When one is possessed by the animus, one has a holy conviction about one's assumptions. But one must ask, "Is that what I really believe?" One must pin down the flow
Marie-Louise von Franz Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales
Page 19
マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ 童話におけるアニムスとアニマ
しかし、あなたの要求を無視して、あなたを個人的に攻撃し始めたら(アド・ホミネム)、アニムスに憑依されていた可能性が高いと言えます。認知的不協和 - Fight or Flight。
How can we determine if someone is in this animus possession?
There’s a fairly simple method.
Once they make their claim ask them if they are able to show how they formed their conclusion, or if they can provide the proper supporting material to back up their opinion.
If they comply in a way that you’re satisfied, then they probably weren’t possessed by the animus.
But if they ignore your request and begin attacking you personally (ad hominem), then its quite likely that they were animus possesed. Cognitive dissonance – Fight or Flight.
If they are being honest with themselves and with you, then they’ll appreciate you showing them their shadow and will thank you for giving them something to work on.
If they’re not being honest, then you will likely have made an enemy – but that’s none of your business.
“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, VI-21.
思い出してほしいのですが、ユングがコミュニケーションの経験的性質を採用しなければならなかった理由の1つはこれです - それは私たちを正直にさせてくれるのです。
Yes. This method is Jungian because animus possession is a form of neurotic unconsciousness where the one in the possession is not conscious of the behavior and as such will not likely be able to show how they arrived at their conclusions and claims. The empirical method exposes this unconscious behavior.
As a reminder, this is one of the reasons Jung had to adopt the empirical nature of communicating – it keeps us honest.
.... 帰郷、あなたは自分の生得権が主張されている王家に帰ってきて、もうそれを恥じることはありません。羞恥心の中で生きるのではなく、羞恥心から抜け出すのです。正しい理由のために恥知らずになるのです。キリスト教の神話はそれに食われてしまったが、キリスト教徒はそれを理解していない。私たちは十分にあるその泉に降りていかなければならない。魂の中にある「十分」を理解するその場所に触れれば、生成的な人間になることができるだろう。"
簡単に言うと、「誇大妄想」とは、自分の現実の経験が支えることのできる範囲を超えて、自分自身に大きな空想や願望を抱くことです。そのため、自分の要求に応えようと走り回る躁状態になるか、自分の願望があまりにも高すぎて達成できないために、何かをしようとすることがすぐに無駄に思えるようになり、落ち込んでしまうのです。" ~ロバート・ムーア著『黄金の井戸』より
Can you show how this is Jungian? Understanding a feeling, experiential or philosophical concept and expressing it with logos, will very likely not have objective or concrete supporting data, but may have explanations that rely on meaning and experiential intelligence. If I describe the feminine principle, say, we, and *everyone* who describes it, are in new ground and an entirely different realm of perception, it is like describing an artwork, music, love or personal experience, something only relevant to those who have also been initiated. Referencing the quoted personal observations of others may be the true animus possession, and this is not only the realm of women. von Franz spoke regularly of the animus of the anima, which is an unoriginal spouting and use of supporting data only in the service of the anima's views. I would be interested if you have evidence for this claim that animus is about not being able to produce second hand data.
Renowned psychologist Robert Moore, Ph.D. offers a guide to digging deep to find the gold in one’s self, through a balance of the four archetypes within: king, warrior, magician and lover. He weaves together early Christian traditions, creation myths, academic dogma, and Robert Bly’s famous interpretation of Iron John. This is an exclusive recording of the 1993 lecture, The Golden Well.
“The story of the boy who dipped his finger down into the fountain and got the gold stuff on it but then didn’t know what to do with it. (he explains how we need a solid foundation. )
This is as the self-psychologists say; microstructuralization. Baby steps. All of this building of the pyramid of your self is block by block. And it requires help, helpers, and community helpers to help you do this.
The problem with the therapy, so many of the psychologies, I call them dwarf psychologies because they do not understand about this gold. They pathologize it and if you get in touch with the great Self in you with all this fountain of gold in you they pathologize you and as one fellow related to me that he was just diagnosed as narcissistic personality disorder and he said so are you telling me that not all of these things are pathological? What they do is pathologize this spiritual God divine energy that is flowing in your veins… They try to pathologize that and they try to cure you by making you ordinary. That’s tragic, I cannot tell how sad that makes me.
