詩篇 27:4 ESV
[4] 私は主に一つのことを願い求め、それを追い求めます。それは、私が一生の間、主の家に住み、主の美しさを眺め、その神殿で尋ね求めることです。
Psalm 27:4 ESV
[4] One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.
詩篇 27 の作者は、私たちの霊的生活の最も重要な側面の 1 つに意図的に焦点を合わせています。聖書全体を通して、私たちは神の臨在の重要性について学びます。
私たちが力と希望を見出すのは、神の臨在の中にあります (詩篇 27:1)。また、敵が私たちに対する力を失うのも、神の臨在の中にあります (詩篇 27:2-3)。
詩篇 27:4 で、詩篇の作者は、主の家に住み、神の美しさを見つめ、神殿で神の臨在の中にいることを望みます。旧約聖書では、神の臨在は主に神殿の中にありました。しかし、神と過ごす時間を通して、詩篇作者は希望と魂の回復を見いだしました。
イエスのおかげで、神の存在はもはや神殿に限定されません。神の存在は、信者の内に宿る聖霊を通して私たちにも利用可能になりました。 今、私たちはいつでも神の存在に近づくことができます。
毎日神と過ごす時間は大切です。定期的に聖書を読み、読んだことを振り返ることで、これを行うことができます。また、祈りに時間を費やし、人生で起こっていることについて神に話しかけることもできます。神の存在の中で時間を過ごすもう 1 つの方法は、毎日の仕事を通して神があなたと共にいることを単に意識することです。
The Presence of God
The writer of Psalm 27 is intentionally focusing on one of the most important aspects of our spiritual life. Throughout Scripture, we learn about the importance of the presence of God.
It is in the presence of God that we find strength and hope (Psalm 27:1). It’s also in God’s presence that our enemies lose their power over us (Psalm 27:2-3).
In Psalm 27:4 the writer of the Psalm expresses his desire to dwell within the house of the Lord, to gaze upon God’s beauty and be in His presence in the temple. In the Old Testament, the presence of God was primarily within the temple. But through spending time with God, the Psalmist found hope and restoration for his soul.
Thanks to Jesus, God’s presence is no longer confined to the temple. His presence is now available to us through the Holy Spirit who dwells within believers. We now have access to God’s presence at any time.
Just like the writer of the Psalm desired to dwell within God’s presence, we also should desire to be with God as much as possible. It is in God’s presence that we find hope, joy, beauty, and the restoration of our weary souls.
It is important that we spend time with God each and every day. We can do this through regularly reading Scripture and reflecting on what we read. We can also spend time in prayer, talking to God about what is happening in our life. Another way to spend time in God’s presence is to simply be aware that He is with you through your daily tasks each day.
A Prayer to Know God’s Presence
God, continue to be the focus of my daily life. Make Your presence known to me. Draw me close to You so that way I can know You more deeply. I want to seek You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.