Love Boundaries
何年も前、22人の少年(当時8歳だった私の息子の一人を含む)が参加するサッカーの試合が予定されていたことを覚えています。友人のアンディが審判をすることになっていたのですが、残念なことに、午後2時半になっても彼は現れませんでした。少年たちはもう待てませんでした。私は代理審判に強制的に任命されました。しかし、私は笛を持っておらず、競技場の境界線を示す印もなく、少年たちほどルールをよく知りませんでした。試合はすぐに大混乱に陥りました。ボールがインだと叫ぶ者もいれば、アウトだと言う者もいました。私は全く確信が持てなかったので、そのままにしていました。するとファウルが始まりました。「ファウルだ」と叫ぶ者もいれば、「ファウルではない」と言う者もいました。どちらが正しいのかわかりませんでした。それで私は彼らにプレーを続けさせました。すると人々が怪我をし始めました。 アンディが到着したとき、3人の少年が「負傷」して地面に横たわっていて、残りの少年たちは全員、主に私に向かって叫んでいました。
I remember, years ago, a football match that had been arranged involving twenty-two young boys (including one of my sons, aged eight at the time). A friend of mine, Andy, was going to referee. Unfortunately, by 2.30 pm he had not turned up. The boys could wait no longer. I was press-ganged into being the substitute referee. But, I had no whistle, there were no markings for the boundaries of the pitch and I did not know the rules nearly as well as some of the boys. The game soon descended into complete chaos. Some shouted that the ball was in. Others said that it was out. I wasn’t at all sure, so I let things run. Then the fouls started. Some cried, ‘Foul.’ Others said, ‘No foul.’ I didn’t know who was right. So I let them play on. Then people began to get hurt. By the time Andy arrived, there were three boys lying ‘injured’ on the ground and all the rest were shouting, mainly at me!
しかし、アンディが到着するや否や、彼は笛を吹き、チームを編成し、境界線がどこにあるかを伝え、彼らを完全に統制しました。少年たちはその後、素晴らしいフットボールの試合を楽しみました。少年たちはルールがないことでより自由になったのでしょうか、それとも実際にはより自由でなくなったのでしょうか? 有効な権限がないため、彼らはまさにやりたいことをすることができました。しかし、人々は混乱し、傷つきました。彼らは、ルールに従って試合が行われることをはるかに望んでいました。そうすれば、彼らは自由に試合を楽しむことができました。フットボールのルールは、試合の楽しみを奪うために作られたものではありません。試合を最大限に楽しめるようにするために作られたのです。
But the moment Andy arrived, he blew his whistle, arranged the teams, told them where the *boundaries* were and had them under complete control. The boys then enjoyed a great game of football. Were the boys freer without the rules, or were they in fact *less* free? Without any effective authority, they could do exactly what they wanted. But people were confused and hurt. They much preferred it when the game was played according to the rules. Then they were free to enjoy the game. The rules of football are not designed to take away the fun of the game. They are designed to enable the game to be enjoyed to the full.
God’s ‘rules’ are his boundaries for life, given out of his love for us. His boundaries are not designed to restrict our freedom but rather to *give* us freedom. Like the rules of football, they do not stop the enjoyment of the game. Rather, they enable the game of life to be enjoyed to the full.
箴言 7:1-5 ESV
[1] わが子よ、わたしの言葉を守り、わたしの戒めを心に蓄えよ。[2] わたしの戒めを守って生きよ。わたしの教えをひとみのように守れ。[3] それをあなたの指に結びつけ、あなたの心の板に書き記せ。[4] 知恵に向かって、「あなたはわたしの妹だ」と言い、洞察力をあなたの親友と呼べ。[5] あなたを禁じられた女から、甘い言葉で姦淫する女から守るためである。
Proverbs 7:1-5 ESV
[1] My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; [2] keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; [3] bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. [4] Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call insight your intimate friend, [5] to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words.
God’s loving boundaries
God does not invite us to follow his laws; he commands. But these are not the commandments of a dictator, they are the commands of a loving Father, designed to ensure justice, peace and fullness of life.
The writer of Proverbs is like a parent encouraging their children and passing on God’s commands to them. He urges his children: ‘Store up my commands within you’ (v.1); ‘Keep my commands and you will live’ (v.2a); ‘Keep my law... as the apple (the pupil) of your eye’ (v.2b, AMP); ‘Write them on the tablet of your heart’ (v.3b). This is what the Holy Spirit does. He writes God’s laws on your heart and gives you the ability to keep them (Jeremiah 31:33–34).