… if you’re in that… you’re in the ‘cannot be healed’ … the only cure for this sense of deprivation is through that connection. Carl Jung built his entire system of thought on that assumption. Here’s the way he said it and I just translated it; He said all healing comes through the numinous, which means the encounter with the sacred. So the antidote is not something that you can steal from somebody else.
...so, building the temple. Why do you have to build the temple? Because there’s got to be a transformer in there or you get fried. And let me tell you how you can tell how you are doing with your transformer…
… in other words, gold energy that I don’t have any vessel for.
…. homecoming, you’re coming home to your royal house where your birthright is claimed and you’re not ashamed of it anymore. You’re not living in your shame and out of your shame. It’s being shameless for the right reasons. The Christian myth was eaten up by it but the Christians don’t understand it. We have to go down into that fountain where there is enough. Once you touch that place in your soul which understands ‘enough’ you will be able to be a generative man.”
Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore, The Golden Well lecture.
~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ 童話の解釈。
Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore
“The bad news about this grandiosity is that trying to avoid it by being humble only indicates the enormity of your struggle. I hate to disturb anyone's good day, but a really humble person may be having more trouble with grandiosity than someone who thinks they are pretty hot stuff. If you get depressed a lot because you think you are worthless, it indicates a mighty struggle with this little god within. You need to feel like you weigh a thousand pounds in your leaden depression so you won't float off into the sun and be destroyed by an Icarus complex. From this point of view, what is depression? It is your friend. Thank God for your depression, because it is the ballast on your psychic balloon. Without it, you would be flying into the sun of psychosis.”
~Robert L. Moore, Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.
"Vampires, as is well known, feed upon living people. Their urge to live on the lives of others comes from their desperation at being banished from the world of the living. An animus-possessed woman battens on the lives of those in her surroundings because her own sources of feeling and of Eros are withheld from her. Viewed psychologically, spirits are contents of the unconscious. The devouring of corpses shows symbolically that complexes and other unconscious contents strive desperately to enter consciousness and to be realized in living people. The ravenous hunger of a spirit for a body is an unrecognized, unredeemed wish for the fullness of life."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales.
“… poisonous opinions emanating from the animus can go directly into the unconscious of others with the result that people seem to have been poisoned by an undefined source. Such opinions infect the air and blight the surroundings, and one breathes them in unsuspectingly. Animus convictions sink in more deeply than a merely wrong opinion and are far more difficult to spot and throw off.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz. Interpretation of Fairy Tales.
The animus frequently appears, as it does in this dream, as a group of men, or as some other collective image. Thus also the pronouncements of the animus possessed woman usually begin with “one should” or “everyone knows” or “it is always the case…”, etc. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 281.
“Thus when a woman feels she needs to assert herself in some respect vis-a-vis the man, she finds herself face to face with the problem of a “two-front war” – against the man, on the one hand, and against her own animus, which spoils her plan, on the other. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 145.
One can seldom contradict the animus, for it (he) is always right; the only problem is that his opinion is not based on the actual situation. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 279
"The animus in a woman manifests positively as initiative, depth of thought, consistency, courage, sense of religious truth; negatively as rigid opinionatedness, brutality, or exaggeratedly masculine behavior."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche
When you are too much in the animus you cannot get out of it at once, so keep quiet. Go back into your room and say,
"This is all wrong, there is something very suspicious about the state in which I find myself so I will not say anything for a few days," and then afterwards you can thank God that for once you managed to keep it inside. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Meaning of Redemption in Fairytales, Page 105
男性の場合 : "世界に向けられたアニマは、気まぐれで、気まぐれで、気分屋で、制御できず、感情的で、時には悪魔のような直観力を持ち、冷酷で、悪意があり、不誠実で、ビッチで、裏表があり、神秘的である。"
女性の場合 : "アニムスは頑固で、原則にこだわり、法を説き、独断的で、世界を変革し、理論的で、言葉巧みで、議論好きで、支配的である。"
~C.G.ユング『アーキタイプと集合的無意識(Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious)』より
"無意識の分析の当面の目標は、したがって、無意識の内容がもはや無意識のままではなく、アニムスとアニマの現象として間接的に表現されない状態に到達することである、つまり、アニムスとアニマが無意識との関係の機能となる状態である。そうでない限り、アニムスやアニマは自律的なコンプレックスであり、意識的なコントロールを突破して、まさに "平和の妨害者 "のように振る舞う撹乱要因なのです。
In real life, too, it takes a long time for a woman to bring the animus into consciousness, and it costs her a great deal of suffering.
