

自分の目的を見つけるFinding Your Purpose

2025-03-13 03:39:12 | 日記
エステル 4:14 ESV [14] もしあなたがこの時に沈黙しているなら、ユダヤ人のために別の場所から救済と解放がもたらされるでしょう。しかし、あなたとあなたの父の家は滅びるでしょう。あなたが王国に来たのは、このような時のためではないかと誰が知るでしょうか。」
Esther 4:14 ESV [14] For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”



エステル記 4:14 は、エステルの人生の目的がこの瞬間に結びついていることを指摘しています。彼女は、彼女の世代で神の目的を果たすために神によって創造され、形作られました。彼女は神によってこの特別な状況に置かれました。


Finding Your Purpose

The story of Esther is a powerful testimony within the Scriptures. It tells about Esther who risked her life in order to save the people of God from danger. Esther faced the decision between what was easy and what was difficult, and she chose the more difficult way because it was the right thing to do.

Esther 4:14 points out that Esther’s purpose in life was tied to this very moment. She was crafted and shaped by God in order to fulfill His purposes in her generation. She was placed in this unique situation by God.

While most of us might not be servants in the house of a king or queen, we all have difficult decisions to make in life. Every day we are faced with situations that have easy answers, and some that are difficult.

The story of Esther teaches us that God has gifted each of us for a specific purpose. Even though the journey isn’t always easy, God promises to be with us as we follow the path He’s called us to.

Additionally, Esther did not accomplish her purpose alone. She had the support of her community fasting and praying for her. Similarly, we cannot make it through life alone. We need the support of our community praying for us. And they need us in their lives as well.

Take some time today to think about your own story. How is it similar to Esther’s? Consider the unique purpose that God has created you for. Pray to Him for strength to make the right decision in life, and to persevere in following where He leads.




A Prayer for Boldness

God, fill me with bold courage to live for such a time as this! You have placed me exactly where I need to be and chosen me for a specific purpose. Free me from fear and guide my decisions. I want to live today as Your chosen child. In Jesus' name, Amen.