神の命令は「知恵」をもたらします。そして知恵は私たちの「親しい友」であるべきです(箴言 7:4、AMP)。それらは「洞察力」をもたらし(4節)、私たちをトラブルから遠ざけてくれます(5節)。
God’s commands bring ‘wisdom’ – and wisdom should be our ‘intimate friend’ (Proverbs 7:4, AMP). They bring ‘insight’ (v.4), and they keep us out of trouble (v.5).
Loving Spirit of God, you have written your rules in my heart. Help me to keep your boundaries and live life in all its fullness.
ルカによる福音書 1:1-25 ESV
[1] 私たちの間でなされたことを物語としてまとめようと、多くの人が試みてきました。[2] 初めから目撃者であり、御言葉の奉仕者であった人々が、それを私たちに伝えてくれたとおりです。[3] わたしも、以前からすべてのことを注意深く見守ってきたので、テオフィロス閣下、あなたのために順序立てて書き記すのがよいと思いました。[4] それは、あなたが教えられたことを確信するためです。[5] ユダヤの王ヘロデの時代に、アビヤ組の祭司ザカリヤがいました。彼にはアロンの娘たちのうちからエリサベツという妻がいました。[6] ふたりとも神の前に正しく、主のすべての戒めと掟を守って、非の打ちどころのない生活を送っていました。[7] しかし、エリサベツは不妊で、ふたりとも年をとっていたので、ふたりには子供がありませんでした。 [8] 彼が祭司として神の前で務めをしていたとき、組が当番だったとき、[9] 祭司職の慣例により、主の神殿に入り、香をたくためにくじが引かれた。 [10] 民衆は皆、香をたく時間に外で祈っていた。 [11] すると、主の使いが彼に現れ、香壇の右に立った。 [12] ザカリヤはそれを見て不安になり、恐怖に襲われた。 [13] しかし、御使いは彼に言った。「ザカリヤよ、恐れることはない。あなたの祈りが聞かれた。あなたの妻エリサベツは男の子を産む。その子にヨハネと名をつけなさい。 [14] あなたは喜び楽しみ、その子の誕生を喜ぶ者も大勢いる。 [15] 彼は主の前に大いなる者となる。彼はぶどう酒や濃い酒を飲んではならない。母の胎内にいる時から聖霊に満たされている。」 [16] 彼はイスラエルの子らの多くを彼らの神、主に立ち返らせ、[17] エリヤの霊と力とをもって主に先立って行き、父の心を子に向けさせ、逆らう者を義人の知恵に向けさせ、主のために、備えのできた民を整えるであろう。」 [18] ザカリヤは御使いに言った。「どうしてそれがわかるでしょう。私は老人であり、妻も年を取っているのですから。」 [19] 御使いは彼に答えた。「私はガブリエルです。神の前に立っています。そして、あなたに語り、この良い知らせを伝えるために遣わされました。 [20] 見よ、あなたはこれらのことが起こる日まで、口を閉ざし、語ることもできないでしょう。あなたは私の言葉を信じなかったからです。私の言葉は時が来れば実現します。」 [21] 民衆はザカリヤを待ち、彼が神殿で遅れていることに驚いていた。 [22] 彼が出て来たとき、彼は彼らに話すことができなかった。彼らは彼が神殿で幻を見たのだと悟った。彼は彼らに手振りをし続け、口がきけなかった。 [23] そして、彼の奉仕の期間が終わると、彼は家に帰った。 [24] これらの日の後、彼の妻エリサベツは身ごもり、五か月の間身を隠して言った。 [25] 「主は、人々の間で私の恥を取り去るために、私に目を留めて下さった日に、このようにしてくださったのです。」
Luke 1:1-25 ESV
[1] Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, [2] just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, [3] it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, [4] that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. [5] In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. [6] And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord. [7] But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years. [8] Now while he was serving as priest before God when his division was on duty, [9] according to the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense. [10] And the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense. [11] And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. [12] And Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him. [13] But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. [14] And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, [15] for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. [16] And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, [17] and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.” [18] And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” [19] And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. [20] And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” [21] And the people were waiting for Zechariah, and they were wondering at his delay in the temple. [22] And when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple. And he kept making signs to them and remained mute. [23] And when his time of service was ended, he went to his home. [24] After these days his wife Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she kept herself hidden, saying, [25] “Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.”
The example of others
One of the things that has helped me most in my life is the inspiring example of others. Sometimes it has been older people who, like Zechariah and Elizabeth, have lived their life ‘walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord’ (v.6, AMP). Other times it has been young people who, like John the Baptist, had been filled with the Holy Spirit and power. Anyone, at any age, can be an inspiring example.
ルカは教養のある人物であり、歴史家であり、伝統的に医者であったと考えられています。新約聖書の著者全員がユダヤ人であった中で、彼は唯一の異邦人でした。これは彼の 2 巻から成る著作「ルカ伝 - 使徒行伝」の第 1 巻です。
Luke was an educated man, a historian and traditionally thought to have been a doctor. He was the only Gentile in an all-Jewish cast of New Testament writers. This is the first volume of his two-volume work, ‘Luke-Acts’.
