines in Japan and sparked calls for tighter controls on violent pornographic material when a large collection was found in Miyazaki's home.

10: The other two men were Shinji Matsuda, 45, and Yoshio Yamasaki, 73, who were both found guilty of murder.

11: Nine prisoners were executed in Japan in 2007, and more than 100 remain on death row.

12: Human rights groups are critical of the secrecy surrounding executions in Japan.

13: Relatives are told only after the hangings have taken place and, until December 2007, the names of those executed were not publicly announced.




BBC  速報:オランダの都市で人質にとられる

2008-06-16 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:39 GMT, Monday, 16 June 2008 12:39 UK

Hostage stand-off in Dutch city

1:An armed man has taken four people hostage in the city hall in the Dutch city of Almelo, about 150km (100 miles) east of Amsterdam, reports say.

2:A city council member and three others were reported to be among those being held by the owner of a restaurant.

3: The man had recently lost his restaurant licence, the national broadcaster NOS said.

4:According to one report, he set his car on fire in front of the city hall, then slipped in as it created a diversion.



@:これは速報記事です。だから、取り急ぎの内容なので、詳細に欠けます。そのうち詳細の報道があると思いますが、ライセンスを失ったということは、市に取り上げられたのかな? 腹いせに人質をとる? ありそうな話ではありますが、続きは次回へ。

BBC 米-イラク軍隊の対話が行き詰まる

2008-06-13 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:56 GMT, Friday, 13 June 2008 12:56 UK

Impasse in US-Iraqi forces talks

Maliki may be signalling that a deal on US forces is some way off

1: Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki has said that talks with the US on a long-term agreement allowing US forces to remain in Iraq have "reached an impasse".

2: Speaking in the Jordanian capital, Amman, Mr Maliki said the American demands infringed Iraqi sovereignty. He said negotiations continued as new proposals were being considered.

3: George W Bush has said he wants an agreement by the end of July. The UN mandate for US forces to be in Iraq expires at the end of 2008.

4:*Sensitive to feelings in his own and neighbouring countries, Mr Maliki appears to be is signalling that there is a lot of work still to do, BBC Baghdad correspondent Nick Witchell says.

5: "We have reached an impasse, because when we opened these negotiations we did not realise that the US demands would so deeply affect Iraqi sovereignty and this is something we can never accept," Mr Maliki said.

6: "We cannot allow US forces to have the right to jail Iraqis or assume, alone, the responsibility of fighting against terrorism," he said.  「私達は、米軍がイラク人を投獄する権利だけでなく、テロとの戦いの責任をとることも認めません、」と彼は言った。

7: Our correspondent says this disagreement goes to the very heart of the relationship between the United States and the Iraqi government.

8: It concerns the legitimacy of the US presence in this country, and the immensely sensitive issue of who is actually in charge here, the Americans or the Iraqis, our correspondent says, so the Americans are trying to negotiate a new Status of Forces agreement with the Iraqis.

9: However, the Iraqi government regards many of the American demands as infringements of Iraqi sovereignty. The Americans want to maintain military bases and, it is reported, to keep control of Iraqi airspace.

10:*They also want immunity from prosecution for their own forces and for US contractors, a proposal which Mr Maliki said Iraq "rejected totally".

11: More than five years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, there are 150,000 US troops based in the country.
米国主導軍のイラク侵攻以来5年以上経た現在15万人の米軍兵士がイラクにいる。      (以上、ゆきこ訳)


