Creative Party !! KOYAMA Yujin -面白い芸術家の裏話ー複雑な表現の発想はいかにして生まれたかー
Saturday, November 12, 2016
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
株式会社 アレックスソリューションズ
東京都港区赤坂2-9-2 WAY TOWERS 7F, Tokyo (map)
The interesting inside story of artists--How was born the idea of the complex representation--
小説を書くうちに、文豪たちの周りにいる人々からその創作に向かう態度や意外な私生活を知る機会に恵まれました。 そのような何気ない話が、意外と日頃の創作に大きなヒントを与えてくれるものです。 また新人賞を受賞する前後の体験や、作家、クリエーターとしてデビューするにはどのようにしたらいいか、若手に私の率直な体験を伝えたい。
While writing the novel, I was blessed with the opportunity to know the attitude and surprising private life of the great writers from the people who were around them. Such a casual talk is the one that gives a big hint surprisingly to the daily creation and the way to write. Also I want to tell of experiences before and after winning the rookie award as a writer, or how to debut as a creator for young artists from my honest experience.
★ Creative people, let's get together!
People interested in painting, design, photography and art of all kinds! Mingle and meet like-minded people while enjoying drinks and snacks in Akasaka!
★Special Guest:
KOYAMA Yujin (1949-) Western-style painter, novelist, doctor of medicine. Born in Niigata Prefecture. Two items of the first room were selected at Shinseisaku Art Exhibition in 1973 when he was studying at medical school. Held his first personal exhibition in Ginza the following year. Held a personal exhibition in Paris in 1978. Selected for Memorial of AOKI Nishinippon Art Exhibition in 2011. While involved in broad aspects of medical treatment for the mind and body, he is also a unique writer who writes novels. In 1996 he received the 28th Shincho New Face award for his novel “Mammoth Tusk.” In 2009 he published a book that combined his novel “Incubation” with a painting of the same theme. In 2013 translations in Japanese, French, and English were published in France.
★ More details:
When: November 12 (Saturday) 17:00-19:00 (Open 16:45)
Where: WAY TOWERS 7F (Call “701” on the interphone)
Address: 2-9-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Station: Tokyo Metro Tameikesanno Station (Exit 10)
Map: https://goo.gl/fBWR3h
Admission: 2,000 yen (2 drinks and free snacks included)
Drinks: beer, cocktails, wine, etc (1 cup/glass = 500 yen, non-alcohol 200 yen)
★ アート好き!集まれ!
小山右人(こやまゆうじん)昭和24 年〜(1949 年〜)洋画家・小説家・医学博士。新潟県生まれ。医学部在学中の1973 年「新制作展」に第一室二点入選。翌年銀座で初個展。1978年パリにて個展。2011 年「青木繁記念大賞西日本美術展」入選。心身の医療に幅広く携りながら小説も執筆する異色の作家である。1996 年小説『マンモスの牙』にて「第28 回新潮新人賞」を受賞。2009 年小説『孵化』と同題絵画の合本を上梓。2013 年フランスにて日・仏・英語で翻訳出版される。2015年小説『珠』の日・仏・西・英版を出版。同年イタリアのアーバノ・テルメにて個展。2016年小説「熱帯植物館」の仏版を出版。
・日時: 11月12日(土) 17:00-15:00
・場所: ウエイタワーズ(WAY TOWERS)7階
住所: 東京都港区赤坂2-9-2 WAY TOWERS 7F
・最寄駅: 東京メトロ溜池山王駅(10番出口)
・参加費: 予約2000円、(ドリンク2杯と軽食を含む)
Creative Party !! KOYAMA Yujin -面白い芸術家の裏話ー複雑な表現の発想はいかにして生まれたかー
Saturday, November 12, 2016
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
株式会社 アレックスソリューションズ
東京都港区赤坂2-9-2 WAY TOWERS 7F, Tokyo (map)
The interesting inside story of artists--How was born the idea of the complex representation--
小説を書くうちに、文豪たちの周りにいる人々からその創作に向かう態度や意外な私生活を知る機会に恵まれました。 そのような何気ない話が、意外と日頃の創作に大きなヒントを与えてくれるものです。 また新人賞を受賞する前後の体験や、作家、クリエーターとしてデビューするにはどのようにしたらいいか、若手に私の率直な体験を伝えたい。
While writing the novel, I was blessed with the opportunity to know the attitude and surprising private life of the great writers from the people who were around them. Such a casual talk is the one that gives a big hint surprisingly to the daily creation and the way to write. Also I want to tell of experiences before and after winning the rookie award as a writer, or how to debut as a creator for young artists from my honest experience.
★ Creative people, let's get together!
People interested in painting, design, photography and art of all kinds! Mingle and meet like-minded people while enjoying drinks and snacks in Akasaka!
★Special Guest:
KOYAMA Yujin (1949-) Western-style painter, novelist, doctor of medicine. Born in Niigata Prefecture. Two items of the first room were selected at Shinseisaku Art Exhibition in 1973 when he was studying at medical school. Held his first personal exhibition in Ginza the following year. Held a personal exhibition in Paris in 1978. Selected for Memorial of AOKI Nishinippon Art Exhibition in 2011. While involved in broad aspects of medical treatment for the mind and body, he is also a unique writer who writes novels. In 1996 he received the 28th Shincho New Face award for his novel “Mammoth Tusk.” In 2009 he published a book that combined his novel “Incubation” with a painting of the same theme. In 2013 translations in Japanese, French, and English were published in France.
★ More details:
When: November 12 (Saturday) 17:00-19:00 (Open 16:45)
Where: WAY TOWERS 7F (Call “701” on the interphone)
Address: 2-9-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Station: Tokyo Metro Tameikesanno Station (Exit 10)
Map: https://goo.gl/fBWR3h
Admission: 2,000 yen (2 drinks and free snacks included)
Drinks: beer, cocktails, wine, etc (1 cup/glass = 500 yen, non-alcohol 200 yen)
★ アート好き!集まれ!
小山右人(こやまゆうじん)昭和24 年〜(1949 年〜)洋画家・小説家・医学博士。新潟県生まれ。医学部在学中の1973 年「新制作展」に第一室二点入選。翌年銀座で初個展。1978年パリにて個展。2011 年「青木繁記念大賞西日本美術展」入選。心身の医療に幅広く携りながら小説も執筆する異色の作家である。1996 年小説『マンモスの牙』にて「第28 回新潮新人賞」を受賞。2009 年小説『孵化』と同題絵画の合本を上梓。2013 年フランスにて日・仏・英語で翻訳出版される。2015年小説『珠』の日・仏・西・英版を出版。同年イタリアのアーバノ・テルメにて個展。2016年小説「熱帯植物館」の仏版を出版。
・日時: 11月12日(土) 17:00-15:00
・場所: ウエイタワーズ(WAY TOWERS)7階
住所: 東京都港区赤坂2-9-2 WAY TOWERS 7F
・最寄駅: 東京メトロ溜池山王駅(10番出口)
・参加費: 予約2000円、(ドリンク2杯と軽食を含む)