Luke made a careful investigation of the events surrounding Jesus (v.3). He wrote ‘an account’ based on ‘eye witnesses’ (vv.1,2) so that you ‘may know the certainty of the things you have been taught’ (v.4). You can have a certain confidence about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
He starts his account with the birth of John the Baptist. In particular, he begins with John’s parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth: ‘Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly’ (v.6). (It is worth noting in passing that there is absolutely no suggestion that Elizabeth was barren because of some sin in their lives – quite the contrary.)
Finally, their prayer was heard (v.13). When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we imagine – in his own time and in his own way. They waited a long time for their prayer to be answered. If God makes you wait you are in good company.
God granted their request for a child – who brought them joy and delight. God gave Zechariah ‘a vision’ (v.22) of what would happen. John the Baptist was ‘filled with the Holy Spirit even before he [was] born’ (v.15). He was ‘to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous’ (v.17).
God’s desire is to set the world back to the wise ways of living and away from the chaos that comes from disobeying his commands. Jesus is the one who makes this possible. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for the inspiring examples from the Bible and in society today of those who live within your boundaries. Lord, transform our society. Restore marriage and good parenting. Fill me today with the Holy Spirit.
レビ記 26:14–27:34
Leviticus 26:14–27:34
レビ記 26:14 新共同訳
[14] しかし、わたしの言葉を聞かず、これらすべての戒めを守らず、
The blessing of boundaries
God loves you. He does not want you to get hurt and mess up your life and the lives of other people. That is why he gives you his instruction manual and warns of the dangers of living outside of his loving boundaries.
The last verse of Leviticus summarises what the whole book is about: ‘These are the commandments that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai for the People of Israel’ (27:34, MSG). His boundaries were intended to bring blessing.
Today’s passage describes the disastrous results when God’s people ‘will not listen to [him] and carry out all these commands’ (26:14): ‘If you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, then I will do this to you…’ (v.15).
We see the chaotic world that results from ‘stubborn pride’ (v.19). The relationship with God is broken. Prayers do not get through. God says, ‘I will… make the sky above you like iron’ (v.19). Disobedience is draining, ‘Your strength will be spent in vain’ (v.20). However successful you are materially, it does not satisfy: ‘You will eat, but you will not be satisfied’ (v.26b). These are described literally as ‘the curses of disobedience’.
God gives every possible opportunity to repent. He puts all kind of obstacles in our way to persuade us to turn back to him (vv.18,21,23,27). In his faithfulness, and in spite of continual rejection, God is always ready to receive us back if we confess and humble ourselves (vv.40–42).
This all points forward to Jesus. The sad thing about all these commands is that no one is able to keep them. It is clear in these verses that God knows that the people will break them and bring all these curses upon themselves. Yet that is not the end of the story, God promises that even then he will act to save and redeem his people (vv.42–45). Ultimately God did this by taking the curses of the law upon himself.
It is only as we see the background to all this that we understand quite how amazing the cross is and how much Jesus took upon himself by becoming a curse for us, and the extraordinary blessing of being justified by faith and receiving the promise of the Spirit (Galatians 3:10–14).
God’s Holy Spirit changes us as he writes his boundaries on the tablets of our hearts. As Paul says, ‘Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh’ (5:16). God’s Spirit produces within you the fruit of ‘love, joy, peace’ and much more besides (v.22).
境界は愛から与えられたものです。イエスは戒律を次のように要約しています。「あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。そして、あなたの隣人をあなた自身のように愛しなさい」(マタイ 22:37–40)。「私たちが愛するのは、神がまず私たちを愛してくださったからです」(ヨハネ第一 4:19)。イエスは愛のうちにあなたのために命を捨て、今、あなたが愛の人生を送ることで戒律に従うことができるように聖霊を与えています。
The boundaries were given out of love. Jesus summarises the commandments, ‘Love the Lord your God... and... love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 22:37–40). ‘We love because he first loved us’ (1 John 4:19). In love, he died for you and now he gives you his Holy Spirit to enable you to follow his commandments by living a life of love.
Lord, thank you that, through Jesus, you forgive my failure to keep within your boundaries. Thank you that now you give me your Holy Spirit to help me to keep your commands and to live a life of love.
Pippa Adds
In Luke 1:13 it says:
‘The angel said to him… “your prayer has been heard”.’
Zechariah must have been praying to have a child for decades and had probably long since given up praying that particular prayer. It’s encouraging that God does hear even if he doesn’t seem to answer. God’s timing was perfect for John’s arrival in the world. We don’t always see the bigger picture.