But if she succeeds in freeing herself from his possession, he changes into an “inner companion” of the highest value, who confers on her positive masculine qualities such as initiative, courage, objectivity, and intellectual clarity. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 282
“When one is possessed by the animus, one has a holy conviction about one’s assumptions. But one must ask, “is that what I really believe?” on must pin down the flow.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, page 19.
As the anima does with men, the animus also creates states of possession in women. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 282
Anima/Animus possession occurs when they turn to the outer, not the inner world :
For the man : "Turned towards the world, the anima is fickle, capricious, moody, uncontrolled and emotional, sometimes gifted with daemonic intuitions, ruthless, malicious, untruthful, bitchy, double-faced, and mystical."
For the woman : "The animus is obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering."
"Both alike have bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people, and the animus lets himself be taken in by second-rate thinking."
~C.G. Jung, Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious
"The animus in a woman manifests positively as initiative, depth of thought, consistency, courage, sense of religious truth; negatively as rigid opinionatedness, brutality, or exaggeratedly masculine behavior."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche
“The immediate goal of the analysis of the unconscious, therefore, is to reach a state where the unconscious contents no longer remain unconscious and no longer express themselves indirectly as animus and anima phenomena; that is to say, a state in which animus and anima become functions of relationship to the unconscious. So long as they are not this, they are autonomous complexes, disturbing factors that break through the conscious control and act like true “disturbers of the peace.”
Because this is such a well-known fact my term “complex,” as used in this sense, has passed into common speech. The more “complexes” a man has, the more he is possessed; and when we try to form a picture of the personality which expresses itself through his complexes we must admit that it resembles nothing so much as an hysterical woman—i.e., the anima !
But if such a man makes himself conscious of his unconscious contents, as they appear firstly in the factual contents of his personal unconscious, and then in the fantasies of the collective unconscious, he will get to the roots of his complexes, and in this way rid himself of his possession. With that the anima phenomenon comes to a stop.”
~Carl Jung, CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, Para 387
The animus produces emotional, stormy arguments.
Whereas the anima is subject to subtle moods that come out in spoiling remarks.
The animus is prone to brutal demonstrations of his power-brute force.
The anima has more cunning ways to get what she wants or to make her presence known. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, Page 31
Such a woman becomes a vampire because she has no life in herself.
But she needs life and so must take it where she finds it.
The negative devil-animus kills every feminine aspect in life. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, Page 23
Insight into projections originating in the anima or the animus, on the other hand, demands not so much humility as level-headedness and commonsense self-observation and reflection, which demand a certain wisdom and humaneness, because these figures always want to seduce us away from reality into rapture or pull us down into an inner world of fantasy.
Whoever cannot surrender to this experience has never lived; whoever founders in it has understood nothing. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Projection and Re-Collection, Page 141-142
If a woman hasn't gone through the experience of being trapped by the demon animus, she has only unconscious thoughts.
It is the demon who provides her. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, Page 21
Women cannot fight the animus by killing him-they can only (catch him by pinning him by the beard so they can then escape.
The male hero in myths fights, overcomes, conquers the monster.
The feminine follows the path of individuation by suffering and escaping.
lt is enough if a woman can walk out into the human situation, rebuild human relatedness, relationship. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, Page 20
In both cases anima and animus effect an alienation from reality, because the empathetic projections of the anima are of an illusory nature and the judgments of the animus are very often simply beside the point. ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Projection and Re-Collection, Page 135